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Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh (RSS)

Nice that you blew his cover. I was always trying to figure out who he was.

Actually he blew it, when he posted that white servants in india video, one he used to post hundreds of times all over Indian Defence section.

It's a matter of time before RSS show their true color, all I need to be is right once, just once, and quite frankly, the WA India I going right now, I like my odds.

Sir, you are entitled to your opinion. But this thread is about calling RSS a terrorist org NOW. In that contest, your argument is wasted.
Actually he blew it, when he posted that white servants in india video, one he used to post hundreds of times all over Indian Defence section.

Sir, you are entitled to your opinion. But this thread is about calling RSS a terrorist org NOW. In that contest, your argument is wasted.
RSS is a Hindu Organization. So they must be equivalent to the Hindu equivalent of the Taliban. Nuke them bit**es :mad:

Lol, okay, you win.

Here, have a fake internet point.
Merci beacoup. :)
RSS is a Hindu Organization. So they must be equivalent to the Hindu equivalent of the Taliban. Nuke them bit**es :mad:

Yes I think there is bias more than just the general apprehension about any nationalistic / right wing org going Nazi, but then any left wing can go Pol Pot too! Besides, the whole left and right is a very subjective description.

But he's stayed short of calling them Terrorist, a ferral urge not everyone can overcome as proven by this thread.
It's a matter of time before RSS show their true color, all I need to be is right once, just once, and quite frankly, the WA India I going right now, I like my odds.

You interpretation of RSS is driven by fear of something however RSS was/is/ would be same as it is meant for (a peaceful n non political entity for uniting Indians culturally) though marketing to sell fear among non dharmics is best way to concrete the politics of Leftist n pseudo secularism(Appeasement to a particular community) in India.....
Lol, what do I need to be paranoid about? I live in Canada, and this is India's internal matter. I'm doing nothing but posting a personal view.

I know this is difficult for you, but try reading the definition of paranoia yourself, before posting such idiotic replies.
paranoid delusions about Indian internal matters. This "hindu state" you speak of is nothing like your Islamic State in Iraq and Syria. A few bigots, a few crazies (like you'll find in any nationalist right wing org anywhere on earth) but that's about it.

look at the OP, "terrorist organization" it says.. LOL
Discipline is the foundation of our organisation. When 60,000 RSS Swayamsevaks gather this is how it looks!!! The aerial view of Devgiri Prant Mahasangam of Swayamsevaks.14.1.2015


Young Modi
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A lot of spelling mistake ,misconceptions,prejudice.:lol:

Ok forget about it.AFAIK (I know a lot about RSS than the so called experts in here.) It has women branch,minority branch and males from entire Hinduism there is no casteism in there.

I agree.

Not only that, they also welcome people from all walks of life.

My highest respects to the RSS.
You interpretation of RSS is driven by fear of something however RSS was/is/ would be same as it is meant for (a peaceful n non political entity for uniting Indians culturally) though marketing to sell fear among non dharmics is best way to concrete the politics of Leftist n pseudo secularism(Appeasement to a particular community) in India.....
My opinion is based on what I have seen RSS do. I have nothing to fear as the internal matters of India do not affect me. You can support RSS all you want, hell, I think RSS is the best thing to happen to pakistan, but don't let it affect your judgement. Sooner or later RSS is going to slip up, and there will be no way for you to defend them, I hope you'll be ready on that day.

paranoid delusions about Indian internal matters. This "hindu state" you speak of is nothing like your Islamic State in Iraq and Syria. A few bigots, a few crazies (like you'll find in any nationalist right wing org anywhere on earth) but that's about it.

look at the OP, "terrorist organization" it says.. LOL
I didn't know I was from Syria and Iraq, nor did I know that I owned them.

Stop making stupid comments, you're talking like a fool, by using straw man arguments.
My opinion is based on what I have seen RSS do. I have nothing to fear as the internal matters of India do not affect me. You can support RSS all you want, hell, I think RSS is the best thing to happen to pakistan, but don't let it affect your judgement. Sooner or later RSS is going to slip up, and there will be no way for you to defend them, I hope you'll be ready on that day.

I didn't know I was from Syria and Iraq, nor did I know that I owned them.

Stop making stupid comments, you're talking like a fool, by using straw man arguments.

Myself never been part of RSS group ever in my life though I have few friends in RSS so my experience/knowledge about RSS is more than any random Pakistani ...... Partition was best thing happened in Indian subcontinent seeing the current tale in both side of Indian border..... No offence brother... RSS is not new born organization as I said earlier n our media has done pretty well to vilify RSS on various without any merit ....
Thanks for your post buddy....
My opinion is based on what I have seen RSS do. I have nothing to fear as the internal matters of India do not affect me. You can support RSS all you want, hell, I think RSS is the best thing to happen to pakistan, but don't let it affect your judgement. Sooner or later RSS is going to slip up, and there will be no way for you to defend them, I hope you'll be ready on that day.

RSS isn't the epitome of all evil you Pakistanis were brainwashed in. Your view on RSS is based on your hatred and your Bias and its unlikely you will ever find out what RSS really is. besides Congress is the best thing what happened to Pakistan , RSS is the complete opposite.
RSS isn't the epitome of all evil you Pakistanis were brainwashed in. Your view on RSS is based on your hatred and your Bias and its unlikely you will ever find out what RSS really is. besides Congress is the best thing what happened to Pakistan , RSS is the complete opposite.
A lot of assumptions on your part. I didn't even know about RSS until a few years ago. Me brainwashed? What makes you think I'm brainwashed? I think it's ridiculous that instead of negating my points, you instead target me personally.

Then again, I don't expect much from your posts. At least third eye is at the very least respectful, even if he disagrees with me.

Myself never been part of RSS group ever in my life though I have few friends in RSS so my experience/knowledge about RSS is more than any random Pakistani ...... Partition was best thing happened in Indian subcontinent seeing the current tale in both side of Indian border..... No offence brother... RSS is not new born organization as I said earlier n our media has done pretty well to vilify RSS on various without any merit ....
Thanks for your post buddy....
It's a wait and see situation for me. I sincerely believe that RSS is the worst thing to happen to India. Well, it doesn't matter anyway, what we talk about on the forum. It's not like the governments of our countries care what we have to say.
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