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Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh (RSS)

Many here comparing RSS to Terrorist organization out of their own FASCISTS/Bigoted/Hate ideology......
Okay. That still doesn't negate my comparison, nor does it contradict my opinion.
I'm certain many Indian like you would cheer on if Indian terrorists performed a Bombay style terror attack on Pakistan. You will regard it as revenge.

STFU faithfulguy. Stop telling us what we will feel. You are only telling what YOU feel.
Okay. That still doesn't negate my comparison, nor does it contradict my opinion.

So is mine..... Having belief(good or bad) has less relevance until transformed into action..... Rss does not have Nazi beliefs (Anti minority in that sense) though may have narrow religious n political version of india/indianess(but harmless) however I see many Muslim out of their hatreds towards Jews can be equated to same Nazi follower of Hitler .....
First of all you don't know me so stop trying to think what i will do when some thing happen in Pakistan. On this forum you are famous for moronic comment so here we are, you did it again:yahoo::yahoo::hitwall::hitwall:
So take my advice and use your common sense before speaking in the forum. Loss of life is tragedy whether it happen in Pakistan ,India or US. Period. Can you name any Indian terrorist or you are here in these forum for 2 min fame, of otherwise lame life of yours.:taz::taz:

Are you getting these facts from Red mosque:hitwall::hitwall::hitwall::hitwall: less than 15 Pakistanis were killed and US told it was Let , our intelligence told Let and congress party told it was hindu extremist. Go figure.:blink::blink::blink::blink:

Loss of life is indeed tragic. But some Indian's hatred for Pakistan is stronger than their value of life. I am just wondering if you are one of them. And I'm not singling out just Indians, as there are Pakustani, Chinese or Americans that could have this feelings toward other people or countries.

STFU faithfulguy. Stop telling us what we will feel. You are only telling what YOU feel.

You get annoyed when others say something true that make you uncomfortable. I want to meet this faithfulguy. Too bad I have never seen him around since I joined.
You get annoyed when others say something true that make you uncomfortable. I want to meet this faithfulguy. Too bad I have never seen him around since I joined.

You will need one more computer or phone to see him online bud!
So is mine..... Having belief(good or bad) has less relevance until transformed into action..... Rss does not have Nazi beliefs (Anti minority in that sense) though may have narrow religious n political version of india/indianess(but harmless) however I see many Muslim out of their hatreds towards Jews can be equated to same Nazi follower of Hitler .....
Oh I don't have any doubt that there are Muslims out there that would murder a Jew if they ever saw one; those same people would also probably murder me as well, but we're not talking about that. We're talking about RSS. The fact is that they want a pure Hindu state, they've been active in this regard, and if they ever came to power, I can guarantee you that they would do the same thing as the nazis. Remember, before coming into power, the nazis also didn't do anything technically wrong.
Oh I don't have any doubt that there are Muslims out there that would murder a Jew if they ever saw one; those same people would also probably murder me as well, but we're not talking about that. We're talking about RSS. The fact is that they want a pure Hindu state, they've been active in this regard, and if they ever came to power, I can guarantee you that they would do the same thing as the nazis. Remember, before coming into power, the nazis also didn't do anything technically wrong.

Mark my words RSS cant come close to Nazi in any sense n we support RSS for awakening ppl of true indianness(not by force) .... Rss has been in the picture for more than half of last century but they haven't not propagated any Nazi agenda though they regret of partition..... Rss is not political organization which can grab powers directly n run their monopoly...... Fear of RSS is well marketed among minorities here though they have Muslim manch within the RSS......
What a moranic thread..#12 and #16 has summed up this thread. well not surprised coming from Horus.
RSS has given Modern India visionary political leaders past ABVajpayee,, current NModi .. future Devendra Phadnavis and more
The fact is that they want a pure Hindu state, they've been active in this regard, and if they ever came to power, I can guarantee you that they would do the same thing as the nazis. Remember, before coming into power, the nazis also didn't do anything technically wrong.
noun: paranoia
  1. a mental condition characterized by delusions of persecution, unwarranted jealousy, or exaggerated self-importance, typically worked into an organized system. It may be an aspect of chronic personality disorder, of drug abuse, or of a serious condition such as schizophrenia in which the person loses touch with reality.
    synonyms: persecution complex, delusions, obsession, megalomania, monomania;
    • unjustified suspicion and mistrust of other people.
      "mild paranoia afflicts all pdf pakistanis"
Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh (RSS)

The RSS is a shadowy, discriminatory group that seeks to establish a Hindu Rashtra, a Hindu Nation. The group is considered the radical ideological parent group of India’s ruling Hindu nationalist party – the Indian Peoples Party (BJP). The RSS is a Hindu nationalist movement, a right wing group, that was founded in 1925. Their philosophy, called Hindutva, was termed fascist by Communists, and their main demand of the central government was that it stop appeasing Muslims. Hindutva has been translated to mean variously: Hindu pride, patriotism, fundamentalism, revivalism, chauvinishm, or fascism. The group self-justifies by “asserting the natural rights


Group Alias: Sangh (National Volunteer Corps), RSS

Intel Analysis: The group maintains no membership records, no bank accounts, and pays no income tax. As the RSS has no corporate organization, financial contributions are made to Sangh-affiliated groups as charities. The RSS was banned in 1948 following the assassination of Mahatma Gandhi by an ex-GSS member, Nathuram Godse. The ban was lifted the following year. Since then, the group has gained popularity, and begat the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP), which is widely considered the political arm of the GSS, that now heads the central government of India.

Group Activities: Violence has been a strategy for the Sangh movement. It is often couched as a method of self-defense against minority groups. Hindutva has been clear about the need for violence, particularly communal riots. The Sangh has incited rioting to cause further chasms between religions, and thus a further separation of religions, and to rally the Hindu community around the philosophy of Hindutva. On December 6, 1992, RSS members, among others, attacked and destroyed the Muslim Babri Mosque, believing that it was built on the site of a destroyed Hindi temple that commemorated the birthplace of Rama, a mythological figure that was the reincarnation of Vishnu, a Hindu god. Authorities contend that the destruction was a pre-meditated attack by Hindu nationalist parties. Religious rioting broke out after the destruction of the mosque between Hindus and Muslims throughout India. And, for this reason the BJP rose in to power. In 1998, violence against Christian minorities escalated with the BJP party coming to power. From January 1998 to February 1999, over 116 attacks against the Christian community in India were reported. The Gujarat Genocide of 2002, however, is the most planned hate crime the group has perpetrated as yet. Reports indicate that more than 2,000 Muslims were massacred and their homes and shops burnt in this attack. In the end, some 150,000 Muslims were left homeless. Human Rights Watch specifically named the RSS, among other nationalist parties and groups, as responsible for the attack. A dozen members attacked 2 American Christian missionaries in January 2003.

Individuals Involved: Dr. KB Hedgewar: Founder Golwalkar: Second Supreme Leader of RSS who celebrated Nazism for purging Germany of Jews as an “expression of ‘national pride at its highest’” BS Moonje: mentor of Hedgewar. Met with Mussolini to study Italian fascism in order to duplicate it in India.

Operating Region: India

Strength: The RSS is only open to male, primarily upper caste, membership. Members are called swayamsevaks (volunteers) who are trained from childhood in local shakhas (cells) on the group’s ideologies and politics.

Bibliography: Gang Attacks American Missionary in India Reuters, Jan 15, 2003, 3:18 AM ET Yahoo News - Latest News & Headlines Ouch, Something seems wrong!! Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh The Foreign Exchange of Hate: IDRF and the American Funding of Hindutva

Status: Active

Date posted: April 26, 2014

Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh (RSS) - Terrorism.com

First sentence of Article itself says a lot about the intention of Article. Evenif RSS has that agenda of Hindu Rashtra, it will at the most be equivelant to Pakistan and any worse. In fact the creation of Pakistan had insisted to rename India as Hindustan. It was Sardar patel who sid that saperation of a muslim dominant area from India does not make India a Hindustan. It will remain Bharat.
Mark my words RSS cant come close to Nazi in any sense n we support RSS for awakening ppl of true indianness(not by force) .... Rss has been in the picture for more than half of last century but they haven't not propagated any Nazi agenda though they regret of partition..... Rss is not political organization which can grab powers directly n run their monopoly...... Fear of RSS is well marketed among minorities here though they have Muslim manch within the RSS......
It's a matter of time before RSS show their true color, all I need to be is right once, just once, and quite frankly, the WA India I going right now, I like my odds.
noun: paranoia
  1. a mental condition characterized by delusions of persecution, unwarranted jealousy, or exaggerated self-importance, typically worked into an organized system. It may be an aspect of chronic personality disorder, of drug abuse, or of a serious condition such as schizophrenia in which the person loses touch with reality.
    synonyms: persecution complex, delusions, obsession, megalomania, monomania;
    • unjustified suspicion and mistrust of other people.
      "mild paranoia afflicts all pdf pakistanis"
Lol, what do I need to be paranoid about? I live in Canada, and this is India's internal matter. I'm doing nothing but posting a personal view.

I know this is difficult for you, but try reading the definition of paranoia yourself, before posting such idiotic replies.
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