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Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh (RSS)

This article looks form a cheap blog, RSS is not a 'terrorist' outfit but it is a Hindu Nationalist organisation on par with Muslim groups like jamaat e islami
India is trying to instigate RSS inspired communalism in Bangladesh. In recent visit to Bangladesh, RSS inspired BJP leaders called on Bangladeshi hindus to support on going repressive actions against Muslims in Bangladesh.
India is trying to instigate RSS inspired communalism in Bangladesh. In recent visit to Bangladesh, RSS inspired BJP leaders called on Bangladeshi hindus to support on going repressive actions against Muslims in Bangladesh.

Bangladeshi Hindus have been persecuted by Jamaat's even Amnesty international has mentioned this.
US think-tank calls RSS terrorist, Sangh fumes
Mohua Chatterjee, TNN | May 27, 2005, 08.18AM IST

NEW DELHI: The Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh (RSS) is furious with an American think-tank for declaring it a terrorist organisation and lumping it with a host of jihadi organisations and secessionist outfits.

The Sangh leadership has written to the Terrorism Research Centre, protesting against the "terrorist" tag, but is yet to get a response.

The think-tank has not bothered to take the RSS—which calls itself a cultural organisation—off its website, leaving the Sangh bosses seething with anger.

US think-tank calls RSS terrorist, Sangh fumes - The Times of India
India is trying to instigate RSS inspired communalism in Bangladesh. In recent visit to Bangladesh, RSS inspired BJP leaders called on Bangladeshi hindus to support on going repressive actions against Muslims in Bangladesh.

India is trying to instigate RSS inspired communalism in Bangladesh. In recent visit to Bangladesh, RSS inspired BJP leaders called on Bangladeshi hindus to support on going repressive actions against Muslims in Bangladesh.
RSS is not a threat. Brainwashed people like you are a threat to society.
US think-tank calls RSS terrorist, Sangh fumes
Mohua Chatterjee, TNN | May 27, 2005, 08.18AM IST

NEW DELHI: The Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh (RSS) is furious with an American think-tank for declaring it a terrorist organisation and lumping it with a host of jihadi organisations and secessionist outfits.

The Sangh leadership has written to the Terrorism Research Centre, protesting against the "terrorist" tag, but is yet to get a response.

The think-tank has not bothered to take the RSS—which calls itself a cultural organisation—off its website, leaving the Sangh bosses seething with anger.

US think-tank calls RSS terrorist, Sangh fumes - The Times of India

think-tank is not the US state department

HSS is the sister organisation of RSS and has numerous centres in USA.

HSS announces the 8th annual "Health for Humanity Yogathon" | Hindu Swayamsevak Sangh USA


During the Month of May 2014, Hindu Swayamsevak Sangh, USA (HSS) honored teachers across the US, during month long events of Guru Vandana.
RSS chief Mohan Bhagwat accused of terror links, Shinde says allegations may be true

New Delhi: RSS chief Mohan Bhagwat has been accused of involvement in the 2007 Samjhauta Express, Hyderabad Mecca Masjid and Ajmer Dargah blasts.

The accusations have been levelled by none other than Swami Aseemanand, who is himself an accused in these blasts.

The revelations have been made by a magazine, which reported Aseemanand as saying that the RSS chief had sanctioned these terror attacks.

Aseemanand claimed that Bhagwat had sanctioned the attacks when he was the RSS general secretary. Bhagwat had specifically told Aseemanand that the attacks should not be linked to the RSS.

RSS chief Mohan Bhagwat accused of terror links, Shinde says allegations may be true | Zee News
Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh (RSS)

The RSS is a shadowy, discriminatory group that seeks to establish a Hindu Rashtra, a Hindu Nation. The group is considered the radical ideological parent group of India’s ruling Hindu nationalist party – the Indian Peoples Party (BJP). The RSS is a Hindu nationalist movement, a right wing group, that was founded in 1925. Their philosophy, called Hindutva, was termed fascist by Communists, and their main demand of the central government was that it stop appeasing Muslims. Hindutva has been translated to mean variously: Hindu pride, patriotism, fundamentalism, revivalism, chauvinishm, or fascism. The group self-justifies by “asserting the natural rights


Group Alias: Sangh (National Volunteer Corps), RSS

Intel Analysis: The group maintains no membership records, no bank accounts, and pays no income tax. As the RSS has no corporate organization, financial contributions are made to Sangh-affiliated groups as charities. The RSS was banned in 1948 following the assassination of Mahatma Gandhi by an ex-GSS member, Nathuram Godse. The ban was lifted the following year. Since then, the group has gained popularity, and begat the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP), which is widely considered the political arm of the GSS, that now heads the central government of India.

Group Activities: Violence has been a strategy for the Sangh movement. It is often couched as a method of self-defense against minority groups. Hindutva has been clear about the need for violence, particularly communal riots. The Sangh has incited rioting to cause further chasms between religions, and thus a further separation of religions, and to rally the Hindu community around the philosophy of Hindutva. On December 6, 1992, RSS members, among others, attacked and destroyed the Muslim Babri Mosque, believing that it was built on the site of a destroyed Hindi temple that commemorated the birthplace of Rama, a mythological figure that was the reincarnation of Vishnu, a Hindu god. Authorities contend that the destruction was a pre-meditated attack by Hindu nationalist parties. Religious rioting broke out after the destruction of the mosque between Hindus and Muslims throughout India. And, for this reason the BJP rose in to power. In 1998, violence against Christian minorities escalated with the BJP party coming to power. From January 1998 to February 1999, over 116 attacks against the Christian community in India were reported. The Gujarat Genocide of 2002, however, is the most planned hate crime the group has perpetrated as yet. Reports indicate that more than 2,000 Muslims were massacred and their homes and shops burnt in this attack. In the end, some 150,000 Muslims were left homeless. Human Rights Watch specifically named the RSS, among other nationalist parties and groups, as responsible for the attack. A dozen members attacked 2 American Christian missionaries in January 2003.

Individuals Involved: Dr. KB Hedgewar: Founder Golwalkar: Second Supreme Leader of RSS who celebrated Nazism for purging Germany of Jews as an “expression of ‘national pride at its highest’” BS Moonje: mentor of Hedgewar. Met with Mussolini to study Italian fascism in order to duplicate it in India.

Operating Region: India

Strength: The RSS is only open to male, primarily upper caste, membership. Members are called swayamsevaks (volunteers) who are trained from childhood in local shakhas (cells) on the group’s ideologies and politics.

Bibliography: Gang Attacks American Missionary in India Reuters, Jan 15, 2003, 3:18 AM ET Yahoo News - Latest News & Headlines Ouch, Something seems wrong!! Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh The Foreign Exchange of Hate: IDRF and the American Funding of Hindutva

Status: Active

Date posted: April 26, 2014

Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh (RSS) - Terrorism.com
RSS is world biggest NGO it's work in field of Society and disaster management is astonishing.
All though there are hardliners within its organisations itself.
But organisation is not involved in any terrorist act .
Indian diaspora funding Hindu extremism
By Angana Chatterji

"In the United States, where substantial funds are raised for Hindu extremist agendas, the U.S. Government must act to ensure that organizations that broker terror should not continue to enjoy their non-profit status within the USA."
It is now no secret that the Sangh Parivar, the collective name given to the Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh (RSS), Vishwa Hindu Parishad (VHP), the Bajrang Dal and other Hindu extremist organizations, is exploiting religion (Hindutva) to foment communal violence in India. To this end they are organizing the ultra-right, non-secular and undemocratic forces in India. What is less known is how these forces of injustice and bigotry are funded, especially by the Indian-Hindu communities living abroad.

These organizations receive substantial contributions from Hindus in the United States and elsewhere. The Indian magazine, "Outlook," in its July 22, 2002, issue published an article by A. K. Sen, titled, 'Deflections to the Right'. The piece highlighted a component of the chain of funding that sustains Hindu extremism. The article states that the India Development and Relief Fund (IDRF) is one of the more conspicuous charity organizations that raises funds in the United States to support the RSS battalions in India. IDRF lists Sewa International as its counterpart in India. Sewa International and the various organizations it oversees receive over two-thirds of the IDRF funding. Incidentally, Sewa International, in its mission to transform India, states on its website in a section on 'Experiments and Results' with 'Social Harmony' that social consolidation can be achieved through social cohesion. Among other things, the website quotes Manya H. V. Sehadarji, Sarkaryawah of the RSS, as saying: "The ultimate object of all these endeavours is Hindu Sangathan-consolidation and strengthening of the Hindu society."

Hindu extremism, like other xenophobic movements, functions through carefully fashioned exclusionary principles whereby all non-Hindus and dissenting Hindus, identified as Hindu traitors, become second-class citizens. In addition, justification of caste inequities, subordination of Dalits ('lower' caste communities), women, adivasis (tribal) and other minorities, and the consolidation of a cohesive middle-class base are critical to its momentum.

In the United States, where substantial funds are raised for Hindu extremist agendas, the U.S. Government must act to ensure that organizations that broker terror should not continue to enjoy their non-profit status within the USA. It is interesting that in 1999, the VHP failed to gain recognition at the United Nations as 'a cultural organization' because of its philosophical underpinnings. However, the VHP of America is an independent charity registered in the United States in the 1970s, where it has, and continues to, receive funds from a variety of individuals and organizations.

Non-Resident Indians (NRIs) and Americans of Indian descent must examine the politics of hate encouraged by extremist Hindu organizations in the name of charity and social work. Indians, one of the most financially successful groups in the United States, must take seriously their moral obligation to ensure that their dollars are not funding malice and scrutinize the organizations that are on the receiving end in India. The issue is not whether these organizations are undertaking charitable work, but whether they are doing so to promote separatist and non-secular ideals. Param Vaibhav Ke Path Par (On The Road To Great Glory), written by Sadanand Damodar Sapre, and published in 1997 by Suruchi Prakashan, Jhandewalan, New Delhi, the central publication house of the RSS, lists the 40-plus organizations maintained by the RSS in India for its multivariate programs.

In addition, the VHP and other Parivar outfits aim at the communalization of education through the 'Vanavasi Kalyan Ashram' and 'Ekal Vidyalas' (schools). One strategy is to Hinduize adivasi communities, exploit divisions among the marginalized and indoctrinate the youth, in order to both turn them against one another and use them as foot soldiers in the larger cause of religious nationalism. Such inculcation has had serious repercussions in Gujarat, India, this year where tribals were manipulated into attacking Muslims during the carnage in February and March 2002.

While Hindu fundamentalists do not have a monopoly on religious intolerance in India, their actions are holding the country hostage. Well-organized, widespread and acting in the name of [Hinduism] the majority religion in India, Hindu extremism is positioned to silence diversity through force and terror, the rhetoric of Hindu supremacy and the positioning of minority groups as depraved enemies who must be punished.

Indians at home and abroad must oppose the deep infiltration of the Hindutva brigade into the press, as well as other institutions -- political, military, bureaucratic, civic, business, educational and law and order -- of India. Such infiltration is creating a nation where religious fundamentalists violate the Constitution of India and the state tolerates such violation. While the present BJP regime at the center has overt and close links to organizations within the Sangh Parivar, citizens are assured that secularism and democracy are sacred and secure. The reality is different. The Indian government's handling of communal violence and sanctioning of communal discourse is clear to the observers and threatens to jeopardize India's capacity to function as a nation.

The VHP, in its meeting with Muslim leaders in New Delhi on July 15, 2002, stated that if Muslims agreed to resettle Hindus in Jammu and Kashmir, Muslims in Gujarat would be rehabilitated. The Hindus must understand that issues connected to the democratization of Pakistan, ethical resolutions to Kashmir, or gender reforms within Islam are separate from India's commitment to upholding the rights of minorities or to reforms within Hinduism.

Hindu extremism against Muslims and other minorities in India collapses distinctions that must be made to honour human rights in India. Also, Hindutva's discourse of history posits Hindus and Hinduism as being under siege and preposterously asserts the idea of India as a Hindu Nation. Such revisionist history strategically and hideously poses that a vengeful justice can be found for the crimes of history committed by non-Hindu rulers. Retribution is sought by attacking contemporary Muslims, Christians, Sikhs and others in India.

Hinduism is critical to the fabric of India, as are all the other cultures and religions that inhabit it and frame the imagination of the Indian nations. It will require considerable effort on the part of progressive Indians to conceive a secular nation where religion is indeed separate from the integrity of the state and where pluralism guarantees rights and respect to the religious and non-religious alike. Every Hindu, and every citizen, must denounce that to be Indian is to be Hindu, challenge assertions that a secular Constitution is anti-Hindu and refute the call for a Hindu Nation in India as anti-national. Patriotism and nationalism demand that all social, political and religious groups work for an India free of disenfranchisement, institutionalized violence, corruption and rampant inequities. The Indians cannot permit India's secular and democratic fabric to be irreparably compromised. q

Angana Chatterji is a professor of social
and cultural anthropology at the California Institute of Integral Studies.

Indian diaspora funding Hindu extremism, The Milli Gazette, Vol.3 No.16,MG62 (16-31 Aug 02)
Indian diaspora funding Hindu extremism
By Angana Chatterji

"In the United States, where substantial funds are raised for Hindu extremist agendas, the U.S. Government must act to ensure that organizations that broker terror should not continue to enjoy their non-profit status within the USA."
It is now no secret that the Sangh Parivar, the collective name given to the Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh (RSS), Vishwa Hindu Parishad (VHP), the Bajrang Dal and other Hindu extremist organizations, is exploiting religion (Hindutva) to foment communal violence in India. To this end they are organizing the ultra-right, non-secular and undemocratic forces in India. What is less known is how these forces of injustice and bigotry are funded, especially by the Indian-Hindu communities living abroad.

These organizations receive substantial contributions from Hindus in the United States and elsewhere. The Indian magazine, "Outlook," in its July 22, 2002, issue published an article by A. K. Sen, titled, 'Deflections to the Right'. The piece highlighted a component of the chain of funding that sustains Hindu extremism. The article states that the India Development and Relief Fund (IDRF) is one of the more conspicuous charity organizations that raises funds in the United States to support the RSS battalions in India. IDRF lists Sewa International as its counterpart in India. Sewa International and the various organizations it oversees receive over two-thirds of the IDRF funding. Incidentally, Sewa International, in its mission to transform India, states on its website in a section on 'Experiments and Results' with 'Social Harmony' that social consolidation can be achieved through social cohesion. Among other things, the website quotes Manya H. V. Sehadarji, Sarkaryawah of the RSS, as saying: "The ultimate object of all these endeavours is Hindu Sangathan-consolidation and strengthening of the Hindu society."

Hindu extremism, like other xenophobic movements, functions through carefully fashioned exclusionary principles whereby all non-Hindus and dissenting Hindus, identified as Hindu traitors, become second-class citizens. In addition, justification of caste inequities, subordination of Dalits ('lower' caste communities), women, adivasis (tribal) and other minorities, and the consolidation of a cohesive middle-class base are critical to its momentum.

In the United States, where substantial funds are raised for Hindu extremist agendas, the U.S. Government must act to ensure that organizations that broker terror should not continue to enjoy their non-profit status within the USA. It is interesting that in 1999, the VHP failed to gain recognition at the United Nations as 'a cultural organization' because of its philosophical underpinnings. However, the VHP of America is an independent charity registered in the United States in the 1970s, where it has, and continues to, receive funds from a variety of individuals and organizations.

Non-Resident Indians (NRIs) and Americans of Indian descent must examine the politics of hate encouraged by extremist Hindu organizations in the name of charity and social work. Indians, one of the most financially successful groups in the United States, must take seriously their moral obligation to ensure that their dollars are not funding malice and scrutinize the organizations that are on the receiving end in India. The issue is not whether these organizations are undertaking charitable work, but whether they are doing so to promote separatist and non-secular ideals. Param Vaibhav Ke Path Par (On The Road To Great Glory), written by Sadanand Damodar Sapre, and published in 1997 by Suruchi Prakashan, Jhandewalan, New Delhi, the central publication house of the RSS, lists the 40-plus organizations maintained by the RSS in India for its multivariate programs.

In addition, the VHP and other Parivar outfits aim at the communalization of education through the 'Vanavasi Kalyan Ashram' and 'Ekal Vidyalas' (schools). One strategy is to Hinduize adivasi communities, exploit divisions among the marginalized and indoctrinate the youth, in order to both turn them against one another and use them as foot soldiers in the larger cause of religious nationalism. Such inculcation has had serious repercussions in Gujarat, India, this year where tribals were manipulated into attacking Muslims during the carnage in February and March 2002.

While Hindu fundamentalists do not have a monopoly on religious intolerance in India, their actions are holding the country hostage. Well-organized, widespread and acting in the name of [Hinduism] the majority religion in India, Hindu extremism is positioned to silence diversity through force and terror, the rhetoric of Hindu supremacy and the positioning of minority groups as depraved enemies who must be punished.

Indians at home and abroad must oppose the deep infiltration of the Hindutva brigade into the press, as well as other institutions -- political, military, bureaucratic, civic, business, educational and law and order -- of India. Such infiltration is creating a nation where religious fundamentalists violate the Constitution of India and the state tolerates such violation. While the present BJP regime at the center has overt and close links to organizations within the Sangh Parivar, citizens are assured that secularism and democracy are sacred and secure. The reality is different. The Indian government's handling of communal violence and sanctioning of communal discourse is clear to the observers and threatens to jeopardize India's capacity to function as a nation.

The VHP, in its meeting with Muslim leaders in New Delhi on July 15, 2002, stated that if Muslims agreed to resettle Hindus in Jammu and Kashmir, Muslims in Gujarat would be rehabilitated. The Hindus must understand that issues connected to the democratization of Pakistan, ethical resolutions to Kashmir, or gender reforms within Islam are separate from India's commitment to upholding the rights of minorities or to reforms within Hinduism.

Hindu extremism against Muslims and other minorities in India collapses distinctions that must be made to honour human rights in India. Also, Hindutva's discourse of history posits Hindus and Hinduism as being under siege and preposterously asserts the idea of India as a Hindu Nation. Such revisionist history strategically and hideously poses that a vengeful justice can be found for the crimes of history committed by non-Hindu rulers. Retribution is sought by attacking contemporary Muslims, Christians, Sikhs and others in India.

Hinduism is critical to the fabric of India, as are all the other cultures and religions that inhabit it and frame the imagination of the Indian nations. It will require considerable effort on the part of progressive Indians to conceive a secular nation where religion is indeed separate from the integrity of the state and where pluralism guarantees rights and respect to the religious and non-religious alike. Every Hindu, and every citizen, must denounce that to be Indian is to be Hindu, challenge assertions that a secular Constitution is anti-Hindu and refute the call for a Hindu Nation in India as anti-national. Patriotism and nationalism demand that all social, political and religious groups work for an India free of disenfranchisement, institutionalized violence, corruption and rampant inequities. The Indians cannot permit India's secular and democratic fabric to be irreparably compromised. q

Angana Chatterji is a professor of social
and cultural anthropology at the California Institute of Integral Studies.

Indian diaspora funding Hindu extremism, The Milli Gazette, Vol.3 No.16,MG62 (16-31 Aug 02)
Its not hindu terrorism that the world is concerned about is it? Besides criticising faults in Hinduism is widely accepted by the intellectuals of India, yet criticising Islam or christianity somehow upsets the country's secular fabric. This is bullshit
No it doesn't......

RSS doesn't support what you are claiming it does
For example.....recently bhagwat wanted a law which will not allow any religious conversions.....this goes against your claim of turning India into a 100 percent Hindu state.....

Calling RSS a terrorist organization is the silliest thing to do ....
p.s...I am not a fan of groups like RSS or bajrang dal
I've seen this argument made before, it doesn't work for a simple reason. The reason why RSS would love to have an anti-conversion law in place is because they themselves don't believe they're converting people to hinduism; they believe they're REVERTING people hinduism, which is a big difference. The anti-conversion law would effect everyone but RSS' attempts to turn India into a Hindu state. Also, need I remind you that RSS has already declared it's intentions of having a 100% pure hindu state by 2021? Yeah, there goes YOUR claims of stating otherwise.

You ought to have thought of something better.
RSS makes Nazis look like global peace-niks. They are more like the comet strikes on Earth thousands of years ago and wish to destroy everything. That sounds better now doesn't it.

Havent you heard 'al yuhud o hunud'. Evil them.
I think I should clarify, they're more pre-nazi-germany nazi party. They technically haven't done anything illegal at this point, but who knows what sort of sectarian laws and just plain evil they would push into being if they ever came to power.

Yes RSS carried out a holocaust of minorities in concentration camp....... N think of Pakistan which is just few % away from becoming land of pure ...... Btw all minorities(Jews/Parsi/Sikhs/Buddhist/Muslims/Christian/ jainis) are more safer among Hindus in india than Muslim among Muslim in Pakistan or elsewhere in the world....
On topic
RSS cant be linked to any sort of terrorism though they have few lunatics .....
I think I should rephrase my comment, they're the pre-nazi germany nazi party. They technically haven't done anything wrong, but they're still fascists in their beliefs. The rest of your comment is just ridiculous, and nothing more than nationalist drivel.
Strength: The RSS is only open to male, primarily upper caste, membership. Members are called swayamsevaks (volunteers) who are trained from childhood in local shakhas (cells) on the group’s ideologies and politics.
LOLWA Read about RSS properly first :lol:
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