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Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh (RSS)

some factual error: RSS is open to all hindu males not only upper caste. The leadership has been predominantly uppercaste though, may I suggest maharastrian brahmins, because they started the org.

Also it does not mention RSS has been banned 3 times, most recent one was after Babri Masjid demolition. RSS keeps its record clean, so nothing sticks on them.
Violence is always done by other affiliate org like bajrang dal.(targetted small scale violence). Some affiliate like VHP (and one can say BJP) have mind of their own and RSS does not have a lot of control over them.
RSS may not be a terrorist organization like say the Taliban or even ISIS. RSS is something along the lines of the German National Socialist Party. The signs are all there, no one called the Nazis terrorists until after their rise to power and consolidation of that power.

The one thing history teaches us, is that we never learn from history.
RSS may not be a terrorist organization like say the Taliban or even ISIS. RSS is something along the lines of the German National Socialist Party. The signs are all there, no one called the Nazis terrorists until after their rise to power and consolidation of that power.

The one thing history teaches us, is that we never learn from history.
well nazis were nazis.. not terrorists... RSS is a right wing org... but there are other orgs who are far right.. but smaller.
RSS may not be a terrorist organization like say the Taliban or even ISIS. RSS is something along the lines of the German National Socialist Party. The signs are all there, no one called the Nazis terrorists until after their rise to power and consolidation of that power.

The one thing history teaches us, is that we never learn from history.
Only the incubation period has lasted more than 90 years now. :D
Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh (RSS)

The RSS is a shadowy, discriminatory group that seeks to establish a Hindu Rashtra, a Hindu Nation. The group is considered the radical ideological parent group of India’s ruling Hindu nationalist party – the Indian Peoples Party (BJP). The RSS is a Hindu nationalist movement, a right wing group, that was founded in 1925. Their philosophy, called Hindutva, was termed fascist by Communists, and their main demand of the central government was that it stop appeasing Muslims. Hindutva has been translated to mean variously: Hindu pride, patriotism, fundamentalism, revivalism, chauvinishm, or fascism. The group self-justifies by “asserting the natural rights


Group Alias: Sangh (National Volunteer Corps), RSS

Intel Analysis: The group maintains no membership records, no bank accounts, and pays no income tax. As the RSS has no corporate organization, financial contributions are made to Sangh-affiliated groups as charities. The RSS was banned in 1948 following the assassination of Mahatma Gandhi by an ex-GSS member, Nathuram Godse. The ban was lifted the following year. Since then, the group has gained popularity, and begat the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP), which is widely considered the political arm of the GSS, that now heads the central government of India.

Group Activities: Violence has been a strategy for the Sangh movement. It is often couched as a method of self-defense against minority groups. Hindutva has been clear about the need for violence, particularly communal riots. The Sangh has incited rioting to cause further chasms between religions, and thus a further separation of religions, and to rally the Hindu community around the philosophy of Hindutva. On December 6, 1992, RSS members, among others, attacked and destroyed the Muslim Babri Mosque, believing that it was built on the site of a destroyed Hindi temple that commemorated the birthplace of Rama, a mythological figure that was the reincarnation of Vishnu, a Hindu god. Authorities contend that the destruction was a pre-meditated attack by Hindu nationalist parties. Religious rioting broke out after the destruction of the mosque between Hindus and Muslims throughout India. And, for this reason the BJP rose in to power. In 1998, violence against Christian minorities escalated with the BJP party coming to power. From January 1998 to February 1999, over 116 attacks against the Christian community in India were reported. The Gujarat Genocide of 2002, however, is the most planned hate crime the group has perpetrated as yet. Reports indicate that more than 2,000 Muslims were massacred and their homes and shops burnt in this attack. In the end, some 150,000 Muslims were left homeless. Human Rights Watch specifically named the RSS, among other nationalist parties and groups, as responsible for the attack. A dozen members attacked 2 American Christian missionaries in January 2003.

Individuals Involved: Dr. KB Hedgewar: Founder Golwalkar: Second Supreme Leader of RSS who celebrated Nazism for purging Germany of Jews as an “expression of ‘national pride at its highest’” BS Moonje: mentor of Hedgewar. Met with Mussolini to study Italian fascism in order to duplicate it in India.

Operating Region: India

Strength: The RSS is only open to male, primarily upper caste, membership. Members are called swayamsevaks (volunteers) who are trained from childhood in local shakhas (cells) on the group’s ideologies and politics.

Bibliography: Gang Attacks American Missionary in India Reuters, Jan 15, 2003, 3:18 AM ET Yahoo News - Latest News & Headlines Ouch, Something seems wrong!! Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh The Foreign Exchange of Hate: IDRF and the American Funding of Hindutva

Status: Active

Date posted: April 26, 2014

Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh (RSS) - Terrorism.com


I'd more compare it to Nazi germany. The Muslim League wanted a separate homeland, but it didn't look to purge out minority groups. RSS wants to do just that, turn India into a 100% pure ideological, and ethnic hindu nation.

Becuz you have already done that & now you are going to target the minority sects if Islam too
One of the worst blunders by RSS -

Those opposed to the introduction of Bt brinjal argue that India's environment, food security, and sovereignty are at risk if the commercialization of Bt brinjal is allowed, and many fear that it will damage the health of those who eat it. Many critics also appear to link the U.S.-based Monsanto Corporation to Bt brinjal, even though the company does not appear to be involved with this product. The head of the Hindu-nationalist Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh (RSS), Mohan Bhagwat, also spoke out in Bangalore against Bt brinjal, telling journalists that Indian agriculture has existed for "10,000 years" without such "foreign" products. Some argue that this new technology is being tested on Indians, like guinea pigs. Some protesters we spoke with outside the venue claimed that biotech cotton, quite popular among Indian farmers in many states, has killed many cows that ate it, leading the protesters to conclude that Bt brinjal would do the same to people.
i studied for a few years in a RSS school.Very good charitable organisation!:-)
Here most of the Indians members doesn't know about RSS completely. Tell me how many of us(Indians) went and served to people who affected by natural calamities like Earthquake( Gujarat) , Drought(Odisha) , Flood in (Jahrkhand ,Kashmir etc), Tsunami(TN) but RSS extended its selfless help . Few years before one sms rocked entire Banglore nobody come forward to help our NE indians brothers but RSS supported(not in words) by action. Even RSS helping SL tamils (who affected by war) at Srilanka and they did remarkable activities over there. The above mentioned are few things.

Yes RSS involved in Babri masjid demolition ,Gujarat riots etc to save hindus and our ideology. I am supporter of RSS for ever. If you think RSS is terrorists organisation ok no problem go ahead ;we know who we are and we don't need others conduct certificate.
Here most of the Indians members doesn't know about RSS completely. Tell me how many of us(Indians) went and served to people who affected by natural calamities like Earthquake( Gujarat) , Drought(Odisha) , Flood in (Jahrkhand ,Kashmir etc), Tsunami(TN) but RSS extended its selfless help . Few years before one sms rocked entire Banglore nobody come forward to help our NE indians brothers but RSS supported(not in words) by action. Even RSS helping SL tamils (who affected by war) at Srilanka and they did remarkable activities over there. The above mentioned are few things.

Yes RSS involved in Babri masjid demolition ,Gujarat riots etc to save hindus and our ideology. I am supporter of RSS for ever.

Hitler Image ain't helping mate
I'd more compare it to Nazi germany. The Muslim League wanted a separate homeland, but it didn't look to purge out minority groups. RSS wants to do just that, turn India into a 100% pure ideological, and ethnic hindu nation.

While I dislike the RSS and will be only to happy if they can be cut down to size, they are nothing like the Nazis. Nor does the RSS advocate a 100% hindu nation. There might be some RSS members who make these claims but that isn't their official position. I'd compare the RSS to the Tea Party in the US. They also have a very similar role in Indian politics. Just like the Republicans need the Tea Party to mobilise some of the conservative vote base, the BJP relies on the RSS. Once in power, the popularity of BJP prime ministers (Vajpayee and now Modi) has allowed the BJP to cut the cord with the RSS, when it comes to governance. You'll be surprised how much the average RSS member sounds like the average Tea Party member. They aren't the most pleasant characters around, but they aren't Nazis.

There is, to my mind, no danger of the RSS going on a ethnic cleansing spree. There are RSS affiliate organisations that are far more dangerous but, so far, they haven't been militarised, which is a blessing.

The view of the BJP on this forum is very unfair. They are run of the mill conservatives, and would be considered as such anywhere in the world. They are certainly less right wing than much of the European right. Those who are hoping for an India that's driven off the rails by a bunch of Hindu nationalist loonies, will be sorely disappointed. I don't include you amongst them, I've lurked here long enough to know you to be reasonable.
While I dislike the RSS and will be only to happy if they can be cut down to size, they are nothing like the Nazis. Nor does the RSS advocate a 100% hindu nation. There might be some RSS members who make these claims but that isn't their official position. I'd compare the RSS to the Tea Party in the US. They also have a very similar role in Indian politics. Just like the Republicans need the Tea Party to mobilise some of the conservative vote base, the BJP relies on the RSS. Once in power, the popularity of BJP prime ministers (Vajpayee and now Modi) has allowed the BJP to cut the cord with the RSS, when it comes to governance. You'll be surprised how much the average RSS member sounds like the average Tea Party member. They aren't the most pleasant characters around, but they aren't Nazis.

There is, to my mind, no danger of the RSS going on a ethnic cleansing spree. There are RSS affiliate organisations that are far more dangerous but, so far, they haven't been militarised, which is a blessing.

The view of the BJP on this forum is very unfair. They are run of the mill conservatives, and would be considered as such anywhere in the world. They are certainly less right wing than much of the European right. Those who are hoping for an India that's driven off the rails by a bunch of Hindu nationalist loonies, will be sorely disappointed. I don't include you amongst them, I've lurked here long enough to know you to be reasonable.

well said, good analogy too

The same website also has Fatah listed. Does this mean you've changed your stance and now consider the Palestinian movement a terrorist threat?

Fatah - Terrorism.com

Also, I went through a few others. It seems quite a few of the organizations involved in the Kashmiri freedom movement are listed. Does this mean you now believe that too is a terrorism?
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The same website also has Fatah listed. Does this mean you've changed your stance and now consider the Palestinian movement a terrorist threat?

Fatah - Terrorism.com

Also, I went through a few others. It seems quite a few of the organizations involved in the Kashmiri freedom movement are listed. Does this mean you now believe that too is a terrorism?
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