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Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh (RSS)

I've seen this argument made before, it doesn't work for a simple reason. The reason why RSS would love to have an anti-conversion law in place is because they themselves don't believe they're converting people to hinduism; they believe they're REVERTING people hinduism, which is a big difference. The anti-conversion law would effect everyone but RSS' attempts to turn India into a Hindu state. Also, need I remind you that RSS has already declared it's intentions of having a 100% pure hindu state by 2021? Yeah, there goes YOUR claims of stating otherwise.

I think I should clarify, they're more pre-nazi-germany nazi party. They technically haven't done anything illegal at this point, but who knows what sort of sectarian laws and just plain evil they would push into being if they ever came to power.

I think I should rephrase my comment, they're the pre-nazi germany nazi party. They technically haven't done anything wrong, but they're still fascists in their beliefs. The rest of your comment is just ridiculous, and nothing more than nationalist drivel.

Many here comparing RSS to Terrorist organization out of their own FASCISTS/Bigoted/Hate ideology......
US think-tank calls RSS terrorist, Sangh fumes
Mohua Chatterjee, TNN | May 27, 2005, 08.18AM IST

NEW DELHI: The Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh (RSS) is furious with an American think-tank for declaring it a terrorist organisation and lumping it with a host of jihadi organisations and secessionist outfits.

The Sangh leadership has written to the Terrorism Research Centre, protesting against the "terrorist" tag, but is yet to get a response.

The think-tank has not bothered to take the RSS—which calls itself a cultural organisation—off its website, leaving the Sangh bosses seething with anger.

US think-tank calls RSS terrorist, Sangh fumes - The Times of India

This is because RSS opposes and successfully their agenda of conversion to Christianity.
US think-tank calls RSS terrorist, Sangh fumes
Mohua Chatterjee, TNN | May 27, 2005, 08.18AM IST

NEW DELHI: The Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh (RSS) is furious with an American think-tank for declaring it a terrorist organisation and lumping it with a host of jihadi organisations and secessionist outfits.

The Sangh leadership has written to the Terrorism Research Centre, protesting against the "terrorist" tag, but is yet to get a response.

The think-tank has not bothered to take the RSS—which calls itself a cultural organisation—off its website, leaving the Sangh bosses seething with anger.

US think-tank calls RSS terrorist, Sangh fumes - The Times of India
Who gives rat *** to American think tank:mad::mad::mad:

Run, run :nana::nana::dance3::dance3: RSS is coming, especially our Pakistani senior members, PDF :nono::nono::nono:
Who gives rat *** to American think tank:mad::mad::mad:

Run, run :nana::nana::dance3::dance3: RSS is coming, especially our Pakistani senior members, PDF :nono::nono::nono:

I'm certain many Indian like you would cheer on if Indian terrorists performed a Bombay style terror attack on Pakistan. You will regard it as revenge.
Pakistanis and all Muslims of SA must note that Gandhi killer Godse's ashes have been preserved in RSS HQ for spraying on the R Indus after the Hindus have been able to occupy the Indus valley!!!Such is the dream/goal of the Hindus/RSS/BJP/Amit Shah/Ajit Devil/Butcher Modi.
I'm certain many Indian like you would cheer on if Indian terrorists performed a Bombay style terror attack on Pakistan. You will regard it as revenge.

You seriously think the RSS is competent enough to do that, let aside willing, or are you plain trolling?
I love the fear that our hosts here have of RSS.

For this reason, RSS should get to rule the country.

But fortunately for Pakistanis, RSS is simply a volunteers' organization doing charity work and instilling cultural pride in Indians.
You seriously think the RSS is competent enough to do that, let aside willing, or are you plain trolling?

Didn't they burn Samjhotaexpress (in India) train and killed 150+ Pakistanis in 2005?:tdown:
150+ people didn't die in the attack.

The perpetrators are yet to be ascertained.

Bhai they already caught the culprits and they turned out to be hindu extremists, stop living in denial.
I'm certain many Indian like you would cheer on if Indian terrorists performed a Bombay style terror attack on Pakistan. You will regard it as revenge.
First of all you don't know me so stop trying to think what i will do when some thing happen in Pakistan. On this forum you are famous for moronic comment so here we are, you did it again:yahoo::yahoo::hitwall::hitwall:
So take my advice and use your common sense before speaking in the forum. Loss of life is tragedy whether it happen in Pakistan ,India or US. Period. Can you name any Indian terrorist or you are here in these forum for 2 min fame, of otherwise lame life of yours.:taz::taz:

Hindu extremists burned samjhota express train with 150+ Pakistanis on it.
Are you getting these facts from Red mosque:hitwall::hitwall::hitwall::hitwall: less than 15 Pakistanis were killed and US told it was Let , our intelligence told Let and congress party told it was hindu extremist. Go figure.:blink::blink::blink::blink:
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