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Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh (RSS)

A lot of assumptions on your part. I didn't even know about RSS until a few years ago. Me brainwashed? What makes you think I'm brainwashed? I think it's ridiculous that instead of negating my points, you instead target me personally.

The statement "RSS is the best that that happened to Pakistan" is itself enough for me to decide that you know nothing about this.
Even though RSS scums don't deserve their own thread but still they are a terror group and we can have a separate thread for their activities.
The statement "RSS is the best that that happened to Pakistan" is itself enough for me to decide that you know nothing about this.
And that gives you the right to be a complete jerk *** about it?

I simply posted my own view, and instead of proving me wrong, you saw it fit to personally attack me.
Even though RSS scums don't deserve their own thread but still they are a terror group and we can have a separate thread for their activities.

Why are they are terror group?

Would you be able to articulate the crimes they have committed?
Babri Masjid maybe? Similar...
Can you list some of the "terrorist" activities they have been involved in just so the rest of us RSS haters can get on the same page?
Why are they are terror group?

Would you be able to articulate the crimes they have committed?
Babri Masjid maybe? Similar...
Can you list some of the "terrorist" activities they have been involved in just so the rest of us RSS haters can get on the same page?

Ask this question to your governments who have banned them several times in your history. :)
Ask this question to your governments who have banned them several times in your history. :)

Ok, so then it's safe to assume that except for accusations against RSS that have been raised by Indians based on introspection, the Pakistanis have no leg to stand on with their "RSS is a terrorist org" rhetoric..unless you can articulate the answers to my initial question.
no 'guess'

i asked you when was the last time?

Three times in last 67 years. :)

Ok, so then it's safe to assume that except for accusations against RSS that have been raised by Indians based on introspection, the Pakistanis have no leg to stand on with their "RSS is a terrorist org" rhetoric..unless you can articulate the answers to my initial question.

Jut saying. If RSS was such an innocent harmless organization, India's own governments wouldn't have banned it.
Jut saying. If RSS was such an innocent harmless organization, India's own governments wouldn't have banned it.

Ban was lifted , besides Congress would ban anything if it served their political goals.
Three times in last 67 years. :)

Jut saying. If RSS was such an innocent harmless organization, India's own governments wouldn't have banned it.
your are evading my ques BTW what RSS do in India should not be your concern any more then what Pakistan do with minorities is India's.
Ban was lifted , besides Congress would ban anything if it served their political goals.

Congress or republican party. It was Indian govt who banned it for its involvement in different acts of violence.

your are evading my ques BTW what RSS do in India should not be your concern any more then what Pakistan do with minorities is India's.

I answered your question perfectly. As for my concern. I can concern about anything on my forum. :)
Congress or republican party. It was Indian govt who banned it for its involvement in different acts of violence.

I answered your question perfectly. As for my concern. I can concern about anything on my forum. :)
I am not talking abt forum i am saying pakistani society as a whole that whatever RSS do in India is non of the concern of pak
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