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Rare Footage of Pakistan's First Nuclear Reactor. PARR-1

because its the matter of national pride for you to always be one step ahead of short, dark hindu banya:lol: to make one muslim reactor equal to ten hindu reactors:D

we have designed the worlds first thorium based reactor with inferior russian technology, can you do it with your ''superior western technology''?

not in a million years i bet:D
World’s First Thorium Reactor Designed | IThEo_Org
There are 118 elements on periodic table. Do Pakistan gives a flying F which element Indians wants to take a shit on next. If you want to build something, build something like LHC, which can atleast help humanity.
There are 118 elements on periodic table. Do Pakistan gives a flying F which element Indians wants to take a shit on next. If you want to build something, build something like LHC, which can atleast help humanity.

thorium is the nuclear fuel of future, we are already helping humanity. besides did pakistan built lhc? and i also dont understand how can lhc help humanity. and as for your 118 element only the actenoid and oanthanoid group elements are fissile.
I remember the day clearly it was such a great moment when we went nuclear (the first reaction perhaps long time back)

But the nuclear Pakistan was a truely a wonderful day I thought now we will harness the Nuclear technology like other countries to make energy and there would be no more load shading which I saw since my childhood all over pakistan
besides did pakistan built lhc?
Oh yeah Pakistan built many parts of LHC.
The muon detector was designed and calliberated by Pakistan Atomic energy commission. The base of Super conductor magnets we're made in Pakistan.
Pakistani team took part in upgrading work of LHC and changed the power lines inside the collider. These are the few things I can remember right now but there are many other.


You can see Pakistan name here?
CERN sesame project. Google it
thorium is the nuclear fuel of future, we are already helping humanity. besides did pakistan built lhc? and i also dont understand how can lhc help humanity. and as for your 118 element only the actenoid and oanthanoid group elements are fissile.
Dude, the point is no one cares. if it was really the future fuel than whole world would be on it. Theory was out-there, Indian decided to spent money on it. Big Deal. Most countries are working on nuclear fusion technology (ITER project). Learn about LHC and find out why US and Europe is spending Billions on it. Yes Pakistan did build parts of it. It's a joint effort.

Oh yeah Pakistan built many parts of LHC.
The muon detector was designed and calliberated by Pakistan Atomic energy commission. The base of Super conductor magnets we're made in Pakistan.
Pakistani team took part in upgrading work of LHC and changed the power lines inside the collider. These are the few things I can remember right now but there are many other.

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You can see Pakistan name here?
CERN sesame project. Google it
Actually I already listed many things in my previous reply to Iraq dude, that he quoted earlier, Apparently he still missed it.
Also a n this part of LHC you can see Pakistani flag and HMC written as it was made at heavy mechanical complex Taxila.


Thanks for the memory---. Me and my father visited that place in 1970 or 1972. saw all those rooms in the video----the robotic arm---the Lead door---I don't recall if my uncle told me it was 25 tones or 250 tons---stood over the bridge looked into the water thru this scope that you put your face onto it and you can look at the bottom of the tiled pool.

You got me wrong I meant you didn't build one with your own tech?.


That requires a lots of resource and money---that we don't have yet.

I confess sometimes I don't pay attention but any way you got my point which is not against Pakistan but for it imagine if you could within these years could built locally your own reactor how much money you could gain from exporting it to some countries.


Don't mind the Pakistani kids please----.

No one would let us export it even if we built the best reactor---. You have to be a rich and a very strong nation to be in that position.
guys Meera has joined Defence.pk :welcome:

The term "Tech" has become similar to the term "Prostitute", the tech goes around and can be found in different hands all the time. No one really has "the tech". Pakistan doesn't either.

Everyone produces systems and parts and borrow the rest from some place else and build it their way and call that "flavor" theirs. Integration is the name of the game (or who can pay more, with regards to the logic above). The more you can "afford" the hotter one you can get :dance3: :yes4:
Some of our early Nuke Men were trained at Lawrence Livermoore Labs


Yep---. My uncle got his PhD in UK and for work experience he worked in Atlanta Georgia for 3 years I believe.

Young Pakistanis don't understand that our nuclear program had the blessings of the united states.
Any plans of setting a new enrichment facility in South Zone like in Karachi (West) as they can easily do this by setting up 2 facility for Uranium and Plutonium.
Any plans of setting a new enrichment facility in South Zone like in Karachi (West) as they can easily do this by setting up 2 facility for Uranium and Plutonium.
Enrichment by centrifuges has stopped and the new system does not need much space and can be anywhere north or south
because its the matter of national pride for you to always be one step ahead of short, dark hindu banya:lol: to make one muslim reactor equal to ten hindu reactors:D
Please you are giving way more importance to yourself--------------------It's quite amusing that you bhaarteez, love to give everything Pakistani a 'Bhaartee Angle' but may i suggest don't flatter yourself, we have better things to occupy our minds with. :cheers:
Updates From Khushap Nuclear Enrichment complex

Unit 4 plutonium plant have been Built

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