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Rare Footage of Pakistan's First Nuclear Reactor. PARR-1

Okay we get your point, but what difference does it make. Pakistan isn't a member to NSG, so Pakistan cannot export. But for Pakistan nuclear weapons are serving their purpose well and thats what counts. If Iraq had nuclear weapons even smuggled, USA wouldn't have pounced on it.

And we should care because?
They tried to build one but failed to protect they (Israel) bombed the rector building twice when guards left the air defense to have some food. morons
Ok, but the French worked hard withing these 50 years then they came up with this reactor the Chinese too used the french to copy it now they don't need no one The Indian didn't sit idling they have their own one now.

What make me wonder is that you had yur first reactor 50 years ago but still yet no progress.

Wrong !

Khushab Nuclear Complex - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The French and the Chinese have more resources they can spend on R&D something we can't match.

Pakistan's complete focus has been on its Nuclear weapons capability hence the reason we have the fastest growing nuclear weapons program according to western experts.
WOW! Amazing. Is Pakistan looking to Shift the Kahuta as well to somewhere like in Punjab which is quite safer now.
Hey kid show some respect when I right I just don't check my righting.

Ok, but the French worked hard withing these 50 years then they came up with this reactor the Chinese too used the french to copy it now they don't need no one The Indian didn't sit idling they have their own one now.

What make me wonder is that you had yur first reactor 50 years ago but still yet no progress.

Here is an answer for your questions, despite whatever you think about Pakistan, it has achieved whatever it has now on its own.
Sultan Bashiruddin Mahmood is a Pakistani nuclear engineer. He has been an important part of Pakistan Atomic Energy Commission and regarded for development of the SMB probe to detect heavy water leaks in nuclear power plants. This achievement alone is a big proof that Pakistan did have achieved everything on its own.
Pakistan's uranium infrastructure is based on the use of gas centrifuges to produce highly enriched uranium (HEU) at the Khan Research Laboratories (KRL) at Kahuta. Responding to India's nuclear test in 1974, Munir Khan launched the uranium program, codename Project-706 under the aegis of the PAEC. Physical chemist, Dr. Khalil Qureshi, did most of the calculations as a member of the uranium division at PAEC, which undertook research on several methods of enrichment, including gaseous diffusion, jet nozzle and molecular laser isotope separation techniques, as well as centrifuges. You will only understand If you have an idea about how nuclear weapons are made.
We have entered into a new phase of fast breeder reactor where we can generate more fuel than we consume.

@HariPrasad, Hari Jee, I m not so knowledgeable on nuclear reactors types.

As per your statement, it seems to be a perpetual machine, long ago it was impossible to build such machines.

Could you post some link for my knowledge, be kind to choose the basic one, not too scientific - thanks in advance.

Excerpt from: Pakistan Atomic Research Reactor - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The PARR-I Reactor was supplied by the United States government in 1965 under the Atoms for Peace program. The PINSTECH institute was designed by American architect Edward Durrell Stone, when noted Pakistani scientists, Dr. Abdus Salam and Dr. Ishrat Hussain Usmani traveled to United States of America in the early 1960s. The first reactor was supplied by the American Machine and Foundry as its contractors, and the first reactor was built by the American nuclear engineer Peter Karter.

In the first stage, reactor building and ancillary facilities were completed with the reactor becoming critical on 21 December 1965. The second stage, consisting of various laboratories, workshop, library and auditorium, became operational in 1974. The facility was last upgraded by PAEC chairman and noted nuclear scientist, Mr. Munir Ahmad Khan in 1989.

PARR-I Reactor
The PARR-I Reactor was the first reactor that was supplied by American Machine and Foundry. Peter Karter had personally supervised the construction of the reactor. The PARR-I is a swimming pool-type and Materials Test Reactor (MTR) type research reactor.
Originally based on a design to utilize the Highly Enriched Uranium (HEU) fuel, the HEU fuel utilize the ~93% enriched in 235U at a power level of 5 MW. The first reactor went critical on December 21, 1965 under the supervision of Dr. Abdus Salam, Hafeez Qureshi, Dr. Samar Mubarakmand, Dr. Naeem Ahmad Khan and Dr. Hameed Ahmad Khan.

The PARR-I Reactor attained its full power on June 22, 1966. In PARR-I, it is virtually impossible to adopt secure the fresh supplies of the HEU fuel. However, to ensure the continuity of the nuclear fuel, PARR-I was converted to utilize the ~20% Low-Enriched Uranium (LEU) from the 235U in October 1991. The nuclear fuel conversion program was led by the Pakistan Atomic Energy Commission (PAEC) chairman Mr. Munir Ahmad Khan. The PAEC chairman Munir Ahmad Khan also upgraded the reactor's power level from 5 MW to 10 MW.

The program was carried out in order to meet demands of higher neutron fluxes for experimental research purposes and the isotope production. The upgraded reactor was also made available to compensate for the decrease in neutron flux due to higher concentration of 238U in the LEU fuel as compared to the HEU fuel. The reactor was made critical on October 31, 1991 under the supervision of Dr. Ansar Pervaiz and Dr. Iqbal Hussain Qureshi, and attained power level of 10 MW on May 7, 1992. The core configuration attained its equilibrium configuration in February 1995.
Hey kid show some respect when I right I just don't check my righting.

Ok, but the French worked hard withing these 50 years then they came up with this reactor the Chinese too used the french to copy it now they don't need no one The Indian didn't sit idling they have their own one now.

What make me wonder is that you had yur first reactor 50 years ago but still yet no progress.
Here are some facts about Nuclear power. Every country has stolen Nuclear designs from Germany. Nazi scientists during 1930 and 40s made tremendous breakthrough in splitting atoms. There are many documentaries on YouTube about it. USA got hold of Nuclear Tech when Jewish german scientist deflected to US. Some Pakistanis were also in German Universities and if I am not wrong few of them were also involved in Manhattan project. Similarly, USSR, UK and other countries got Nuclear technology after taking over Germany.
Now your assumption that Pakistan is not making progress and somehow Indian is, Is not true. World know Pakistan Nuclear program is way advance than India. Pakistan has the fastest growing nuclear arsenal. Russia helped India. Pakistan's western technology is better than Indian Russian tech. Pakistan is the first associate member of European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN) and only non-European country to achieve this status. Pakistan scientist won Nobel prize in Physics. Pakistani scientist are working on The Large Hadron Collider (LHC) , the world's largest and most powerful particle accelerator.
Pakistan contributed to building the CMS and ATLAS experiments for this. Pakistan contributes today to the ALICE and CMS experiments. Pakistan is also involved in accelerator developments, making it an important partner for CERN
Europeans and US got it easy, and than they helped each other without sanctions. It cost money, lots of money to build and run a nuclear program. Considering international sanction, and ban on transfer of Nuclear technology, running a fastest growing nuclear program is no small feat. Just to get coating application ( special epoxy Paint) for Nuclear plants will land you in international prison.
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And we should care because?

because its the matter of national pride for you to always be one step ahead of short, dark hindu banya:lol: to make one muslim reactor equal to ten hindu reactors:D

Here are some facts about Nuclear power. Every country has stolen Nuclear designs from Germany. Nazi scientists during 1930 and 40s made tremendous breakthrough in splitting atoms. There are many documentaries on YouTube about it. USA got hold of Nuclear Tech when Jewish german scientist deflected to US. Some Pakistanis were also in German Universities and if I am not wrong few of them were also involved in Manhattan project. Similarly, USSR, UK and other countries got Nuclear technology after taking over Germany.
Now your assumption that Pakistan is not making progress and somehow Indian is, Is not true. World know Pakistan Nuclear program is way advance than India. Pakistan has the fastest growing nuclear arsenal. Russia helped India. Pakistan's western technology is better than Indian Russian tech. Pakistan is the first associate member of European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN) and only non-European country to achieve this status. Pakistan scientist won Nobel prize in Physics. Pakistani scientist are working on The Large Hadron Collider (LHC) , the world's largest and most powerful particle accelerator.
Pakistan contributed to building the CMS and ATLAS experiments for this. Pakistan contributes today to the ALICE and CMS experiments. Pakistan is also involved in accelerator developments, making it an important partner for CERN
Europeans and US got it easy, and than they helped each other without sanctions. It cost money, lots of money to build and run a nuclear program. Considering international sanction, and ban on transfer of Nuclear technology, running a fastest growing nuclear program is no small feat. Just to get coating application ( special epoxy Paint) for Nuclear plants will land you in international prison.

we have designed the worlds first thorium based reactor with inferior russian technology, can you do it with your ''superior western technology''?

not in a million years i bet:D
World’s First Thorium Reactor Designed | IThEo_Org
@HariPrasad, Hari Jee, I m not so knowledgeable on nuclear reactors types.

As per your statement, it seems to be a perpetual machine, long ago it was impossible to build such machines.

Could you post some link for my knowledge, be kind to choose the basic one, not too scientific - thanks in advance.

Prototype Fast Breeder Reactor - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

This is a reactor which uses high energy neutron for fission and they are very efficient with very high burn ratio. It converts non fissile material such as thorium into fissile material by gathering neutrons which can be used as fuel in next stage reactor.

India's fast breeder reactor to start generation in September | Zee News

Fast Breeder Reactor Technology | Department of Atomic Energy
After 1991 when the reactor had greater neutron flux,it's since been used for isotope production. All isotopes used in medicine such as those for cancer diagnosis are produced at PINSTECH. PAKISTAN does not import any medical isotopes
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