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Rangers murder young boy in Karachi

Jang Multimedia

Can some one reply these questions?

Yes brother Jinnah, I have no doubt in my mind that this drama was staged by the kafirs to malign our armed forces. I know exactly what actually happened on that day and I don't need to present any evidence as unlike kafirs the true momins don't lie. Here are the answers to those Qs.

A.1- That person was most probably a special agent of Mossad.

A.2- He said to the rangers that the other person (who was later shot by the ranger) was an agent of RAW and the proof is his uncircumcised penis (how he saw his uncircumcised penis is actually the real mystery in this whole saga).

A.3- The CIA must have used the latest available orbiting satellite or high-flying predator to capture the video.

A.4- The ranger must have been bewitched by the kafirs into doing that act.

A.5- see answer three again.

A.6- what is wrong with you buddy? Have you forgotten why this drama was staged by the kafirs? To malign our victorious armed forces, the last defending wall standing between the Muslim Ummah and the evil Kafir forces.

May Allah save us from treacherous kafirs!
anywayz the Rangerz did what they were suppose to do with the Robbers and killerz.....to maintain peace and protect the innocent pplz there from Dacoits and killerz....:coffee:
They shot him at close range and refused to call an ambulance whilst he was literally Exsanguinating on the ground. Sick bastards, this goes beyond the rules of engagement and they deserve to be court marshalled and shot by firing squad.

NOT in my NAME... Seriously, our military should stop killing and bullying Pakistanis and go kill some people their own size... First those poor Chechen's and now this... WTF is going on.

Fing cowards...

you are right they should be court marshalled and shot in pulic, but can any body explain how video was made?
Thats what exactly i meant.. an entertainment channels crew on a crime scene without being recognized, recording it till the death of the boy is a conspiracy in itself.. they guy who pulled the trigger and the people who recorded it would have some understanding.. or this would not have been possible.. its not a mobile phones recording its a professional camera thats been used in the incident..
Brother how often do u find entertainment channels team on such places and that also of an online channel.. Awaz Tv .. and for your information all around the world Reporter, Journalists and Camera crew are trained to help people and not to keep on recording till further orders.. u should read about them and specially in Pakistan we have a list of Journalists who have even given there lives for the Public, which the whole world acclaims at the the moment..and in the end then the production team was sent to broadcast it on the National network without being stopped or questioned.. The boy died and the criminals should be brought to justice but not one of them all of them..

The camera man's name is known to all the news agencies, and has been in the news as well, if you bother to read some.

Regarding your question about the presence of a camera man from an entertainment channel at the crime scene - here's what happened:

The Awaaz TV camera man (Abdul Salam Soomro) was there for a story on a shopping complex in that area (entertainment purposes).

Just where he was standing to take video of the Rangers to show security around the complex, he saw Sarfaraz Shah being dragged around by a man in civvies, so he began to record.

The man in civvies, who was grabbing Sarfaraz Shah by his hair, and kicked him toward the rangers, was not bothered by the camera because he presumed Sarfaraz Shah would only be thrashed for being a petty criminal.

Even the rangers had not expected the end result, and thus, were not bothered by the camera.

As you can see in the video, only one of the rangers had gotten hyper, and it surprised everyone.

When that particular ranger pointed the gun at his neck, even the boy, who was shocked and shaken, knew he won't be shot like that.

But when the ranger immediately lowered his gun and pointed it at his knees, Sarfaraz Shah knew for sure he was going to get shot in the legs, as a punishment.

That was when Sarfaraz Shah got extremely nervous and tried to push the barrel away from his legs. This enraged that particular ranger even more, and against anyone's expectations, that particular ranger shot him in the legs.

If any of the ranger knew/expected this was going to happen, he would have stood much far away. No one stands so close when anyone around them is shooting someone/something at such close range. I think one of the rangers (the old fat one with a mustache) also got hit by the shell, as the video suggests.

It was all very much unexpected, and only that young ranger who shot the boy is responsible for the killing. But - All of the rangers are as much responsible for not calling in an ambulance timely and letting the boy die there.
Jang Multimedia

Can some one reply these questions?

already discussed. but still...

the camera man was of Awaz entertainment tv. who now has gone underground because of the threats he is receiving (guess from whom?)

secondly the guy was taken in the truck and later brought to face the camera as a heroic act by rangers... so was the murder to be taken as heroic act.

now bug off...
can any one tell who was he and why was he shot cruelly?

seem to me a case of honour killing..

as the young boy pushed towards the rangers the one rangers ask " yehi hai ?(is that that man )" other reply , yehi hai ( yes this is him) ...means rangers are well awear of the man in advance ...
anywayz the Rangerz did what they were suppose to do with the Robbers and killerz.....to maintain peace and protect the innocent pplz there from Dacoits and killerz....:coffee:

You mean they should just shoot every body & let 'em bleed to death! :rolleyes:
By the way brother this is not a silly question which the person asked how come when the maker of this video was making this video as not stopped how great it is Ranger Shoot the guy but nothing happens to that cameraman how simple it is really very simple

the murdered boy was caught and was inside the truck, when he was dragged out to face the camera. When rangers saw the entertainment channel's cameraman, they asked the cameraman to film their heroic catch...which included murder of the very boy...
the murdered boy was caught and was inside the truck, when he was dragged out to face the camera. When rangers saw the entertainment channel's cameraman, they asked the cameraman to film their heroic catch...which included murder of the very boy...

seeing the vedio , there was absolutly no attempt by the rangers to cought/hold the boy , the moment the boy dreg to them , they put the gun on him..
the murdered boy was caught and was inside the truck, when he was dragged out to face the camera. When rangers saw the entertainment channel's cameraman, they asked the cameraman to film their heroic catch...which included murder of the very boy...

Are those rangers related to this brave policeman?

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Oh great !!!

Rangers knew that a cameraman was shooting the scene still they shot that guy .
Why ?? :sick:
WTF did they shoot the kid? There's a large group of rangers & 1 unarmed kid alone! Why didn't they just wrestle the kid to the ground & arrest him?
Watching such vedios just only spoil the mood........Dont really understand the fault behind which led to this kiilling,so feels pain for that guy and his family.
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