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Rangers murder young boy in Karachi

How many of you all have been to karachi, there will be hardly any house, whose member is not robbed. Even on I.I. Chundrigar Road, mobile snatching, laptop snatching, valuable snatching is on high note. Rangers are given order, from time to time, to kill any person carrying weapon, trying to robb people. Whenever there is traffic jam, these robbers come in action. The robbing / snatching is becoming an industry in karachi. Even jihadies were found involved in such activities including bank robberies for fund raising. I have also heard that you can get pistol on 'hourly rental' basis to commit crimes.

There should be blanket shoot at sight orders for Rangers (not police).
Pakistan probe into killings of five unarmed foreigners

An inquiry has been ordered in Pakistan into the killings of five foreigners - including three women - by security forces outside Quetta on Tuesday.

Initially, the authorities claimed the dead, who were said to be Chechens, were al-Qaeda-linked suicide bombers.

However, it has since emerged that they were unarmed, and that one of the women was pregnant.

Human rights workers say security forces in Pakistan are rarely held to account for unlawful killings.

Hail of bullets
The killings - at a checkpost on the outskirts of Quetta - were caught on camera.

Two wounded women are visible, lying on the ground. They hold hands, perhaps trying to comfort each other.

One woman raises her arm - in what looks like a gesture of surrender, or plea for help.

But the response from the security forces was a hail of bullets. There were no survivors.

Initially the authorities claimed the women and their companions were suicide bombers, ready to carry out an attack.

The official line has changed several times since then.

The local police chief now says the five were killed when their own hand-grenades exploded.

But bomb disposal experts say there were no grenades, or suicide vests found with the bodies.

And an autopsy has revealed that one of the dead women - who was shot at least 12 times - was heavily pregnant.

The inquiry into the incident is to come to a conclusion within 10 days.

BBC News - Pakistan probe into killings of five unarmed foreigners
The thing is that the poor guy was at the wrong place at the wrong time. Even though he committed a crime and that his pistol was fake and that he was not a professional and that he deemed it necessary to rip people of their belongings, what the Rangers did was down right pathetic and immoral. The unfortunate thing is that such things have been happening in the past and that Police and Rangers (may be FC to an extent) have been involved in such extra judicial killings, but this one was extreme. i have heard ishtiyar mujrims being executed and those who have killed Police walas (not that i condone it), but this guy's crime was a bit too less for being executed in such cold blood. It was simply show of might and power - when i said that he was at the wrong place at the wrong time, he actually tried to bother a police chap (who was with his girl), the dude, considering himself above the law and everything that exists between the sky and the deep blue sea, called the rangers (Police and Rangers are in contact, always) and the police wala (in order to show his mightiness) and the ranger guys (in order to please the police), just made sure that an 'example is made out of the poor guy!'

i can only hope that these bastards are put behind bars and an example is made out of them, but at the same time, this should also serve as a warning to those wannabe thugs who consider snatching mobile phones and purses is 'cool'
The fact is, you are the most illiterate about Islam.. nay.. you are deeply preoccupied with the devil.. perhaps a future cronie for Dajjal himself.. who knows... A kharji you are.. to the very least.

Okay I pray then somebody rob u in broad daylight on gun point of all ure belongingz.....then I guess u gonna learn how u feel....:)
Alhamdolillah ! Iam not Kharji ....and I know what Iam saying dont have to be scared of anybody in telling the truth...and according to my knowledge The Rangers did the right thing.....if u agree or dont agree...
but I knw u will agree when somebody will try to shoot u while robbing u ......:cheesy:
but the boy didnt killed anybody, if he had killed then it was a different case

btw, you say this, what happens if the rich boy with his daddy as CM or something gets caught, will he be executed like this i dont think so

You mean the killing would be justified in that case?
I am deeply saddened and worried at this inevitable conclusion.

if you look at history, you shouldnt be TOO worried.....worrying alone wont solve the problems.

Karachi of 1990s was worse than the Karachi of today in my opinion though it was purely political and there werent suicide bombers and car bombers, etc. etc.. There were many such cases of police excesses in the past --and in those days media didnt exist to report (expose) such things. The police of those days were more like personal body guards and pawns used to whoop the fat a.sses of political opponents.

I think Rangers have much improvement needed and need a better training and equipment, but i wouldnt villify the entire organization because that is wrong.....same way Pakistanis hate being labelled corrupt or extremist --these guys (and the members of armed forces) dont enjoy public to generalize and dress them down. they need your support

of course when crap like this happens -- action must be taken and heads shud roll. There has to be accountability for actions. This action --which we could see clearly on video -- is not justifiable in any way or form. So im sure action will be taken. The fact that this incident is being discussed angrily in parliament and has been met with so much shock in Pakistan I think there is no need for concern that these rangers involved would be let off the hook
I suggest movie "The Ox-Bow Incident (1943)" to all posters in this thread.



Two drifters are passing through a Western town, when news comes in that a local farmer has been murdered and his cattle stolen. The townspeople, joined by the drifters, form a posse to catch the perpetrators. They find three men in possession of the cattle, and are determined to see justice done on the spot.

Memorable quotes -

Alleged killer to townspeople who are are determined to see justice done on the spot -

They're the ones I feel sorry for. 'Cause it'll be over for me in a little while, but they'll have to go on remembering for the rest of their lives. A man just naturally can't take the law into his own hands and hang people without hurtin' everybody in the world, 'cause then he's just not breaking one law but all laws. Law is a lot more than words you put in a book, or judges or lawyers or sheriffs you hire to carry it out. It's everything people ever have found out about justice and what's right and wrong. It's the very conscience of humanity. There can't be any such thing as civilization unless people have a conscience, because if people touch God anywhere, where is it except through their conscience? And what is anybody's conscience except a little piece of the conscience of all men that ever lived?
Alhamdolillah ! I know it very well thats why Iam taking the side with the rangerz....and for ure knowledge ...there is no Namaz-e-Janaaza for the robbers killed like that.......ummm............
Alhamdolillah Iam not sick but I guess u are illeterate...about the Islamic Knowledge.....very sad for that.....:azn:

well from ur recurring support for those Rangers it seems that either u were involved in this murder or u r very much about to join TTP to implement ur kind of Islam in this country !!!
Only strict punishments to robbers and decoits and rapists can ensure complete safety which ordinary innocent citizens deserve.These rangers were not doing anything extra judicial,there is already a shoot at sight order on robbers and decoits in karachi.
So that justifies execution in broad daylight??

And I am deeply saddened by some deranged people joining pdf..
well.. hope their mother does not have to see something this guys mother had to.

Hey man! every killer, robber has mother ...so when the killers get executed or punished their mothers cry no matter what.....so we shold undestand the situation ....:azn:
by the way, where is this video shot?

is it the scene of a crime? Why so many news crews at different angles so close to Rangers? were they assigned to do documentary on Rangers? or is it simply a ''wrong place at the right time'' kind of thing

i find it a bit unusual
the boy lunged at the ranger, so i think that was the cause the ranger reacted this way, but the way he was pointing the gun at the boy's face was horrible. when the boy was reaching after the gun, the other people instead of standing there should have pinned the boy and got him down on the ground, in US, the first thing the authorities tell is to get on the ground and spread your arms, this shows a complete lack of training how to act in these situations. just pin the culprit down.

If this had been a case where the boy was coming at full speed towards a ranger checkpost or 'naka' then it would have been justifiable but this is outrageous by the ranger who killed the boy.

but because it is a military institution, justice has a good chance to prevail, the guy will probably be in a jail now at the garrison.
What happened was disgusting to say the least, a clear abuse of power by the Rangers! But what is even more appalling and disgusting is the response by some posters here. That is just sick!

Regardless of the crime committed by the person, an officers job is to apprehend, not kill! Unless the officers lives were in imminent danger by the person, they had no reason to shoot. And it is clear from the video that the youth did not have a gun or any kind of weapon in his possession when he was shot at.

The law of the country, the courts and lawyers are there for a reason. That reason is to offer a fair trial to a person and eke out justice. What is the use of law's and courts when those who are supposed to enforce said law are themselves breaking the law? Whatever happened to "innocent until proven guilty". And even if he was guilty of theft, what religion or country says to kill a person for it?

Also if you see the video, at one point you can clearly hear some of the rangers saying "Maar de, Maar de" (shoot him, shoot him). The poor guy was clearly very afraid. He wasn't going after the rangers to steal the gun, he was trying, begging, to not shoot at him.

Inna lilla hi wa inna elaihi rajioon. Hope to god the culprits gets punished for this barbarity.
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