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Ranger raids MQM.. Nine Zero

I am awestruck at how many terrorist sympathizers there are on PDF.
It seems that all you need to do to act victimized is appeal to emotions on discriminatory ethnic or sectarian lines.
So sad that our people are dumb enough to fall victim to the stupid lies of such parties.
MQM came into politics because of Quota system right? Is Quota system abolished?
Hate to point this out but why is that rangers guy holding a pistol next to the woman in the beginning of the video? Wasnt it decided that no pistols were part of the operations by the rangers? From where the guy was shot I could put 2 and 2 together.
They are busy getting bandaged these days you and @Oscar seem sad after MQM terrorists got busted
This was a political raid which wont help with security situation in Karachi.
if the raid is not one sided then we can expect positive outcome
on one hand our police in Islamabad is offering assurances and security to sectarian mass murders and on the other hand in Karachi MQM is being targeted while TTP openly operates from no go areas.
This was a political raid which wont help with security situation in Karachi.
if the raid is not one sided then we can expect positive outcome
on one hand our police in Islamabad is offering assurances and security to sectarian mass murders and on the other hand in Karachi MQM is being targeted while TTP openly operates from no go areas.

Hats off to you Sir:p:
the confiscated "equipment" is an embarrassment really wonder what the Rangers are trying to achieve here.
hand guns, shot guns and some 223's.

there were more weapons in a few second video of election celebrations of Nawaz league members who had drum magazine fed Russian and American weapons 2 years ago.

Its punishment for not toeing the line as it was offered a few months ago. Certain efforts were made from compounds that lie within the two cantonments in Karachi but the MQM leadership was a little too greedy and wary of being abandoned.
It also serves as a warning to the smiling man that he cant have his way with Karachi either unless he comes up with a sweetner.
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like I said this detail was not shared earlier.
Iltaf Bhai is in trouble now

Ranger raids MQM.. Nine Zero | Page 20
Those people were throwing stones and trying to push Rangers. Rangers are not police they when do operation do like Military attitude is different there side Arm is not TT and videos clearly show not Rangers some one else shot him and MQM should have thought these things before murdering thousands and thousands of innocents since its creation

ary mian , throwing stones doesnt mean you have license to shoot ? if that is the case than why you feel sad , when Israeli Army shoot kids for protesting and throwing stones at them ?? are we living in a some Oppression ? this is our Ranger right ? we have a right to protest ... what makes me a little sad , that this guy was shot in front of a Rangers convoy , and no body care to help him and grab the killer ? i seriously feel insecure now even in front of Rangers , that if i am getting shot by a thug in front of them , so they wont help :(
What is public concern over forces operation,
this mean these peoples have deep concern with site, it is point less to say on such raids cross firing may occur. this first things peoples need to socialize.
i think no one but peoples of Karachi itself responsible for bad days in city. No where these kind of incidents ostensibly find. :pakistan:
Good analysis dude ... I myself was thinking on same lines ... There is something fishy ..........

either something is fishy or people are not telling the truth ..

the problem with people is that they have a mindset that MQM as whole is terrorist , even the women , kids and everyone ... so even if today Rangers rape a Women associated with MQM ., they will not condemn it , but feel happy that see our Rangers raped a terrorist Sympathizers ....
Its punishment for not toeing the line as it was offered a few months ago. Certain efforts were made from compounds that lie within the two cantonments in Karachi but the MQM leadership was a little too greedy and wary of being abandoned.
It also serves as a warning to the smiling man that he cant have his way with Karachi either unless he comes up with a sweetner.
well the detailed "haul" is much more than what was shared earlier
hence I dismissed it as a typical "planned" raid earlier but if indeed everything is recovered from 90 then Altaf Bhai is in trouble.

what I find strange is that the debate is derailing into ethnic lines. this behaviour is celebrated and encouraged since some people believe that Lahore and Raiwand is what counts and people belonging to certain clans and family groups.

I have lived for a limited amount of time in Karachi so I am worried .. why this raid is conducted now? why not before?
Check the exit or entry wound of the dead boy and rethink the position of Ranger guys shooting position to bullet wound on dead body



Watch video once again, the boy was killed at same time the ranger guy was shooting in air. The sound was masked.Ranger personnel took 1 minute to realize what happened which is enough time for someone to melt in a thick crowd.

At the time of shooting did you see rangers firing through rifles or through Pistols ? Post mortem report also confirmed gunshot wound was of TT

Remember how Benazir bhutto killer was able to reach so close to her and shoot her

It is standard operating procedure that in an armed/hostile neighbourhood where there is a real chance of encountering armed suspects, Law enforcement personnel would resort to aerial firing so not to get crowd get close to them.

Sir i guess you missed , the Ranger guy sitting on the car , look at his gun position , he was not firing but point very little high to the mob ...

but i agree from the pic, it does not seems to be the wound of a Ak , you may know better than me , cause i have no idea , the effect of a AK bullet on a body , but what my tiny Aqaal say that it cant be so small ... if anyone from low distance be shot by AK , his face or head will be blown ...

this also conclude that Paris shooting was fake ?? right ... cause if you remember the ISIS guy shooting the police officer , there was no blown flesh or blood from his head ...

but what make me little worried that ranger did nothing , seriously i am starting to realize who will protect me in this country ? ranger ? they dont care ... Police they are killers in Uniform ... Army , they have no time for Karachi :(
no wonder why all young boys like me ended up doing work in UAE rather than making useful contribution in our country :(
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