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Rampant Hate Speech Against Bangladesh & It's People In This Subsection : My Two Cents

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Thank you.
l wanted to reach out & send a message to the Pakistani posters here that unlike what most of them here seem to think, Bangladeshis don't consider them to be enemies.Islam teaches us that believers are brothers & should be united, and as such we believe them to be our brothers too.
Some of them seem to think I have some hidden agenda.But that's their problem.I have done what I intended to do.However they'll take it, that's up to them & the Almighty.
As you have said, at the end of the day, it's just PDF.There are millions others in real life, other forums & social medias who need to hear this very same message. I'll just continue to try with those people, should my efforts in PDF prove fruitless.

Thanks for the effort. At the end of the day, we are all Muslims and should not let these things get in our way. Appreciate your efforts.
Imagine if this plan went through though.

Bangladesh would have been a powerhouse in the region.With a territory of almost 250,000 square kilometres, population of 250 million (approx.) with thousands of years of shared history, along with industrial capacity of British developed Calcutta & 24 years of head start, led by strong, Islamic minded visionary leaders like H.S. Suhrawardy, Fazlul Haque (famously known as the Tiger of Bengal), Sheikh Mujibur Rahman etc.

This, along with economic & military cooperation between Bangladesh & Pakistan, would have ensured that Indian hegemonic ambitions in the region remain only as dreams.
Calcutta was still a Hindu majority and you forgot about Barishal and Chattogram.

Whole of NE(minus S Tibet to China) and Arakhan should have been given to BD.

S Asia now has really messy and silly borders and that is why most of it is so violent and impoverished.
Why? what you guys has to do with NE? You know why there was an anti NRC protest in NE?
It is possible. But regardless when you see someone rattling off ideas from the little saffron Sanghi rulebook - you can be 100% sure they are Sanghi posters. These folks all parrot the same lines,
  1. "Anyone Hindu is good - anyone Muslim is evil."
  2. "Muslims have no place in today's India - they are undesirable and not even deserving of third class status"
  3. "Deny any jobs, education and housing to Muslims - so that they continue to live in ghettos"
  4. "Anything bad happening in India must be the fault of an evil Muslim"
  5. "Muslims are outsiders - convert them or kick them out"
  6. "Only Hindus belong to India, this is our land"
  7. "Strengthen Hindutva beyond Cow belt - WB, TN, Kerala and Karnataka will fund us to make it happen""
  8. "Strengthen Hindi-speaking culture in WB, TN, Kerala and Karnataka so we can turn them into anti-Muslim states."
Fact is these semi-educated morons (some of them even H1B visa holders), have to come to the realization that the rest of the world does not run or subscribe to their backdated stupid racist ideas.

If they have to live in places like the US or Canada and continue to do business and hold jobs in these countries, they have to change their ideas or Muslim-hater attitudes, otherwise they will lose both jobs and the privilege to do business here (as well as in India for all the backoffice work).

Mayhem will disrupt business in India and paint it for what it really is, a racist hellhole. FDI will cease to come in, racism will be overt and India will be stuck in the kanjoosi 2% growth pattern, called a 'Hindu' rate of growth, which is what these RSS'ers really deserve as they are used to the "one burnt chapatti and one onion" dinner pattern.

'Revenge' is just an excuse these Hindutva folks use to justify the horrific acts of rape and murder nowadays to Muslims. 1000 years of Muslim rule has not been completely unjust to Hindus. There may have been some injustices as is normal - but overall if you look at efforts by Mughal Muslim rulers to engage Hindu subjects, are all these bad??

Deen-e-Elahi was a radical departure considering the conservative times it was enacted. Even court ministers in Mughal times were Hindu (all through to the end of Mughal rule), as were many alliances with Hindu kings etc. via marriage.

It was a treacherous Hindu Banya who financed the end of Mughal rule in Bengal Subah by providing funds to Lord Clive. This is the price Siraj-ud-Daulah paid for trusting Hindu Banyas (Jagat Seth), but you don't see us thinking 'revenge'. There are Hindus in top echelons of every govt. administration and private companies in Bangladesh today. We don't think of them as 'outsiders'.

Yup - it's been fifty years. Any quibbling is pointless. We hopefully have learnt lessons in both countries and should move on for the sake of the future.

I want to commend you for clarifying these thoughts. Regardless of our petty regional quibbles (which we can sort out eventually, including for example the less than enlightened behavior of Yahya and Bhutto that resulted in so much disarray) we should not forget the big picture, which is economic/scientific progress for all Muslim countries (bigger goal), uplifting of our mehnati populace and quest for a better political position in the global arena.
You forgot to mention the role of his trusted general Mir Zafar, name who was synonymous to treachery in Bengali vocab.
I frankly have no interest in bringing up our past.I only told my story.That's one side of the history.As I'm sure you or any other Pakistani member have another side.I only told my part because the things @fisher1 told me about, resemble the things that happened in 71 to Bangladeshis & I'm frankly disappointed that Pakistani establishment hasn't learned from it's past.Now, we can say that it was war.Atrocities were committed by both sides.And I agree.But the people who suffered, they might have different views.They'd blame the one's in whose hand they suffered.Just as a Pakistani who lost his family member to Mukti Bahini would always blame the Bangladeshis.And a Bangladeshi who lost his family member to PA would always blame Pakistanis.
Hence, @fisher1's misgivings.And I sympathize with him because my family members has once suffered like he/his people did.Now I don't follow Pakistani politics much so I don't know why it happened to them.

As some of you seem intent on trying to prove that I have some agenda to demonize Pakistanis here with this thread,I'd ask you to show me once where I have called Punjabis oppressors.Or even blamed the people of West Pakistan.Goes for you too @masterchief_mirza
In fact, I have always maintained that the blame went to the then government of United Pakistan.Not it's people.
Now we can start a debate on whether the government of Pakistan is at blame or not, but that's pointless imo & waste of energy.I want to leave our past behind & work together for the sake of the future of both of our countries.Not stay up nights debating whatever our forefathers did.

The point of this thread was to stop the fighting between Pakistani & Bangladeshi posters.Which happens regularly in the forum.
If your'e trying to find any of this "thinly veiled agenda" here, then I'm afraid you're gonna be sorely disappointed.

I agree that it wasn't a one way street.Atrocities were committed by both sides.That's why I have maintained that we need to move on & leave our past behind.
Or we can keep digging up dirt of which both sides have plenty.
Well I'm happy to be disappointed on this occasion then.
I frankly have no interest in bringing up our past.I only told my story.That's one side of the history.As I'm sure you or any other Pakistani member have another side.I only told my part because the things @fisher1 told me about, resemble the things that happened in 71 to Bangladeshis & I'm frankly disappointed that Pakistani establishment hasn't learned from it's past...

So, you have no interest in discussing what did (or didn't) happen between East and West Pakistan in the past, and you are here only to tell your story ??

And then you go on to tell us that Pakistan hasn't learnt anything from the past, alleging that we inflicted great pain on Bengalis, and now we are doing the same with Pashtuns ...

Now, my friend, you clearly are not on Pak-Bangladesh rapprochement agenda (as you claim) as any such effort would essentially require acknowledgement of at least some of your faults. But here you are demonising Pakistan and playing victim while telling us frankly that you are not interested in anything we say no matter even it is backed up by evidence/stats.

@masterchief_mirza I disagree with you, sir... It's not a thinly veiled agenda... It's an overt propaganda campaign in support of India/Afghan backed fringe elements in KP attempting to subvert national integrity and sovereignty of Pakistan.

There's clear pattern. First talk about Pakistani Bengali being bhai bhai and win the praise/confidence of Pakistani posters. Then, out of no where, a guy claiming to be a Pakistani Pashtun starts drawing parallels between KP and erstwhile East Pakistan regretting that Pashtuns have no Sheikh Mujeeb and therefore Pashtuns and Baloch have accepted Sindhi and Punjabi dominance (Anyone who has had an interaction with PTM ethnofascists would know that this isn't the language/line of argument used by them). The same Bangla posters now start sympathising with the 'supposed' Pashtun poster telling him that they can relate with his pain and sufferings, and that Pakistan hasn't learned anything from it's mistakes.

@AgNoStiC MuSliM @jaibi ... I strongly agree with @Old School ... You need to keep check on what's going on in the BD section.
So, you have no interest in discussing what did (or didn't) happen between East and West Pakistan in the past, and you are here only to tell your story ??

And then you go on to tell us that Pakistan hasn't learnt anything from the past, alleging that we inflicted great pain on Bengalis, and now we are doing the same with Pashtuns ...

Now, my friend, you clearly are not on Pak-Bangladesh rapprochement agenda (as you claim) as any such effort would essentially require acknowledgement of at least some of your faults. But here you are demonising Pakistan and playing victim while telling us frankly that you are not interested in anything we say no matter even it is backed up by evidence/stats.

@masterchief_mirza I disagree with you, sir... It's not a thinly veiled agenda... It's an overt propaganda campaign in support of India/Afghan backed fringe elements in KP attempting to subvert national integrity and sovereignty of Pakistan.

There's clear pattern. First talk about Pakistani Bengali being bhai bhai and win the praise/confidence of Pakistani posters. Then, out of no where, a guy claiming to be a Pakistani Pashtun starts drawing parallels between KP and erstwhile East Pakistan regretting that Pashtuns have no Sheikh Mujeeb and therefore Pashtuns and Baloch have accepted Sindhi and Punjabi dominance (Anyone who has had an interaction with PTM ethnofascists would know that this isn't the language/line of argument used by them). The same Bangla posters now start sympathising with the 'supposed' Pashtun poster telling him that they can relate with his pain and sufferings, and that Pakistan hasn't learned anything from it's mistakes.

@AgNoStiC MuSliM @jaibi ... I strongly agree with @Old School ... You need to keep check on what's going on in the BD section.

You are barking up the wrong tree here.

If there is any subversion it certainly isn't on the part of the original poster. @Sehnsucht

There may be some merit to what you write in your post.

But it's misdirected.
You are barking up the wrong tree here.

If there is any subversion it certainly isn't on the part of the original poster. @Sehnsucht

There may be some merit to what you write in your post.

But it's misdirected.

That post was directed towards @Sehnsucht because he has very strongly endorsed those lies/propaganda peddled in the name of Pashtuns while refusing to discuss anything

No, it's not misdirected.. Read through his posts
That post was directed towards @Sehnsucht because he has very strongly endorsed those lies/propaganda peddled in the name of Pashtuns while refusing to discuss anything

No, it's not misdirected.. Read through his posts

I'm gonna stay away from commenting on your internal affairs other than to say I am for a strong, united, sovereign Pakistan.

I don't think the OP had any intentions other than what he stated.

(I've read through the material and I can see what you object to)

But @Old School and yourself are absolutely correct in that there are those with sinister designs at work.

In any case, in my opinion that is beyond the scope of this particular thread.
I don't think the OP had any intentions other than what he stated.

(I've read through the material and I can see what you object to)

A Bangladeshi has the audacity to say this on a Pakistani forum:

This post is a beautiful masterpiece painted with colours of raw pain.

Brother, I understand your feelings of betrayal & pain.Your words about the sufferings in KPK, Balochistan makes my blood boil.Has the rulers of Pakistan learned nothing? This barbarism & frankly cruel & stupid policies of treating their own people like garbage need to change....

But we'll also have to keep on extending the olive branch to the other side...

^^ And he was able to get away with it only because he 'pretended' to be for "Bangladesh Pakistan unity"

Pashtuns are over-represented in Pakistan government and Army. There is absolutely no oppression of Pashtuns by the state. No one treats them as garbage. We are not barbarians. Pashtuns and Baloch are not "the other side". Who's "we"?

Can't you see what this @Sehnsucht guy is up to?
So, you have no interest in discussing what did (or didn't) happen between East and West Pakistan in the past, and you are here only to tell your story ??

And then you go on to tell us that Pakistan hasn't learnt anything from the past, alleging that we inflicted great pain on Bengalis, and now we are doing the same with Pashtuns ...

Now, my friend, you clearly are not on Pak-Bangladesh rapprochement agenda (as you claim) as any such effort would essentially require acknowledgement of at least some of your faults. But here you are demonising Pakistan and playing victim while telling us frankly that you are not interested in anything we say no matter even it is backed up by evidence/stats.

@masterchief_mirza I disagree with you, sir... It's not a thinly veiled agenda... It's an overt propaganda campaign in support of India/Afghan backed fringe elements in KP attempting to subvert national integrity and sovereignty of Pakistan.

There's clear pattern. First talk about Pakistani Bengali being bhai bhai and win the praise/confidence of Pakistani posters. Then, out of no where, a guy claiming to be a Pakistani Pashtun starts drawing parallels between KP and erstwhile East Pakistan regretting that Pashtuns have no Sheikh Mujeeb and therefore Pashtuns and Baloch have accepted Sindhi and Punjabi dominance (Anyone who has had an interaction with PTM ethnofascists would know that this isn't the language/line of argument used by them). The same Bangla posters now start sympathising with the 'supposed' Pashtun poster telling him that they can relate with his pain and sufferings, and that Pakistan hasn't learned anything from it's mistakes.

@AgNoStiC MuSliM @jaibi ... I strongly agree with @Old School ... You need to keep check on what's going on in the BD section.
You're trying to find conspiracy where there is none.
So, you have no interest in discussing what did (or didn't) happen between East and West Pakistan in the past, and you are here only to tell your story ??

Now, my friend, you clearly are not on Pak-Bangladesh rapprochement agenda (as you claim) as any such effort would essentially require acknowledgement of at least some of your faults.
I frankly have no interest in bringing up our past.I only told my story.That's one side of the history.As I'm sure you or any other Pakistani member have another side..Now, we can say that it was war.Atrocities were committed by both sides.And I agree.But the people who suffered, they might have different views.They'd blame the one's in whose hand they suffered.Just as a Pakistani who lost his family member to Mukti Bahini would always blame the Bangladeshis.And a Bangladeshi who lost his family member to PA would always blame Pakistanis.

I agree that it wasn't a one way street.Atrocities were committed by both sides.That's why I have maintained that we need to move on & leave our past behind.
Or we can keep digging up dirt of which both sides have plenty.
I have clearly mentioned several times that there were atrocities committed by both sides.
I told my side of the history. You have your side of history.
A Bangladeshi has the audacity to say this on a Pakistani forum:

^^ And he was able to get away with it only because he 'pretended' to be for "Bangladesh Pakistan unity"

Pashtuns are over-represented in Pakistan government and Army. There is absolutely no oppression of Pashtuns by the state. No one treats them as garbage. We are not barbarians. Pashtuns and Baloch are not "on the other side".

Can't you see what this @Sehnsucht guy is up to?
If you're under the impression that just because I'm a Bangladeshi, in a Pakistani forum, I should have to kowtow to you, then you're sorely mistaken.

You seem to keep cherrypicking my post to suit your narrative.
I only told my part because the things @fisher1 told me about, resemble the things that happened in 71 to Bangladeshis & I'm frankly disappointed that Pakistani establishment hasn't learned from it's past.
Hence, @fisher1's misgivings.And I sympathize with him because my family members has once suffered like he/his people did.Now I don't follow Pakistani politics much so I don't know why it happened to them.

As some of you seem intent on trying to prove that I have some agenda to demonize Pakistanis here with this thread,I'd ask you to show me once where I have called Punjabis oppressors.Or even blamed the people of West Pakistan.Goes for you too @masterchief_mirza
A Pakistani poster told me that his people are suffering in a Pakistani forum.So I of course was taken aback & sympathized with him.
And I admit that maybe I don't know enough about your home issues to comment on that.
But instead of telling me your side & educating me about those issues, you have accused me of conspiracy & whatever you can think of.
I'll let other posters here be the judge.This is my last post on this topic.Seems you have already made up your mind.
If you're under the impression that just because I'm a Bangladeshi, in a Pakistani forum, I should have to kowtow to you, then you're sorely mistaken.

You seem to keep cherrypicking my post to suit your narrative.

You hate Pakistan, your posts/choice of words make it clear...
Just stop being a hypocrite, stop pretending that you are here to promote harmony.

And do not use such words for Pakistan and Pakistanis again.. You are being warned

A Pakistani poster told me that his people are suffering in a Pakistani forum.So I of course was taken aback & sympathized with him. And I admit that maybe I don't know enough about your home issues to comment on that.

It's better to keep your mouth shut when you don't know anything about our home issues.

An anonymous poster said something bad about Pakistan on an internet forum and you started to abuse/badmouth Pakistan taking his words to be gospel truth???

You are not as innocent as you are trying to pretend now

But instead of telling me your side & educating me about those issues, you have accused me of conspiracy & whatever you can think of.
I'll let other posters here be the judge.This is my last post on this topic.Seems you have already made up your mind.

Another lie??!!

We did try to discuss/educate by quoting some relevant stats to show that we were not oppressors back then, and that we were not oppressors now (post#116)... But you responded by saying that you were Frankly not interested
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Pakistan also should have gotten the whole of Kashmir
Don't forget West UP and Dehli

It was a treacherous Hindu Banya who financed the end of Mughal rule in Bengal Subah by providing funds to Lord Clive. This is the price Siraj-ud-Daulah paid for trusting Hindu Banyas (Jagat Seth), but you don't see us thinking 'revenge'. There are Hindus in top echelons of every govt. administration and private companies in Bangladesh today. We don't think of them as 'outsiders'.
They were the front runners in creating distrust among East and West Pakistanis. Do read role about Hindu Teachers in creation of hatred among East and West Pakistanis
A Bangladeshi has the audacity to say this on a Pakistani forum:

^^ And he was able to get away with it only because he 'pretended' to be for "Bangladesh Pakistan unity"

Pashtuns are over-represented in Pakistan government and Army. There is absolutely no oppression of Pashtuns by the state. No one treats them as garbage. We are not barbarians. Pashtuns and Baloch are not "the other side". Who's "we"?

Can't you see what this @Sehnsucht guy is up to?

You can save your comments on my "audacity".

In the interest of avoiding further fitna, I'm done with this exchange.

@Sehnsucht I'd advise you to do the same.

You're not gonna get anywhere here.
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You can save your comments on my "audacity".

In the interest of avoiding further fitna, I'm done with this exchange.

This entire BD forum has become a Fitnah
About time PDF removed this useless subsection
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