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Railways official refuses to work with ‘ill-mannered’ Sheikh Rasheed

Siekh Rasheed is the BOSS now
When BOSS says , Productivity is SHIT , it means you get to work early and do more work

If BOSS says , your uniform is not Ironed properly and has stains you need to go home and clean you Uniform and come next day in sharp suit and tie to do your duty

If BOSS says pick up that old lady's bag and take it to Cabins , you pick those bags up and take the old lady to her seat on Railway Train and ask her if she needs water bottle

If BOSS says , instead of sitting around and pick a broom and clean the room , you pick the broom and clean the office if there are no sales in the station , arrange for painting of station and installation of fresh flowers and free snacks for passengers

If BOSS says , it is hot outside, passengers need cold water bottles you go out and hand out free cold water bottles for passengers


Learn how other railway workers treat passengers

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Dubai: A Pakistan Railways official has reportedly sought an LFP (leave on full pay) for 730 days.

In a leave application that went viral on social media, Mohammad Hanif Gul, a Grade-20 officer, wrote that he found it impossible to work with the new Federal Minister for Railways, Shaikh Rashid Ahmad due to his “attitude” that Gul said was “nonprofessional and ill-mannered.”

Ahmad took office as the new minister on August 20, 2018.

Gharidah Farooqi and a few other journalists from Pakistan tweeted a copy of the application that was shared by many. @GFarooqi wrote: “First jolt to Railways. A senior official applies for two years leave citing nonprofessional and ill-mannered behaviour of new Railways Minister.”



Fire that SOB---he does not deserve to be employed---and confiscate all his property for deceiving the nation at its time of need---.

Honorable member of civil service of pakistan 'my foot'---.
1000% agreed!
It's noteworthy that Sheikh Rasheed is in the news a lot for some very controversial things i.e. giving NLC and FWO the ML1 track without any bidding for it and now giving a shut up shout to a senior officer who was talking about previous ministry's decision to built a rack for Bolan mail (Karachi - Quetta) as more viable than using this new rack for Sheikh Rasheed's Proposed train route of Rawalpindi - Kundian obviously to disliking by the minister.

Irrelevant deflections.

Only thing noteworthy here is how utterly ridiculous the demands of this Babu is. The Prime Minister of Pakistan is working during Eid holidays while this Babu is demanding 730 days of paid leave. Mashallah!
Irrelevant deflections.

Only thing noteworthy here is how utterly ridiculous the demands of this Babu is. The Prime Minister of Pakistan is working during Eid holidays while this Babu is demanding 730 days of paid leave. Mashallah!
Officer's reaction is excessive, IMO. He also need coaching.

I do---he is family near and dear to me---a little older than me---and it was after his visit to islamabad that he came to visit us at our house and narrated the story---and he seemed to be quite disturbed by it---talking to my father and I was sitting next to him---.
I understand but with respect I will keep a differant opinion on the matter. I am informed about Ayub through my dad who was in Pakistan in early 1960s and is a inveterate supporter of President Ayub Khan. This of course naturally influenced my thinking and I have done lots of reading on his goverment. Non of that shows any vindictivness in the man. In fact quite the contrary. He was officer and gentleman in the old school mould. I regard Ayub the greatest leader Pakistan has had post Jinnah. If IK can do half of what Ayub did I will be mighty impressed.

And by the way I don't think there was anything wrong with Yahya. Yes he drank, But that did not make his leadership bad. Bhutto used him as a scapegoat after he became PM. What exactly did Yahya do wrong. The elections he oversaw were in time and fair. Rest of what happened was a tussle between two guys who acted beyond their boot size - Bhutto and Mujib. Whatever happened was thanks to West Pakistani establishment - military and political. Yahya became a scapegoat for rest to walk away clean.

And with piety having become a industry today Yahya never stands a chance. Mention his drinking habits and it's game all over for Yahya. After that his legacy never will get a fair hearing.
Professional work ethics are important to create a good working environment.

Yes, that applies to the managers.

I worked for Fidelity Investments and the guy who would have been my boss was disobedient and challenged the Chairman of FI. Chairman asked him to skip one part of his presentation, and he did not.

He was fired within a week! And this guy was the Head of a big revenue earning BU in EMEA!

You don't challenge your boss openly.
Officer's reaction is excessive, IMO. He also need coaching.

It is a calculated strategy.

is now going to run to the union where he will drag this out for a few years while he sits home helping his missus in the kitchen. And then people wonder why these State institutions have deficits the size of a black hole. Privatisation is the only way out of this mess.
shiekh Rasheed praises previous govt projects in internal meetings and in media talk criticize them.he is not reliable man.he has two faces one for public and other for dealing inside railway.he attended a railway station few days ago and railway staff get involved in giving him protocol which caused problems for passangers and they had to wait for long.i think he will bring no big change
Yes, that applies to the managers.

I worked for Fidelity Investments and the guy who would have been my boss was disobedient and challenged the Chairman of FI. Chairman asked him to skip one part of his presentation, and he did not.

He was fired within a week! And this guy was the Head of a big revenue earning BU in EMEA!

You don't challenge your boss openly.
Thanks for sharing your story.

Bosses shouldn't be so trigger-happy, IMO. Some have inflated ego due to excessive power in their hands.

Disciplinary action(s) should vary from mild to severe in intensity, depending upon the offenses committed.
The last person to make Railway Profitable was this same Guy, Seikh Rasheed


Out going Minister Saad Rafique only made improvement of 10% in Traveler numbers
standing at poor 50 Million (Pretty much a none existent performance). The figures were drastically low in Zardari time so Saad rafique effort was a fair but not outstanding

Pakistani Travellers in Musharaf's time and Seikh Rasheed's time were almost at 80 million mark

30 Million Less Passengers Travel in Trains due to Zardari & Nawaz Sharif
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If he has objections then he should have resigned. He is applying for leave with pay..why?
Anyways...his corruption will be investigated.
This is the Sheikh Rasheed I like

This is when he was in Canada not too long ago.

If Mr Sheikh Rasheed can take back Railways back to 80 Million Passengers mark it would be a great recovery for Railways institute

We will see what his approach is

a) More Locomotives
b) Better service
c) Better rates
d) Cleaner stations

But he has 5 years to showcase his ability

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