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Railways official refuses to work with ‘ill-mannered’ Sheikh Rasheed

I understand but with respect I will keep a differant opinion on the matter. I am informed about Ayub through my dad who was in Pakistan in early 1960s and is a inveterate supporter of President Ayub Khan. This of course naturally influenced my thinking and I have done lots of reading on his goverment. Non of that shows any vindictivness in the man. In fact quite the contrary. He was officer and gentleman in the old school mould. I regard Ayub the greatest leader Pakistan has had post Jinnah. If IK can do half of what Ayub did I will be mighty impressed.

And by the way I don't think there was anything wrong with Yahya. Yes he drank, But that did not make his leadership bad. Bhutto used him as a scapegoat after he became PM. What exactly did Yahya do wrong. The elections he oversaw were in time and fair. Rest of what happened was a tussle between two guys who acted beyond their boot size - Bhutto and Mujib. Whatever happened was thanks to West Pakistani establishment - military and political. Yahya became a scapegoat for rest to walk away clean.

And with piety having become a industry today Yahya never stands a chance. Mention his drinking habits and it's game all over for Yahya. After that his legacy never will get a fair hearing.


As I stated---I heard it from the mouth of a person who was possibly standing or sitting across from Pres Ayub Khan---.

Last days of Ayuba Khan were extremely bitter---. He felt betrayed by the public---.

Now as for you comments about Yahya---who was stupified by alcohol all the time---a commanding officer drunk---.

I am surprised none of the brave officers executed him on the spot---him and his other crony generals---.
Dubai: A Pakistan Railways official has reportedly sought an LFP (leave on full pay) for 730 days.

In a leave application that went viral on social media, Mohammad Hanif Gul, a Grade-20 officer, wrote that he found it impossible to work with the new Federal Minister for Railways, Shaikh Rashid Ahmad due to his “attitude” that Gul said was “nonprofessional and ill-mannered.”

Ahmad took office as the new minister on August 20, 2018.

Gharidah Farooqi and a few other journalists from Pakistan tweeted a copy of the application that was shared by many. @GFarooqi wrote: “First jolt to Railways. A senior official applies for two years leave citing nonprofessional and ill-mannered behaviour of new Railways Minister.”


Moron ...if he has issues EITHER address them, get a new job or resign as protest not ask for LEAVE WITH PAY!

Just another corrupt juicing Pakistan! There should be no such thing as a leave with pay that can go up that long!
Mr Ayub was merely bamboozled by the glitter of American hospitality. We were dragged into a Proxy regional proxy group , due to this ill advised move. Initially the relation was warm and quite good till Kennedy assassination. However beyond that our role and importance was always less prominent , gradually we started to get treated on a lesser level.

Look folks treated Pakistan differently in Kenedy's time, it is no surprise he was bamboozled
by the hospitality and welcome, they had national parade for our guy, I personally feel that Kenedy's assassination changed the US policy on Pakistan in certain manner


  • The DAM was constructed with US help it helped things in 60's but it was the trading chip which was used to entice Pakistan into making a decision in 60's
  • The short term gains in 60's fade away quite rapidly , Pakistan always found itself being singled out or treated differently
We also gave up too much in recent WOT , taking massive economic loses and 95% of American public has no idea what we did , because American media covers up any good thing we do and only highlights the negatives , and this has gradually drifted things to a massive distance

Pakistan , has suffered 350 Billion dollars between 70's and Present age due to Mr Ayub's decision to join a particular global grouping.

Pakistan would have been in greater shape , had we closed our Afghan border and had a neutral stance on global agenda like Sweeden or Norway back in 70's

Pakistan should maintain a negative stance , and always oppose war on our neighboring border

Short term gains for Mr Ayub's time may have been 10-15 Billion dollar worth but the long term consequences caused massive 300-500 Billion losses to Pakistani economy

In 1970's we were projected to be where South Korea is economically today however because we got involved in a Proxy situation we never reached our full potential.

Mr Ayyub / Sisi or Hosni Mubark are same faces on coin, these are temporary alliances meant to sway the country to open up to American influence.
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Thanks for sharing your story.

Bosses shouldn't be so trigger-happy, IMO. Some have inflated ego due to excessive power in their hands.

Disciplinary action(s) should vary from mild to severe in intensity, depending upon the offenses committed.

In the West, there is a common saying: Your job is to make your boss look good!

When you confront or go against your boss in open, you get fired or you resign. I have seen this in UK Civil Service as well.
Support the man who has a plan

Introduction of Large screen LCD on stations / Wifi and Online freight service
  • 600+ Coaches (Passenger Cabins) , are out of commission , so he will get them all repaired with private parties inside Pakistan , instead of importing from outside, and will also involve Rasulpor Train manufacturing plant
  • Currently he identified that the Locomotive manufacturing is out of commission so no new Locomotives are being constructed in Pakistan
  • 10,000 Junk 4 wheel coaches which are not usable will be sold in auction for scrap immediately to generate some revenue (recoverable revenue and free up spaces for brand new items). These have been parked for last 60 years
  • Railway school/ hospitals , will invite staff from Universities to come man these hospitals , help close shortages and use the infrastructure already in place
  • Apartment for Railway workers , 10,000 Apartments if extra housing is left vacant it will be rented to civilians who will pay rent collected by Railways
  • Proposal to change the Track size , so cheaper locomotives from Europe can be imported if needed , since Pakistan is using a out of standard track size , the equipment which is run on it requires customization which costs lot of money, Used locomotives can be bought at extremely cheap rates after the conversion

  • Restart project to connect Rawalpindi with Lahore in 2.5 hours by fast track train which has been stalled for 10 years

This is what I call Transparency , you come to power you declare you INTENT and then tackle the problem like Tiger
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What 720 days leave. He himself is non professional and ill mannered asking 720 days paid leave on tax payer money. Minister is always boss. You can't reply him same time. Hot argument happens but he should settle in private meeting. Boss is always boss. Sheikh rasheed has no personal Benefit from this officer.
NAB is also active . Some people just don't want NAB. They want to work free without question.
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Railways official refuses to work with ‘ill-mannered’ Sheikh Rasheed

Web Desk

AUGUST 26, 2018


ISLAMABAD: Railways Chief Commercial Manager Mohammad Hanif Gul criticised newly-appointed minister Sheikh Rasheed saying that he would not want to work under an ‘ill-mannered’ and ‘non-professional’ person as the AML leader.

In a letter written to Railways Ministry chairman, Hanif Gul requested a leave of 730 days since he would not want to work under the new minister due to his ‘ill-mannered’ and ‘non-professional’ behaviour.


“As a honourable member of the Civil Services of Pakistan, it is not possible for me to work under Sheikh Rasheed. The minister is fully entitled to work with a team that shares his vision,” Gul said, pointing out at visionary differences too.

Earlier this week, Rasheed had slammed ministry staffers after some of details of a meeting were ‘leaked’. The minister warned the railway workers to not share any information regarding the meetings.

Civil Court Marshal is recommended under civil disobedience & laps in duty act for Mr. Gul and other like minded as they denies to serve (failed to the minimum criteria of Sadiq & Ameen of Pakistan) by historically making the department to fail and yet not being able to convince his superior democratically elected Rep of peoples of Islamic Republic of Pakistan.
"KAROO OR BHAROO" rule be offer to all.
Minister's suggestion is good to use Department lands for constriction of accommodation but he should mind this that do the severely under performed employee deserve such gifts. As it going to be a serious burden on already debt ridden Railway. Instead he should be selling these Dept Lands to make the capacity building of the over staffed department, to make them worker or PHUTTO instead oblidging them of being lazy. Its simple punishment and reward rule. Set performances based bounces, instead of Manosalwa.
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Yeah the civil servant is an arrogant lil prick but lets talk about the other side.

Not taking any sides here but Sheikh Rasheed is too used to sitting on his arse all day and giving interviews to media channels. He's demoted himself to the role of a Jester in the past 10 years and that's evident from his body language in ALL press briefings he's held since taking office at the MOR. His body language and facial expressions are that of a defeatist; As if he's unhappy that his 10 long years of doing -NOTHING- have come to an abrupt halt.

The type of look a man gets when he's expecting Ministry of Interior or Ministry of Information (which would have fit his lifestyle of talking smack) but instead received the backbone of Pakistan riddled with tumors. He's unfit for the job but I sincerely hope he pulls his socks up soon enough.
Yeah the civil servant is an arrogant lil prick but lets talk about the other side.

Not taking any sides here but Sheikh Rasheed is too used to sitting on his arse all day and giving interviews to media channels. He's demoted himself to the role of a Jester in the past 10 years and that's evident from his body language in ALL press briefings he's held since taking office at the MOR. His body language and facial expressions are that of a defeatist; As if he's unhappy that his 10 long years of doing -NOTHING- have come to an abrupt halt.

The type of look a man gets when he's expecting Ministry of Interior or Ministry of Information (which would have fit his lifestyle of talking smack) but instead received the backbone of Pakistan riddled with tumors. He's unfit for the job but I sincerely hope he pulls his socks up soon enough.
I think PMLn govt gave these babu too much free hand. Imagine 55 companies scandal and Saf Pani scandal , where CM refused to take the responsibility and hold all bureaucracy for all financial crimes.
Show the workers "Pakistani Sheikh" side of yours. instead of an "Arab Shaikh" which are not one.
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