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Railways official refuses to work with ‘ill-mannered’ Sheikh Rasheed

Currently he identified that the Locomotive manufacturing is out of commission so no new Locomotives are being constructed in Pakistan
No need of it, Your demand for locos is not economically fissile.

Apartment for Railway workers , 10,000 Apartments if extra housing is left vacant it will be rented to civilians who will pay rent collected by Railways
What is population of Taxila and 10000 apartment for whom?

Proposal to change the Track size , so cheaper locomotives from Europe can be imported if needed , since Pakistan is using a out of standard track size , the equipment which is run on it requires customization which costs lot of money, Used locomotives can be bought at extremely cheap rates after the conversion
Can we operate new and old gage side by side for the short and medium term and save the existing trains from being abandoned, instead on going for revamping the whole infrastructure for new gage tracks. Its out of the box solution a are our challenges.

Restart project to connect Rawalpindi with Lahore in 2.5 hours by fast track train which has been stalled for 10 years
Can we operate new and old gage side by side for the short and medium term and save the existing trains from being abandoned, instead on going for revamping the whole infrastructure for new gage tracks. Its out of the box solution a are our challenges.
Clever guy not resigning just getting leave for 700 plus days
Beaucarts have made good rules for themselves..doctors , teacher cant get 2 weeks and he is getting 2 years....what the ****
Railways official refuses to work with ‘ill-mannered’ Sheikh Rasheed

Web Desk

AUGUST 26, 2018


ISLAMABAD: Railways Chief Commercial Manager Mohammad Hanif Gul criticised newly-appointed minister Sheikh Rasheed saying that he would not want to work under an ‘ill-mannered’ and ‘non-professional’ person as the AML leader.

In a letter written to Railways Ministry chairman, Hanif Gul requested a leave of 730 days since he would not want to work under the new minister due to his ‘ill-mannered’ and ‘non-professional’ behaviour.


“As a honourable member of the Civil Services of Pakistan, it is not possible for me to work under Sheikh Rasheed. The minister is fully entitled to work with a team that shares his vision,” Gul said, pointing out at visionary differences too.

Earlier this week, Rasheed had slammed ministry staffers after some of details of a meeting were ‘leaked’. The minister warned the railway workers to not share any information regarding the meetings.

This guy should not be given leave of absence. This should be banned too. If you dont want to work, then leave. Why should he paid from your money when he does not want to work. Either work or go home. Your money is not cheap that it should pay full salary and benefits without work for two years.
He should be fired without any delay . No need of such a stupid staff member in an organization..
Railway always manged poorly by ministers in all government ..first sheik Rasheed then saad Rafique..Shiekh Rasheed don't deserve any serious ministry ..he should be minister of food so that he just go and taste food in different dabaaaz

ISLAMABAD: The Pakistan Railway faced financial loss amounting to Rs. 42.673 billion during last five years of incumbent Government due to negligence of authorities concerned and corruption being underway in the department.

The department witnessed major loss in tenure of Federal Railway Minister Sheikh Rasheed Ahmed, which was Rs. 24.10 billion despite his claims to make Pakistan Railway profitable.

The losses sustained by Pakistan railway was Rs. 7.80 billion during financial years of 2002-2003, Rs. 5.79 billion during 2003-04, Rs. 3.29 billion during 2004-05, Rs. 11.26 billion during 2005-06 and 14.47 billion during 2006-07, sources in the railway ministry told Online on Sunday.


Agreed! Sheikh Rasheed does not have the capacity to deliver. He is an old dog and he wont be able to learn new tricks. May be in a few months time, he will be shown the door and that will be a great falling out with Imran. But knowing Imran, he is ruthless. He will want delivery of service and performance. He does not care if he is a great friend or relative. He will keep an eye on if he is performing as railways minister.
The leave application went viral on social media in Pakistan

Dubai: A Pakistan Railways official has reportedly sought an LFP (leave on full pay) for 730 days.


In a leave application that went viral on social media, Mohammad Hanif Gul, a Grade-20 officer, wrote that he found it impossible to work with the new Federal Minister for Railways, Shaikh Rashid Ahmad due to his “attitude” that Gul said was “nonprofessional and ill-mannered.”

Ahmad took office as the new minister on August 20, 2018.

Gharidah Farooqi and a few other journalists from Pakistan tweeted a copy of the application that was shared by many. @GFarooqi wrote: “First jolt to Railways. A senior official applies for two years leave citing nonprofessional and ill-mannered behaviour of new Railways Minister.”

Gul is the Chief Commercial Manager of Pakistan Railways. His letter goes on to read: “As an honourable member of the Civil Services Academy of Pakistan, it is not possible for me to continue to work under him”, and that Ahmad is “fully entitled to work with a team that shares his vision”.

Many Twitter users replied with disbelief at the absurdity of the leave request.

Tweep @SorayaAziz posted: “I am in shock...ߘ?Can someone tell Mr. Mohammad Hanif Gul that when you don’t get along with your boss and all measures have been exhausted, you resign.”

Some added that he cannot go on a two-year-long leave and expect to be fully paid on the taxpayer’s money.

Tweep @WajSKhan posted: “Resign, brother. Resign, or deal with the might and plight of @shkhrasheed. Don’t live for two years on my dime.

Sorry, but this man shouldn’t be obliged.”

Some added that he cannot go on a two-year-long leave and expect to be fully paid on the taxpayer’s money.

Tweep @WajSKhan posted: “Resign, brother. Resign, or deal with the might and plight of @shkhrasheed. Don’t live for two years on my dime.

Sorry, but this man shouldn’t be obliged.”

And @bilalahmed2k posted: “In which professional world can a true professional ask for 730 days paid leave? He himself is a rotten and an ill-mannered person. The subject of his application reflects his level of professionalism and corruption. You... need to tell him that he gets paid from tax payer’s money.

However, some doing the authenticity of the application.

Tweep @maliklatif92 posted: “Many applications like this can be shared without any confirmation that it’s true.”


Source : https://m.gulfnews.com
Oh similar thread is already running --

@Mods can you merge it with the existing thread ??

While creating new threads, I don't get the option whether similar thread is already running or not ?? Why ~__~
Not to forget what state was Railways was in 2013 when PPP left.

And where is PPP now? Rotting in interior Sindh. N did better but it was more of same, doing better then PPP isn't a big deal. We need reforms in all departments and PTI promised that, it didn't exist then N would have got elected again as PPP is not coming back ever again. I also like the fact that PTI is seriously thinking about getting rid of VIP culture. Can't stand these bastards who enjoy VIP facilities at the expense of our poor. It will not save billions of $ but that's not the point. These things are supposed to be symbolic.

I remember in PPP era when Jolie came to visit and how haramkhor Gilani invited all his extended family on government expense to take selfies, Julie was shocked how much they spent to host her while poor people were dying on streets in 2010 floods.
Fire the SOB.. . 2 years leave with pay just because you don't like the boss???

Resign or get fired. He is screwing the tax payers.
Initially I thought it was Indian Railway Official took leave as it was common in Kerala that Govt Officials take leaves for 5 years and go work in Gulf Countries later comeback to take charge of their work.

But in Pakistan, considering the present condition, it is against their moral duty towards their profession to take leave in such circumstances when a new Govt is trying to fix everything. Govt should take note of this and should take appropriate actions so that nobody repeat such thing which will hurt nations future.
Initially I thought it was Indian Railway Official took leave as it was common in Kerala that Govt Officials take leaves for 5 years and go work in Gulf Countries later comeback to take charge of their work.

But in Pakistan, considering the present condition, it is against their moral duty towards their profession to take leave in such circumstances when a new Govt is trying to fix everything. Govt should take note of this and should take appropriate actions so that nobody repeat such thing which will hurt nations future.
That's same in Pakistan.
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