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Rahul Gandhi won't be PM nominee, will lead Congress campaign

Chandi as PM candidate ..... :disagree: ...... Please tell me you are kidding .

Kerala has been performing better on many indicators for a very long time .

Nothing to do with Oommen Chandy .

The people neither like the congress nor communists .

People are fed up off the both and are still voting for them just because there is no alternative .

And I still have no idea where he got the idea of Chandi for PM ...... :hitwall:

LOL if People of Kerala heard him saying this... I am sure some or the person will either admit him in Kuthiravattam or shoot him dead... :omghaha:
It will be either PC, or Anthony, and if the high command really wants to be radical it may nominate Nandan Nilekani

Sir, people here think support to YSCRP amounts to veto power of not splitting the state in AP, the moment they play games with congress! everyone here lost their hope and credibilty on congress and all political parties, if YSRCP wants to fashion itself as AAP in New Delhi and feel they can have an ally etc. there will be a civil war just like how AP was formed from Madras, you guys want to tear us apart, two kids who speak the same? so that it suits your political needs? shame on YOU!You will never succeed, we are not going to loose our brothers and sisters!
,What does YRSCP gives? and what can it do? you can fool around minor t!hings, but something like tearing away a part of yourself just to make yourselves win? History will show your place
Come over to YSRCP party HQ i am there ever day . i will explain in detail how wrong you are. ask for the coordinator for kothugudem and koddad. thats me:)
Sir, people here think support to YSCRP amounts to veto power of not splitting the state in AP, the moment they play games with congress! everyone here lost their hope and credibilty on congress and all political parties, if YSRCP wants to fashion itself as AAP in New Delhi and feel they can have an ally etc. there will be a civil war just like how AP was formed from Madras, you guys want to tear us apart, two kids who speak the same? so that it suits your political needs? shame on YOU!You will never succeed, we are not going to loose our brothers and sisters!
,What does YRSCP gives? and what can it do? you can fool around minor t!hings, but something like tearing away a part of yourself just to make yourselves win? History will show your place

Indeed, you are not. Your brothers and sisters will be alive and well, just as before. The only differene will be that you wil have an additional government when you had only one before, whih in this case means more and better governance.

There are so many hindi speaking states, aren't there? Do they all want to live as one state? The very purpose of having state governments in addition to a entral government, is that there can be better governance, and more representation for people. It's not like they are going to be partitioned like India and Pakistan were in 1947, and you will no longer be able to see your friends and families across the border. You are NOT going to lose anybody. You are simply going to get an additional government machinery. You can still drive over to your brothers and sisters any time you want.
if beta rahul was declared as PM candidate by congress, then literally it will boost to modi not for congress.
Indeed, you are not. Your brothers and sisters will be alive and well, just as before. The only differene will be that you wil have an additional government when you had only one before, whih in this case means more and better governance.

There are so many hindi speaking states, aren't there? Do they all want to live as one state? The very purpose of having state governments in addition to a entral government, is that there can be better governance, and more representation for people. It's not like they are going to be partitioned like India and Pakistan were in 1947, and you will no longer be able to see your friends and families across the border. You are NOT going to lose anybody. You are simply going to get an additional government machinery. You can still drive over to your brothers and sisters any time you want.
Somehow not everyone here think as you? we all want our state united, even in telangana not many are interested in splitting state its all a blunder done by PC Chidu and congress,Why do you think having smaller states means good governance?Why because some people are sore they didnt get 10k jobs for them we have to be split?you look at rhetoric of TRS, its on borderline insanity.Were we doing bad before? before congress came into power we were leading in best states development index with IT and other industries.So what was the need for more better governance?We wiped out maoists in AP, that cannot be said about smaller states, as they do not have resources of police force capable of handling maoists.No other state was completely purged of maoists as AP did.Nobody believes your ideas here,

Come over to YSRCP party HQ i am there ever day . i will explain in detail how wrong you are. ask for the coordinator for kothugudem and koddad. thats me:)
well unfortunately im not in AP right now :) otherwise would have visited, thanks for the invite sir, but please tell us what is agenda of YSCRP, we see sakshi praising ysrcp and etv,ntv,maatv,tv9 calling yscrp as B-team of congress.
Truth is nobody believes in politicians nowadays, they feel they are all part of the same block.
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Somehow not everyone here think as you? we all want our state united, even in telangana not many are interested in splitting state its all a blunder done by PC Chidu and congress,Why do you think having smaller states means good governance?Why because some people are sore they didnt get 10k jobs for them we have to be split?you look at rhetoric of TRS, its on borderline insanity.Were we doing bad before? before congress came into power we were leading in best states development index with IT and other industries.So what was the need for more better governance?We wiped out maoists in AP, that cannot be said about smaller states, as they do not have resources of police force capable of handling maoists.No other state was completely purged of maoists as AP did.Nobody believes your ideas here,

well unfortunately im not in AP right now :) otherwise would have visited, thanks for the invite sir, but please tell us what is agenda of YSCRP, we see sakshi praising ysrcp and etv,ntv,maatv,tv9 calling yscrp as B-team of congress.
Truth is nobody believes in politicians nowadays, they feel they are all part of the same block.
What is the alternative? do tell!!!!
AAP? or a dictatorship. its easy to criticize but harder to do any thing about the problem. if you have any solutions do let me know.
What is the alternative? do tell!!!!
AAP? or a dictatorship. its easy to criticize but harder to do any thing about the problem. if you have any solutions do let me know.
The alternative is kicking out trs and let congress retake back its words on bifurcation.If not i dont see any future of congress ever in history of AP.Kiran reddy is already launching new party,there will be no candidates willing to join congress in AP.

Pass the bill in Assembly and get it voted out by majority,then there will be some trouble with OU students for 2 months after that everything will be back to normal, no one likes to constantly keep doing dharnas and spoil their education and life for what? that should be emphasized to students what they are getting after bifurcation is some 10k jobs and not something which TRS promised, this should be shown over and over again it will lead to change in opinion.
Finally we need a dictator(leader),to handle things a strong hand is needed to quell such things, the way i see it AP or our country needs a dictator for some time to bring us out of this mess.
Somehow not everyone here think as you? Of course, not everybody will think the same way on anything. Don't expect uiversal acceptance of ANY idea. Not everybody thinks the sme as you either. That is why politics is always a compromise of differing interest groups.we all want our state united,No, not all. There have been and are lots of people who want a separate Telengana. Agitation for the same has been going on since 1969. People have immolated themselves for that, and an entire political party has been formed with that sole agenda. even in telangana not many are interested in splitting state its all a blunder done by PC Chidu and congress,Not at all. Demands for Telengana have been going on since Chiddu was a little boy. Make no mistake, the demand for a state has come from the grassroots level, not from any person or two at the top.Why do you think having smaller states means good governance?Oh, there are several reasons, too numerous to go into here. I will mention the most obvious ones. It is accepted political wisdom, and taught in every political science class. For one thing, smaller state means more administration , and more representation. Each legislative assembly represents the will of a smaller number of people, and therefore represents it better. Each state administration (bureucracy, police, tax collection and all other executive functions) caters to a smaller number of people, and therefore will be more efficient. Decision making will be more grassroots, and the people in the govt will be more in touch with the people on the street. Heck, I can keep putting out reasons all day. Think about this - why did we decide to have state govts at all, instead of one govt at the center? Because the more localized governance is, the more efficient it will be. Local concerns can be addressed faster and better. Why were the largest states like UP, Bihar and MP split, and why are they all the better for it?Why because some people are sore they didnt get 10k jobs for them we have to be split?you look at rhetoric of TRS, its on borderline insanity.Were we doing bad before? before congress came into power we were leading in best states development index with IT and other industries.So what was the need for more better governance?We wiped out maoists in APThat's debatable. AP mostly paid them to move to neighbouring states. What was earlier mostly confined to AP, then spread across Chattisgarh, Orissa, Jharkand and Maharashtra. The efficient thing to do would have been to actually wipe them out when they were localized, instead of icentivising them to spread into other states., that cannot be said about smaller statesActually its the bigger states that have the maoist problem, because the govt cannot look after the isolated and remote tribal regions. Too little governance, too many people and area to look after. as they do not have resources of police force capable of handling maoists.No other state was completely purged of maoists as AP did.Nobody believes your ideas here,Many people do. Please don't make the common mistake that simply because you don't agree with something, nobody else does, and it is all the handiwork of some idiot at the top. It is not. There are passionate people on both sides of this issue.

My responses in red.

Now let me bring in the example of the USA. With a population comparable to that of Uttar Pradesh, they have one federal govt and 50 state governments to cater to everybody. Not to mention thousands of local bodies, which wield a lot of power. Indeed, policing is almost always at county level, under a Sherrif's department. Now contrast this to UP. It has just one central govt and one state govt to look after 200 million people.

Upto a point, it is indisputable that more governments means better governance. There is no need to get emotional about it, and think that you are going to lose all your brothers and sisters. As I said before, they are not going to be another country. You can have as much contact with them as you did previously. People to people contact will not diminish in any way. Maybe they will have a different chief minister than you do, but is that such a bad thing to get all worked up about?

Anyway, Telengana is off topic for this thread, so let's take it elsewhere when the time comes. When it happens, when the new state of Telengana is formed, you will realize that nothing much would change on the ground, except more administration and more representation.
The alternative is kicking out trs and let congress retake back its words on bifurcation.If not i dont see any future of congress ever in history of AP.Kiran reddy is already launching new party,there will be no candidates willing to join congress in AP.

Pass the bill in Assembly and get it voted out by majority,then there will be some trouble with OU students for 2 months after that everything will be back to normal, no one likes to constantly keep doing dharnas and spoil their education and life for what? that should be emphasized to students what they are getting after bifurcation is some 10k jobs and not something which TRS promised, this should be shown over and over again it will lead to change in opinion.
Finally we need a dictator(leader),to handle things a strong hand is needed to quell such things, the way i see it AP or our country needs a dictator for some time to bring us out of this mess.
How old are you?
My responses in red.

Now let me bring in the example of the USA. With a population comparable to that of Uttar Pradesh, they have one federal govt and 50 state governments to cater to everybody. Not to mention thousands of local bodies, which wield a lot of power. Indeed, policing is almost always at county level, under a Sherrif's department. Now contrast this to UP. It has just one central govt and one state govt to look after 200 million people.

Upto a point, it is indisputable that more governments means better governance. There is no need to get emotional about it, and think that you are going to lose all your brothers and sisters. As I said before, they are not going to be another country. You can have as much contact with them as you did previously. People to people contact will not diminish in any way. Maybe they will have a different chief minister than you do, but is that such a bad thing to get all worked up about?

Anyway, Telengana is off topic for this thread, so let's take it elsewhere when the time comes. When it happens, when the new state of Telengana is formed, you will realize that nothing much would change on the ground, except more administration and more representation.
Dont compare UP,usa to AP, we are far more developed to be compared to up or most northern states excluding delhi.So what was the need for better governance when we were doing fine?Everything was on track,we have a Hitech city,investments were coming from all directions, then suddenly congress in its vote bank politics makes decision to bifurcate.Now if that is not selfish move then what is?
i know we are not going to be two countries but there is enough bad blood already,Speaking of better governance we had better leaders compared to UP which you say as example who developed the state.You don't understand the plot is about a single guy who has CM ambitions and he stokes sentiments pulling out old stories that his grandfather was exploited so and so.. and therefore we need a new state.This ploy was done in 1960's by Marri Chenna Reddy it failed now another man conjures the same genie again to fool a new generation into thinking they are being exploited.

You need to read this to get a correct picture of who is pulling strings and how people are fooled.
My Telugu Roots
My Telugu Roots
Do read all of it.

The don't reflect in your reply's. good luck anyway.
I meant about dictator part,in 1960's we had indira gandhi who handled this telangana issue wisely cos she had authority, till YSR was alive he kept KCR on leash,when hes gone, the political vaccum made KCR a super hero,who none could reign in.Nor is our present PM a decision maker.
Besides people have more important things to do rather than protest all year for TG.Not everyone is foolish as older generation of 60's who wasted a whole academic year for a new state. We already know how much investment we lost due to this fiasco.

Prof. Kodandaram’s Heinous Distortions « My Telugu Roots
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Dont compare UP,usa to AP, we are far more developed to be compared to up or most northern states excluding delhi.So what was the need for better governance when we were doing fine?Everything was on track,we have a Hitech city,investments were coming from all directions, then suddenly congress in its vote bank politics makes decision to bifurcate.Now if that is not selfish move then what is?
i know we are not going to be two countries but there is enough bad blood already,Speaking of better governance we had better leaders compared to UP which you say as example who developed the state.You don't understand the plot is about a single guy who has CM ambitions and he stokes sentiments pulling out old stories that his grandfather was exploited so and so.. and therefore we need a new state.This ploy was done in 1960's by Marri Chenna Reddy it failed now another man conjures the same genie again to fool a new generation into thinking they are being exploited.

You need to read this to get a correct picture of who is pulling strings and how people are fooled.
My Telugu Roots
My Telugu Roots
Do read all of it.

I meant about dictator part,in 1960's we had indira gandhi who handled this telangana issue wisely cos she had authority, till YSR was alive he kept KCR on leash,when hes gone, the political vaccum made KCR a super hero,who none could reign in.Nor is our present PM a decision maker.
Besides people have more important things to do rather than protest all year for TG.Not everyone is foolish as older generation of 60's who wasted a whole academic year for a new state. We already know how much investment we lost due to this fiasco.

Prof. Kodandaram’s Heinous Distortions « My Telugu Roots
congress will be history in AP... I don't see them winning a single mp seat this election in andhra region...and wouldn't win in telangana either...trs will win in all...
tdp and ysr parties have a good chance of winning these election...who will end up on top remains to be seen!

too bad rahul gandhi chickened out already! :lol:
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