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Rafale and JF-17 Thunder to compete in Serbia.

So its a secret that JFT can fire bvrs? You're talking as if JFT is firing a Tachyon-Torpedo. It's just a bvr which even our bisons can fire.
J-10 was offered to Myanmar, and it lost the deal to MiG-29SMT. So it is offered to others, not just pakistan.
China's J-10 suffered its first overseas defeat to the Mig-29 Fulcrum

And the J-10 was never offered.

So its a secret that JFT can fire bvrs? You're talking as if JFT is firing a Tachyon-Torpedo. It's just a bvr which even our bisons can fire.

JFT's systems haven't been fully integrated yet. I am yet to see one picture of a JFT firing an SD-10.
Rafale would be stretching Serbia's def budget to breaking point
JF-17 is just not good enough
The logical choice must be F/A 18 Super Hornet

If you are going American and cheap then why not the F-16 preferably ex-USAF. Compared to the F-16 the F/A-18 is a maintenance nightmare
It's just a bvr which even our bisons can fire.

Well Bisons are not available for export. The JF-17 is probably the cheapest BVR capable fighter in the brand-new fighter market
eh? J-10 was indeed offered. It's a known fact.
And tell that to the guy who said it has fired a bvr.

@pdf_shurtah: you are taking my sentence out of context.
@MiG-21: yes it a surprising omission in the list (the J-10)

Do the Serbians a favor and fire off an email reminding them about the J-10
Or maybe the serbians know something about the J-10 which we don't, and rejected it from the list.
If you are going American and cheap then why not the F-16 preferably ex-USAF. Compared to the F-16 the F/A-18 is a maintenance nightmare
F-18 is better performance wise
and given that Serbia will have such a small airforce
performance must count for lot more than other things.
AND btw
Most of the maintenance nightmare stuff is because the F-18 never recovered from the logistics spare parts nightmare called the downsizing of the '90s.
1 Billion euros is a huge budget for only 12-16 fighters..
so at ths budget if they consider Technology thn Su 30, Rafale, f 16 52+ or f 18 r the strong contenders..
but i dont think so they Should go for any of them.. coz right now they hav only 4 mig 29 ( the only 4th gen fighter)
they hav only 110 aircraft in their inventory wid no quality..
they shld rather go for something dat iz cost effective n provide thm wid Multirole features...
they shld also consider the maintenance cost...
so jf 17 wid multirole features, low maintenance cost 4th gen fighter wuld be a very good option..
(if they had a large number of 4th gen n they wanted to go for something evn better, thn Rafale or Su 30 wuld hav been a very good option)

jst my 2cents..
We have been hearing this country that country have shown their interest in jf-17 but nothing comes in reality . lets again start hoping and dreaming something good for JF-17 . :cheers:
So you are saying according to the the Serbians the JF-17 is better than the J-10 ?
Who knows. It's strange JF-17 & rafale is on the list but no J-10. Even F-16 is there, a similar aircraft to J-10, as said by the Chinese. Very strange indeed.
i still can't understand dat y did they put JF 17 in the list wid fighters lyk rafale n su 30.. :/
if they wanna go for something 4th gen thn they had put a competiton between mig 29, su 27, gripen, JF 17, J10..

lol comparing jf 17 ( low maintenance cost wid multirole features but not having good technology as compared to others in the list) with Su 30 n rafale lyk fighters... em amused..
J-10 was offered to Myanmar, and it lost the deal to MiG-29SMT. So it is offered to others, not just pakistan.
China's J-10 suffered its first overseas defeat to the Mig-29 Fulcrum

What kinda BS article is that? Written by a novice at best and on a free website which kept trying to open up pop-ups! Isn't it absolutely senseless even considering the fact that China was trying to sell the Jet without detailed performance parameters and demo's?

Quite a stupid author!
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