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Rafael: ZERO flying hours BUT got scratched on Day 1

Show us then.


That many coconut and lemon .... :what:

Do goat sacrifice for PIA planes

Search google for pia goat sacrifice
Indians buy latest fighter plane from France to protect them but then had to buy Lemons, Coconut and Chilies to protect the fighter plane.
It don't matter 'cause all the Lemons, Chilies and/or Coconuts in the World aren't gonna save them from the PAF.

The only way to keep 'em safe:
1. Keep them Parked in a Hanger.
2. Keep them East of India.


Do goat sacrifice for PIA planes

Search google for pia goat sacrifice
So now u would teach us Hindi Islam ???

For your kind information Islam only teach about CHARITY and wellbeing of man kind, If someone follow custom of his ancestors then its his doing not the teaching of Islam.

Now at the end I want to know the relation of your post with my post which u have just quoted as I find no relation to my post and the point you have quoted

Most importantly don't take liberty to quote my post unnecessarily ....
India sud be saying to france " Thisbis how we do it"
How to dent a plane 101.
Officials say for each Pak F16 in the air, two Su30MKI jets have to be scrambled because of superior radar & missiles of American jets.
I would not like to make any comments about the quoted part of an article from Indian source

Thing get more interesting if you read another paragraph of the same article (read hare)
Rafale will reverse this & give IAF the decisive edge with better sensors and weapons. Each Rafale in the air would require at least two F16s for a counter-challenge.

So in my attempt just to understand these paragraphs in relation to each other, I came to know that F-16 is superior to their MKI and

1 Rafale = 2 F-16
1 F-16 = 2 Su-30 MKI
1 Rafale = 2 (F-16)
1 Rafale = 2 (2 Su-30 MKI)
1 Rafale = 4 Su-30 MKI
36 Rafale = 36 ( 4 Su-30 MKI) = 144 MKI

This mean just one shot at their most worshiped fighter jet by F-16 caused such an impact to their psyche that they have relegate the Su-30 such low level that whole of IAF fleet of 250+ Su-30 MKI is equivalent to ~63 Rafale

But the twist as per the understanding of anonymous official is that the 36 Rafale fighter Jets which India would acquire would be equivalent to only 72 F-16 of PAF so
Where is the "Decisive Edge"
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[Only for the Ehl-i Iman] Thanks to these rituals corresponding to the acts of "worship", as per the KITAP these aircrafts become the den of the Sheyatin!!! And, couple it with the Hindutva pilots, who carry tons of Sheyatin by default!!!Therefore, it'll be a fight b/w Hindutva pilots, infested with the Sheyatin/Kufr/Shirk etc., vs Muslim pilots with Iman/Ihlas, especially designed for the human beings - the best of the creation!!! Please note the intellectual levels in terms of sciences, engineering, technical capabilities, fine judgements etc. are way apart for the Jinn and Insan....
This is how we accepted the first Sea Harrier at BAe Dunsfold in 1983 . Blessings were invoked by the Naval Adviser's wife, with a brief 'aarati,' followed by smashing of auspicious coconut on the hangar floor.


5:46 AM - 8 Oct 2019

Their country their culture nothing we can say
This is how we accepted the first Sea Harrier at BAe Dunsfold in 1983 . Blessings were invoked by the Naval Adviser's wife, with a brief 'aarati,' followed by smashing of auspicious coconut on the hangar floor.


5:46 AM - 8 Oct 2019

Their country their culture nothing we can say

Heck I will say what I want.

A big middle finger to these cvnts.
This is how we accepted the first Sea Harrier at BAe Dunsfold in 1983 . Blessings were invoked by the Naval Adviser's wife, with a brief 'aarati,' followed by smashing of auspicious coconut on the hangar floor.


5:46 AM - 8 Oct 2019

Their country their culture nothing we can say
17 Sea Harriers crashed, all in routine missions - which is more than half of the inventory bought.

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