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Rafael: ZERO flying hours BUT got scratched on Day 1

17 Sea Harriers crashed, all in routine missions - which is more than half of the inventory bought.
Crash rate is 19/100,000 hrs.
Not bad considering UK Royal Navy crash rate is 16.1/100,000 & even the far safer AV-8B had a crash rate of almost 12/100,000 between 1985-2010
In all honesty. Indian Air Force is deadly. Especially for the ones on ground in India. Those bloody aircrafts fall from the sky all the time.

Hell, the locals in India aren't even safe during Air Shows.

Tell me, what do you guys do for an encore..., 'cause Air-to-Air combat isn't your thing.

If your Air Warriors want to draw attention to themselves, tell 'em to wear a skirt.
In all honesty, have you ever been to India? They can't even drive, let alone fly.
You should go there to experience their driving.
Skelator Rafale.jpg

@Dubious @araz @Arsalan @AZADPAKISTAN2009 @Bilal Khan (Quwa) @Dazzler @fatman17 @ghazi52 @Hodor @Irfan Baloch @Imran Khan @Khafee @Knuckles @Oscar @waz @dbc @Aamir Hussain
@airomerix @Ahmet Pasha @Ali_Baba @ARMalik @Ark_Angel @Armchair @Arsalan 345 @Falcon26 @Flight of falcon @HawkEye27 @Haroon Baloch @HRK @khanasifm @Liquidmetal @Maxpane @crankthatskunk @Cookie Monster @graphican @GriffinsRule @Hakikat ve Hikmet @I S I @krash @Khanivore @khansaheeb @loanranger @Maxpane @maximuswarrior @member.exe @Microsoft @mingle @Mrc @Myth_buster_1 @NA71 @Rafi @Sabretooth @salman-1 @Shane @Starlord @Ozee @Pakhtoon yum @pakistanipower @PAKISTANFOREVER @Path-Finder @PWFI @Reichsmarschall @Riz @Signalian @Super Falcon @_Sherdils_ @Syed Hammad Ahmed @TF141 @The Accountant @TheTallGuy @Thorough Pro @TOPGUN @Tps43 @TsAr @Umair Nawaz @Vortex @war&peace @War Thunder @ziaulislam @Zulfiqar
@assasiner @Major Sam @PakSword @crankthatskunk @thebaj @aliyusuf @PDFChamp @Ghessan @Metanoia @Zarmeena Rashad

LOL!!!! hahaha

Another display of unprofessionalism of IAF left a mark on brand new Rafael at the worship ceremony; a scratch on expensive paint of zero-hour Rafael :o:

Could NOT imagine a person who could get his precious asset dented even when it was parked in the showroom until today. o_O

Well, all the blame go to coconuts & lemons; possible supplied by ISI.




What a stupid thing to do. But alas Sanghis lack even the most basic of common sense.
Another display of unprofessionalism of IAF left a mark on brand new Rafael at the worship ceremony; a scratch on expensive paint of zero-hour Rafael :o:

Could NOT imagine a person who could get his precious asset dented even when it was parked in the showroom until today. o_O

Well, all the blame go to coconuts & lemons; possible supplied by ISI.




The level of paranoia is strong in this one.

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