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Radical Hindus attacked Pakistani Sufi Band

Look at bhnagees trying to justify these goons. These midget bhgangees are only good at attacking Pakistanis when they are in few numbers.

Indian cultural hospitality at its very best. :cheers:

These savages are known for their hospitality all over the world. I just hope Pakistani female was not harmed by these bhangees.
Those Pakistanis must be thanking their god they are in India.

If they were attacked in Pakistan, it would have meant couple of blasts and about half a dozen dead.

Just dont let them apply for asylum here now. We got enough of Pakistanis running over the border these days.

Typical Pakistani logic.

Its a illegal act for sure as they have trespassed in the property and disrupt a peaceful event illegally.

These types of cheap politics makes bad headlines all over the world.

If they want to protest they could have done outside the press club there was no need to invade the premises.
I don't really support the Shiv Sena, but I support their right to protest. :agree:

Protest? More like attack, look at the video. You guys are shameless. Now i think kashmiri pundits should never come to Kashmir and impure the land.
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