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Quran burnt in Florida church

last year some christians were burned alive in ghojra for supposed insulting of islam by one of them..Nut jobs are everywhere in every religions,so please dont use such incidences to portray one religion's beauty/Superiority over other.And as per your religion punishment for insulting quran is not just 'atmost condemnation' but something more brutal.
Bold part is completely wrong as per my Religion Islam.
2ndly we do have exact commandments from the divine scriptures as well as our Sufis not to hurt any human & there occurs punishments for that too; something missing in Torah & Bible...if you but know
Condemning the sacrilegious burning of a copy of the Holy Quran by devilish American pastor Terry Jones, Jamaat-ud-Dawa ameer Hafiz Muhammad Saeed on Monday called it a conspiracy of the zionists and the crusaders working in collusion to disrupt peace and order in the world.
Hafiz Saeed urged the Muslim world to unite against the intense sacrilegious act of the controversial pastor who, he said, acted at the behest of the US government and military. He called upon the government of Pakistan to take the initiative of mobilising all Muslim states to devise a collective strategy on the platform of the OIC.

also the India obsessed Pakistani continues

Separately, addressing a Jihad Conference in Jamia Masjid, Qadisiya Town, the Dawa chief said America, India and Israel are scared of Jihad. The Muslim must understand that Jihad is the key to their survival.

Holy Quran desecrated in Florida church | Pakistan | News | Newspaper | Daily | English | Online
Serous violation of religion. i condemn on it
i do not expect this act in state of America...
till how long you gonna hurt us ........... not so long ....we are very near to see Imam-i-Mahdi (A.S) then it will be decided who has heart of lion .......... and who are rats .......... i condemn i can only condemn and can sense the anger within my body from head to the toe of my leg ................ we are not gonna spare you ......... you zionist............ we will meet you in a manner in which no one has met you before ................. we will drag you to your death ........ we will set your destiny INSHALLAH...........
"Somebody's gonna get hurt real bad..." -(Russel Peters).
Somebody == Select bunch of Humanity
okay so they burned a copy of our Holy Book. Very disrespectful. I quietly shake my head and pity that idiot who would burn the words of peace, compassion and understanding. Words of order.

but hey -- there are millions of other copies, translated in over 100 languages, with ''subscription'' by over 1 billion strong and growing. So whose loss is it? Muslims loss, or the loss of an intellectually-devoid pathetic person with no respect or tolerance for other religious groups?

they can go burn 10,000 Qurans.

Tomorrow, 100,000 more will be printed.
ohh hate mongers, these people only manage to put more petrol on fire and as a result all of us suffer everywhere, from all religions. they burnt some printed papers, the Quran is safe.
i dont think muslims would burn the bible, we have got our hatemongers as well.

as some should be informed, Islam holds many Christian religious figures in high regard and esteem.

the whole idea of book burning in general is stupid....if the guy has agenda against Islam, sane approach would be to outline whatever misgivings or issues he has with the religion. Invite Islamic scholars to come and address those concerns.

people can learn new things that way too, everyone gains

burning, breaking, villifying, throwing this and abusing that --- that's the easy, irrational, overly-emotional way out of everything.
The Western media often loves to portray all Muslim population as hatemongers, yet never look at the mirror by themselves.
every religious group has its fair-share of whackos and fundos.....shouldnt affect the mainstream people
It is a quotidian occurrence in countries like India and Pakistan by practitioners of black magic to desecrate this book in the toilet. Wonder why Pakistan government does not issue a 'we condemn the action' statement to the public?

Reflecting, I think I have the answer to that: those are private acts (munkar) not publicised events (fa7shaa). Is this the reason?
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