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Quran burnt in Florida church

Crusaders are trying to make a strong offence against Islamic. Like they have done earlier.
So much for Muslims being backward and west being forwards.
Go out and attack every other country in the name of democracy and values and have a blind eye on everything happening in your own backyard.
'Freedom of speech' was never meant to mean freedom of saying whatever. Your founding fathers commented on it as the freedom to speak against the State (the United States) without fear of persecution. Look it up please, an educated mind is always better than not. Thanks.

actuallly u r partially true, freedom of speech in usa also allows somebody to defame or pass on satirical comments in bad taste. I heard a case where a guy runs a story on a pastor that he had sex with his mom... and it was meant to be for fun for him but not for the preacher. But the supreme court didn't punish the culprit under the freedom to express. Though its quite a stretch for us, here people do value it a lot.
^^^^^ no wonder why are you banned

Just keep quite ... in USA if it is allowed under law ...we are no one to tell them what to do what not..
they were many incidence past where US companies mis behaved with Hindu gods ... ( like printing them on footwear).. Did any Hindu issued fatawa to executive of that company.. even some of Hindus were working with that company. finally at end of day common man need bread and butter (Roti and Daal) and pair of cloths to cover body.

They did something for 3-4 hours and we wasted 1000s of man hours for shouting on road against it... no wonder why USA is so advance
@muslim members from pakistan , india , bangladesh etc..

how you compare the demolishion of babri masjid and burning of quran..

i mean which one more hurt you emotionaLYY...and why ?
@muslim members from pakistan , india , bangladesh etc..

how you compare the demolishion of babri masjid and burning of quran..

i mean which one more hurt you emotionaLYY...and why ?

what a ridiculous question.
what a ridiculous question.

infect it is !

after babri masjid , indian govt desolove BJP govts in 5 states , lots of media voices , it was internationally condemmed , india find it difficult to deal wilh arb nation , lots of street demostrations in india , pakistan etc..

i didn't see anything after quran burning....

so , the question naturally cross my thoughts..

still didn't get a answer..
infect it is !

after babri masjid , indian govt desolove BJP govts in 5 states , lots of media voices , it was internationally condemmed , india find it difficult to deal wilh arb nation , lots of street demostrations in india , pakistan etc..

i didn't see anything after quran burning....

so , the question naturally cross my thoughts..

still didn't get a answer..

Tit bit stupid things such as Quran burning and Draw Muhammad Day page can never be compared to Babri Mosque demolition. Real people died in the incident. It worsened the image of India for decades. And may be a lot of Middle Eastern Muslims might not have bothered too much, but the fact remains that majority of all the Muslims lives in South Asia (India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Indonesia). So indeed, the Babri Mosque demolition must have hurt the sentiments more.
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