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Quran burnt in Florida church

A copy of the Qur aan? I take they mean a copy of an attempted-translation of the Quraan.

Poor people don't know the difference.

:))) they had been testing patience and anger and emotions of Muslims and thus damaging them for too long by such acts and now their own tactics are rendering useless and nobody gets flared up now.

I don't know why, but somehow it looks like a propaganda by some nutjob in the RSS.
Oh well, they burnt our Quran, only thing is, more and more people will be interested to read it now, as is shown in history.........Islam spread greatly after 9/11 despite all the negative reports, this too will bring out more strength in the US........keep it up fools
:))) they had been testing patience and anger and emotions of Muslims and thus damaging them for too long by such acts and now their own tactics are rendering useless and nobody gets flared up now.

Jana, this was the tactic which we should have used long ago, these fools behave like this only to provoke a response for a counter response, Muslims should instead be more steadfast and try and change hearts and minds.........this sort of action teaches us patience and they are shown up as idiots and more people flock to Islam........the harder they hit us the harder Allah returns on them.......they just dont see it.......
Well if these sort of things start happening so openly, then that affirms the fact for me that we humans are soon going to get a beating we will never forget.
Just my opinion...
well we shouldn't really do anything about it, the worst thing we could do is give them our attention.

they burn some copies, i'll go and print some more :P
Only dumb and racist people as such will do such hateful & unhuman things they have no ethics nor morals nor respect for ones HOLY BOOK and they call them self holy men of GOD like the pastor and now this dumb a$$ jerk anyhow if burning the holy book makes them happy then let them have it . Doing all of this won't change a damn thing .
Something common, to represent their Islamophobia and scared about Islam.
They are Racial and extremeists, and call us with these tags.
Looks like the Devil gone crazy over Muslims...trying to provoke them.....ummm........very cheap move by the devilz group...I cant believe that these r christians who can do that ....We already know that these church pplz are "Luciferians" disguised as christians:woot::cheesy:...trying to fool Christians as well as Muslims...so that they can fight each other and Devil : the Satan can laugh at us by killing the humanity in deception...:coffee:
I hope the coming dayz for the Luciferians are short thats why they r trying hook and crook to destroy humanity by any means...:devil:
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