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Quran burnt in Florida church

i think hundreds of religious books are burned by different people IN this world and that's why i just ignored it every time.

indeed, it's not acceptable, but what one can do.
There are dic*heads and bigots in every religion. Don't tell me you haven't read news reports about Bible desecrations though? Like this one,

Muslim boys urinated on Bible | The Australian

Islamic faith is incomplete without Bible and Torah , i was talking in pure religious terms other than that there are many who do inexplicable things which must be condemned be it anyone.
There are dic*heads and bigots in every religion. Don't tell me you haven't read news reports about Bible desecrations though? Like this one,
Nowadays groups of muslim men are doing curiously odd things, fantastically out-of-character by a muslim, and punishable by Islamic courts. Yet even more curiously most of these people even do not adhere to the first jobs a person doing Islam must do.

These people represent what...outliers. OTOH what Quran burners are is an official representation of Their Church, I'll stop short of saying they are representatives of Christianity. Find me one 3aalim/scholar from Islam's side that says something similar.
About quran burning, good to see that muslims are not flamed.
More books should be burned, more gods should be offended, more rituals should be challenged. Just so that people get used to being criticized and offended....
May I also burn Greek coda espousing democracy? Or A. Smith's works?
No worries, if they think they have done something extra-ordinary by hurting the feelings of Muslims or by destroying the piece of paper... let the ignorants feel it

Qur'an was revealed for the guidance of the humanity... Its doing its job well... by destroying few piece of papers it hasn't lower the exalted of this holy book.

Asia Bibi, a 45-year-old mother-of-five, ........
'Freedom of speech' was never meant to mean freedom of saying whatever. Your founding fathers commented on it as the freedom to speak against the State (the United States) without fear of persecution. Look it up please, an educated mind is always better than not. Thanks.

IT actually does. Case in point, the recent US Supreme Court ruling favorably for the Westboro Church members for their right to protest at soldiers' funerals. You should see the placards they hold during such protests, scum! And yet, their right is protected, by the US constitution.
These people represent what...outliers. OTOH what Quran burners are is an official representation of Their Church, I'll stop short of saying they are representatives of Christianity. Find me one 3aalim/scholar from Islam's side that says something similar.

All the maulvis in Pakistan who voiced their support to Qadri - the killer of Salman Taseer? Those scholars who support, draft and enforce the Blasphemy laws?

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All the maulvis in Pakistan who voiced their support to Qadri - the killer of Salman Taseer? Those scholars who support, draft and enforce the Blasphemy laws?

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What's common among them all...that they call put ketchup on their burgers?

We are talking about burning or supporting burning of a fully-or-partly-Divine text.
gubbi, if I was the one drafting the blasphemy laws, I'd have have made it mandatory to search and cull little fukkas like you ans me who dare to point the middle finger at God.
What's common among them all...that they call put ketchup on their burgers?

We are talking about burning or supporting burning of a fully-or-partly-Divine text.

What would burning of mere processed wood/bamboo with a few scribbles actually do to the idea? Nothing, nada, zilch! But to get carried away in emotions and worse manifesting them in violence against people who do not follow the idea is something. That is whats troubling.

gubbi, if I was the one drafting the blasphemy laws, I'd have have made it mandatory to search and cull little fukkas like you ans me who dare to point the middle finger at God.

Thats exactly what I am talking about. Now you get it?

ps: If I get it right, we dont exactly point our little middle fingers at God, but rather at the notion of religion and people who think they are scholars and can interpret and present the idea of God to us.
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