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Questions abound as Bangladesh science teacher arrested for ‘hurting religious feelings’


Jul 14, 2012
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What he said was about earth, moon and sun which contradicts Quaran.

What do you think of this? Past we have seen other major religions has accepted it. Like christianity .

@bluesky @Joe Shearer @Bilal9 @UKBengali @Black_cats @homo
Don't worry, our people in BD love to deny logical science and technology. They believe in illogical and un-proved things.
Quran does not violate anything about sun, moon, earth, but it depends on how you interpret which can violate science. For example, the Quran says sun and moon have their own orbits which is correct, but if you say the sun orbits around the moon and the earth it becomes wrong. In the past some people interpreted as such because they didn't know better. Schools today, including Islamic schools, should teach what is accepted as science [example, evolution] and let religious interpretation catch up to it.
Hanafis at it again ------.

Well, these students must be investigated for links with Tableeghi Jamaat or Hefazat e "Islam" or the banned Jamaat e "Islami".

Bangladesh is the generally sane society in the Subcontinent and it is sad that such irrational and anti-progress elements sully that atmosphere.
Quran does not violate anything about sun, moon, earth, but it depends on how you interpret which can violate science. For example, the Quran says sun and moon have their own orbits which is correct, but if you say the sun orbits around the moon and the earth it becomes wrong. In the past some people interpreted as such because they didn't know better. Schools today, including Islamic schools, should teach what is accepted as science [example, evolution] and let religious interpretation catch up to it.
Why every man interprets in his own way? Copy a stanza and ask the Google to translate it. You get what really is written there.

Why interpretations are needed, especially those for the Mullahs? These guys change the total meaning that suits their thinking. Needed is only the translation to understand a verse.

Why every man interprets in his own way? Copy a stanza and ask the Google to translate it. You get what really is written there.

Why interpretations are needed, especially those for the Mullahs? These guys change the total meaning that suits their thinking. Needed is only the translation to understand a verse.
We don't need to teach every person's interpretation and you are talking in the context of the political culture in Bangladesh. To me, teaching is about helping students to think for themselves. Science and religion are separate subjects. Pure sciences are limited to science and facts, while universal religion includes science as well as non science themes, such as miracles and the afterlife. The important thing is to be able to interpret and reinterpret which is academic whose standard should be brought up to first world level standard. This will take time, several decades or more, and also requires raising the average IQ. Not sure if the latter can be done because South Asian average IQ is 15-20 points below China, Japan, Korea and the West. This is what troubles me.
The important thing is to be able to interpret and reinterpret which is academic whose standard should be brought up to first world level standard. This will take time, several decades or more, and also requires raising the average IQ. Not sure if the latter can be done because South Asian average IQ is 15-20 points below China, Japan, Korea and the West. This is what troubles me.

It's nothing to do with IQ and all that, it's to do with culture and ambition. As a culture, South Asia, in particular India and Pakistan, are not very conducive to rational thinking and questioning so this also leads to lack of scientific and technological development. Our culture is majorly one of a mob, not of intellectuals and leaders.
Quran is way ahead of Science, as science is based on what current scientist can found, where many can only be found 1000 years after the Quran is revealed by God in 7 Century.

One of verse in Quran that I see astonishing is when Quran talks about the steel that according to Quran comes from the sky ( not natural formed by Earth )

The answer I just got quite recently after watching National Geographic and talk about our solar system creation. It turn up based on recent understanding that steel cannot be found in the moon while it can be found on the Earth.

In the early formation of solar system, the Earth gets bombarded by a lot of materials coming from the sky ( out of the earth ) and the phase is defined as Chaotic Phase of Solar system formation ( The sun and their planets and moons )

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Quran is way ahead of Science, as science is based on what current scientist can found, where many can only be found 1000 years after the Quran is revealed by God in 7 Century.

One of verse in Quran that I see astonishing is when Quran talks about the steel that according to Quran comes from the sky ( not natural formed by Earth )

The answer I just got quite recently after watching National Geographic and talk about our solar system creation. It turn up based on recent understanding that steel cannot be found in the moon while it can be found on the Earth.

In the formation of solar system, the Earth gets bombarded by a lot of materials coming from the sky ( out of the earth ) and the phase is defined as Chaotic Phase of Solar system formation ( The sun and their planets and moons )


Indos brother, the Greeks understood astronomy much before Islam came and Muslims adopted these understandings. :) @Foinikas, you have info on this ?

What he said was about earth, moon and sun which contradicts Quaran.

What do you think of this? Past we have seen other major religions has accepted it. Like christianity .

@bluesky @Joe Shearer @Bilal9 @UKBengali @Black_cats @homo

Nothing about Earth, Moon, and Sun that contradict Quran, The article doesnt talk about what is against Islam that the teacher teach.... Indian, dont lie


I think the teacher stated about human who is started by Monkey, this is Darwin theory that cannot be proven by Science, just a theory

Indos brother, the Greeks understood astronomy much before Islam came. :) @Foinikas, you have info on this ?

How come ? That is very recent revelation.

We don't need to teach every person's interpretation and you are talking in the context of the political culture in Bangladesh. To me, teaching is about helping students to think for themselves. Science and religion are separate subjects. Pure sciences are limited to science and facts, while universal religion includes science as well as non science themes, such as miracles and the afterlife. The important thing is to be able to interpret and reinterpret which is academic whose standard should be brought up to first world level standard. This will take time, several decades or more, and also requires raising the average IQ. Not sure if the latter can be done because South Asian average IQ is 15-20 points below China, Japan, Korea and the West. This is what troubles me.
People in South Asian countries have low IQ because they believe less in science and technology believe more in superstitions, which they think are miracle.

Have ever seen a miracle in your entire life or in the life of your forefathers? If not, why do you think miracles were available 1500 years ago as if these were Daal-Bhaat?

There is/ was no miracle, only truth prevails. All miracles are fiction, lies and fabrications. Do not please interpret religion in that line. Just translate and you get what you want to know.

What he said was about earth, moon and sun which contradicts Quaran.

What do you think of this? Past we have seen other major religions has accepted it. Like christianity .

@bluesky @Joe Shearer @Bilal9 @UKBengali @Black_cats @homo

What was discussed and what part of science goes against Quran did not included in the article. Without having a clear idea what was discussed it’s difficult to make comment.

However it always takes two to make a noise. Why would some random student would go against him to file complaints against him unless he showed anti Islamic sentiment in the past?
People in South Asian countries have low IQ because they believe less in science and technology believe more in superstitions, which they think are miracle.

Have ever seen a miracle in your entire life or in the life of your forefathers? If not, why do you think miracles were available 1500 years ago as if these were Daal-Bhaat?

There is/ was no miracle, only truth prevails. All miracles are fiction, lies and fabrications. Do not please interpret religion in that line. Just translate and you get what you want to know.
You missed the point of what I wrote. Science as a subject cannot talk about miracles, but Religion does talk about miracles. They are different subjects. What makes you think miracles cannot be true? The biggest miracle is the creation of the universe, no bigger truth than that, yet something coming out of nothing is not science.
However it always takes two to make a noise. Why would some random student would go against him to file complaints against him unless he showed anti Islamic sentiment in the past?
:-):(:mad:??????? Not yesterday?
It's nothing to do with IQ and all that, it's to do with culture and ambition. As a culture, South Asia, in particular India and Pakistan, are not very conducive to rational thinking and questioning so this also leads to lack of scientific and technological development. Our culture is majorly one of a mob, not of intellectuals and leaders.
That is true but psuedo science inspired by religious text exists in high tech and scientific first world society like America too. Some people are stuck in non scientific explanation because the religious text may not allow to interpret it any other way or they just don't. They are stuck in falsehood which is embarrassing and not supported by the American tax payer, for example the $27 million dollar Creation Museum in Kentucky, USA.

'As the headquarters of AiG, the museum has approximately 300 employees, and permanent employees must sign a statement of faith-affirming their belief in AiG's principles.

Reflecting young-Earth creationist beliefs, the museum depicts humans and dinosaurs coexisting, portrays the Earth as approximately 6,000 years old, and disputes the theory of evolution. Scientists and educators have criticized the museum for misrepresenting science and expressed concerns that it could harm science education.'
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