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Qatari pilgrims harassed in Mecca Grand Mosque

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I am just saying you created quite a hype on what you will end up cooking. Never got to see a single pic.

Told you folks gonna run to the mosque for iftar

Dude look at 'Picture of the Day' thread on Members club, I've literally plastered the whole thing with food haha
Years ago, I was there during Hajj. I have seen behavior of Shias visitors was harassing for rest of the pilgrims and Saudi govt. was allowing it.
I have seen Shias on roof of buses and shouting slogans. It was like they are not coming for the purpose of Hajj but are sent by Iran regime on mission, which seems to disrupt Hajj and destroy its spirit.
There behavior scare rest of pilgrims, who have grown up in civilized families.
Ewwww civilian families. You are a sectarian wahabi
Care to share the slogan which harassed you? Your everyday mission is accusing Iran of being USA's ally!
Years ago, I was there during Hajj. I have seen behavior of Shias visitors was harassing for rest of the pilgrims and Saudi govt. was allowing it.
I have seen Shias on roof of buses and shouting slogans. It was like they are not coming for the purpose of Hajj but are sent by Iran regime on mission, which seems to disrupt Hajj and destroy its spirit.
There behavior scare rest of pilgrims, who have grown up in civilized families.

Indeed but this is mostly orchestrated by Iranian Shias (Wilayat al-Faqih drones). Unfortunately a growing amount of Pakistani Shias become contaminated as evidenced on PDF.

All other Muslims (90% of all Muslims are Sunni) mind their own business and focus on the important matter which is pilgrimage whether Hajj or Umrah.

Shias are closely controlled by their Mullahs, that they must donate 20% of their income to, so it should be the job of those Shia Mullah's to teach their followers what to do and what not to do!
Ewwww civilian families. You are a sectarian wahabi
Care to share the slogan which harassed you? Your everyday mission is accusing Iran of being USA's ally!

You blood RAW crap which runs through Indian gutters, how dare you talk to me.
Get lost and stick to the gutter you belong.

Your well known mission:
-hire Pakistani & Afghani Shia to fight your evil war!
-Prepare a Shia militant army in Pakistan, to start a sectarian war!
-Push weapons and Isis in to Baluchistan.
You blood RAW crap which runs through Indian gutters, how dare you talk to me.
Get lost and stick to the gutter you belong.
This part was non sense dude
-hire Pakistani & Afghani Shia to fight your evil war!
So, the war against ISIS is an evil war, well makes sense and tells me who you are. There is no hiring though, only some volunteers
-Prepare a Shia militant army in Pakistan, to start a sectarian war!
Huh, I have seen many Pakistani Shias in this forum who insulted me. Dude, no one in Iran wants a sectarian war inside Pakistan. We informed your government of ISIS's threat to your safety, many cooperations were done on back door relations. You are a sectarian, no Sunni and Shia cares about your non sense

It's lighter than the day light, UAE and KSA are funding sectarian terrorists in Balochistan region. The irony, a Sunni brother gave me that information. Ask well informed guys in this forum, they will tell you about, however i know your nature, i warn mods to take care of your IP. You belong to Jihadists who do blowing missions.
This part was non sense dude

So, the war against ISIS is an evil war, well makes sense and tells me who you are. There is no hiring though, only some volunteers

Huh, I have seen many Pakistani Shias in this forum who insulted me. Dude, no one in Iran wants a sectarian war inside Pakistan. We informed your government of ISIS's threat to your safety, many cooperations were done on back door relations. You are a sectarian, no Sunni and Shia cares about your non sense

It's lighter than the day light, UAE and KSA are funding sectarian terrorists in Balochistan region. The irony, a Sunni brother gave me that information. Ask well informed guys in this forum, they will tell you about, however i know your nature, i warn mods to take care of your IP. You belong to Jihadists who do blowing missions.
Sadly , Pakistan been victim of terrorism since last many decades lost billions and thousands of people lost their lives and thousands are permanently disabled , but in the hate of shia few people still love the source of terrorism in Pakistan. Strangely , Pakistani shia are far away from Iran. I can count how many my close family friends died in shia killing, and recently too. But some lunatics always bring in Iran, where we never seen Iran role in any form. Those my close victim families either get silent in the hope for justice or left the country. But, sadly these terrorist lovers never look who they are following and praising just in hate of shia. I never seen any Iranian come to Pakistani shia door for help or rescue .... Just little example Quetta Hazara massacre to GB bus massacre non of culprit ever arrested. Pak army went to action after APS, otherwise these terrorist were strategic asset of Pakistan intelligence. Sad but these are true facts. But, again I am amazed when lunatics affiliate Pakistani shia with Iran. But, Wahabi factor is curse in Pakistan, that's for sure and its visible everywhere.
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We may disagree with Saudi policies but only the Saudis have sovereignty over Mecca and Medina.

If a piece of land is considered holy for any reason, it does not mean that the country loses sovereignty over it.

The idea that the holy cities are collectively owned by all Muslims is a utopian and childish fantasy. We Pakistanis have a special tendency to become more Catholic than the pope.
Iran and their allies have long been creating trouble in Makkah. So Saudis have to be vigilant to keep our holy places safe.
Well done Saudis.
Sadly , Pakistan been victim of terrorism since last many decades lost billions and thousands of people lost their lives and thousands are permanently disabled , but in the hate of shia few people still love the source of terrorism in Pakistan.
That is true. The most ridiculous lie is Iran's relation to Pakistani Shias. We have no hand in Pakistan, however we are always being accused of it. We have zero investment in your governmental institutes, less than zero influence among Pakistani Shias.
Maybe Pakistanis have forgotten Ali Jinnah, the most loyal person to Pakistan. Pakistani Shias based on my personal experience are the most loyal people to Pakistan's sovereignty. No need to say more about this, i am sure that even wahabis know that.
Shias of Parachinar, Hazaras, my heart goes for them. Many attacks were done on them. However i am sure that most of Sunni brothers didn't like to see them being slaughtered by KSA's wahabi and Salafi mercenaries.
I hope you guys don't bother of this, but your governments have sold beloved Pakistan, a historic part of Iran's soul, to Al-Saud family.
Now BATMAN will come and accuse Iran of training Shia militants in Pakistan. These guys are sick minded and lackeys of KSA, they have a significant danger to Pakistan's safety. Remember blowing guys who have killed thousands of Sunnis and Shias of Pakistanis for their takfiri beliefs.
You will go under accusation too brother, talking to an Iranian is considered as a crime in social medias, you have my blessings for all Pakistanis.

Iran and their allies have long been creating trouble in Makkah. So Saudis have to be vigilant to keep our holy places safe.
Well done Saudis.
Alhamdulillah Qatar is supposed to be a Sunni majority country. They are sanctioning Sunnis because of political mess. How can you close your eyes on this?
This is not acceptable. Ksa is loosing respect and support
Saudi authorities have prevented Qatari nationals from entering the Grand Mosque in Mecca, marking a sharp escalation in the Gulf diplomatic crisis, Doha-based Al Sharq newspaper has reported.

Qatar's National Human Rights Commission (NHRC) received complaints from Qatari citizens that pilgrims from Qatar were barred from entering the Masjid al-Haram in Mecca, the paper said on Saturday.

Ali bin Smaikh al-Marri, the NHRC head, called the incident a flagrant violation of the right to practice religious rites as permitted by human rights conventions, the paper said.

The NHRC denounced the incident, considering the step a violation of the right to perform religious rituals guaranteed by human rights conventions, Al Sharq added.

READ MORE: Qatar-Gulf crisis - All the latest updates

It should be noted that Saudi authorities do not normally question people entering the Grand Mosque on their ethnicity or sectarian affiliation.

Inside Story - Blockade on Qatar is 'toying' with people's lives
The claims come a few days after the UAE and Bahrain criminalised"sympathy" for Qatar on social media.

The UAE said offenders would be punished with a jail term of up to 15 years, and a $136,000 fine. Bahrain declared it punishable by imprisonment of up to five years.

Since the diplomatic row erupted, slogans against and in support of Qatar have been among the top topics discussed on Twitter in Arabic, which is a hugely popular medium of expression in the Arab world, particularly in Saudi Arabia.

The dispute between Qatar and the Arab countries escalated after a cyberattack on Qatar's state-run news agency.

Saudi Arabia, Bahrain, the UAE and Egypt severed diplomatic ties and transport links with Qatar on Monday, accusing it of supporting "extremism".

Qatar has vehemently denied the charges.

READ MORE: Israel, Saudi, UAE team up in anti-Qatar lobbying move

In its statement, the Qatari government said it has been leading the region in attacking what it called the roots of "terrorism", including giving young people hope through jobs, educating hundreds of thousands of Syrian refugees and funding community programmes to challenge agendas of armed groups.

"Our position on countering terrorism is stronger than many of the signatories of the joint statement - a fact that has been conveniently ignored by the authors," the government said.

Source: Al Jazeera News

Makka belongs to all Muslim from anywhere of the world. Nobody has the right to prevent any Muslim entering grand mosque.
Makka belongs to all Muslim from anywhere of the world. Nobody has the right to prevent any Muslim entering grand mosque.
nope it's the saudi religion- made and spread by them. only natural that they call the shots
Makka belongs to all Muslim from anywhere of the world. Nobody has the right to prevent any Muslim entering grand mosque.

Of course proclaimed Muslims can be stopped from entering holy mosques in order to safe guard rest of the peaceful Muslims.
Every Hajji must follow a code of conduct, which usually is not required to explain to real Muslims.
However, some people masquerade as Muslims and only go to Hajj, just to malign Islam and disturb Hajj. Such elements must be filtered out.
Of course proclaimed Muslims can be stopped from entering holy mosques in order to safe guard rest of the peaceful Muslims.
Every Hajji must follow a code of conduct, which usually is not required to explain to real Muslims.
However, some people masquerade as Muslims and only go to Hajj, just to malign Islam and disturb Hajj. Such elements must be filtered out.

Qataris were not accused of non of this. They were harassed due to political reason.
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