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Qatar plans $450 million dollar movie on Prophet Muhammed

That is a good move, but please make a movie on these kaffirs and then we will see how much freedom of speech is valued.:azn:
The message was quite a hit IMO.

The main character was His PBUH uncle, Hazrat Hamza RA.

Whenever some dialogue through the Holy Prophet PBUH was needed, somebody else would offer the dialogues, as if repeating what the Holy Prophet PBUH said. His face was never revealed, rather a view through His PBUH's eyes was shown. Organ music was also there when His presence was to be indicated. Quite a long time since i've seen this film, some facts maybe a bit vague, but His face was never shown,

Though people are very religious about this fact, this post of urs was very educative for me in understanding some of muslim's sentiments and cultural values :) !! Thank you !
This will be a movie like The Message, About life of Prophet to show the world how he actually lived peacefully, A very kind and gentle man, Good Move by Qatar.

This will be a movie like The Message, About life of Prophet to show the world how he actually lived peacefully, A very kind and gentle man, Good Move by Qatar.

This will be a movie like The Message, About life of Prophet to show the world how he actually lived peacefully, A very kind and gentle man, Good Move by Qatar.

This will be a movie like The Message, About life of Prophet to show the world how he actually lived peacefully, A very kind and gentle man, Good Move by Qatar.
No more films on prophets’ lives
LAHORE - The Lahore High Court on Wednesday ordered Pakistan Electronic Media Regulatory Authority (PEMRA) to bar cable operators from airing films and serials based on the life of prophets. The court also directed PEMRA to ensure undertaking of appropriate steps to stop the sale of CDs on the life of prophets in the market. The court also issued notice to Secretary Establishment Division, Secretary Foreign Affairs, Chairman Pakistan telecommunication Authority (PTA) and Chairman PEMRA for October 5.
Justice Ijaz ul Ahsan passed the orders on a petition filed by Aalmi Majlis Tuhaffuz-e-Khatam Nubawat on a petition against not blocking of links to blasphemous material. Petitioner’s counsel argued that uploading of profane films and other blasphemous materials on internet are attempts to malign sacredness of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH). He said that such steps hurt the feeling of Muslims not only in Pakistan but also all over the world. He informed the court that the government had constituted an inter-ministerial committee to block links of blasphemous material on internet but blasphemous links were still accessible. He charged that PTA and PEMRA had failed to comply with the court orders, passed on an identical petition last year, for blocking links to such material.
He added that CDs of such films was available in market. The counsel pleaded the court to issue directions to the PTA to block all websites having blasphemous material at CP or URL level permanently. He requested the court too penalise Chairman PTA and PEMRA chairman for violating court orders. The court after hearing the arguments ordered the PEMRA to bar cable operators from airing CDs of films and dramas based on the life of prophets. The court also issued notices to the respondents for October 5 besides seeking a report from a deputy attorney general.
LHC also swung into action and issued notices to PTA and the federal government for not blocking the film.
Angry students take it out on the police
Islami Jamiat-e-Talaba, UET, Lahore College, other students and Punjab Union of Journalists also staged protests. The participants were carrying banners and placards inscribed with hate slogans against the makers of the movie. The participants said the sacrilegious film was the worst act of terrorism which should not be given cover under the freedom of speech argument. They added that the act was absolutely shameful and has exposed double standards of the west. “The western countries have been adopting discriminate attitude towards Muslims and their beliefs,” they said, adding that the West got easily provoked when pictures of their topless princess were published but had different standards fro others. He said that no civilized person could permit hatred speech which attacks or demeans a group based on race or ethnic origin, religion, disability, gender, age, veteran status, and gender identity.
My Take on this is prophet is beyond human imagination and so no effort should be made to capture his greatness on celluloid.How ever it is my personal view and others can have their own.

It is not about Innocence of muslims or this new movie being planned and the script or the money spent on making it.It is the concept of humans trying to add or deplete the greatness of the prophet.

Humans are too small to understand and capture the divinity of Gods.When ever a movie or book is made or written there will be two views on them for and against.Each group will have some justification for their actions.Why give them a chance good or bad right or wrong as The Prophet does not need a certificate from any one.

Also this is leading to some form of idol worship which Islam is totally against.
while this is good move but just splashing money is not the answer. What Qatar and Saudi Arab did or used their leverage to send message to US, France and other western countries who are repeatedly insulting Islam? Nothing, nada zip! Yet, Saudis brandish custodians of two holy places!
If they want to do something for Islam and the prophet, then ask them to build schools in third world countries. Build schools first, educate the people and then build their madrassahs. That way when educated people go to learn about religion they would know how to make literate choices.
$ 450 million for one movie :blink:

They can make dozens of good movies with this kind of money. More quantity with quality will be better than single movie. Overwhelm the movie industry through more movies so that the messages are transferred by multiple sources.

If they want to do something for Islam and the prophet, then ask them to build schools in third world countries. Build schools first, educate the people and then build their madrassahs. That way when educated people go to learn about religion they would know how to make literate choices.
If they have given o\money for Rohingyans refugees, other Muslim refugees in other part of the world like Afghan in Pakistan etc.,bought news agencies to report the good part of Muslims and their work, world's opinion could be changed way better and they will think twice before offending Muslims.

More schools and Hospitals across Middle East and West.
Guys btw isn't depicting the prophet as picture or in video haram ?

This is a film series consisting of three movies. So i think on average one movie will cost around $150mil. Are the qataris getting hollywood actors? Cause they tend to overpay them everytime the hollywood actors turn up for their projects

Hahah that would be epic -- Mel Gibson playing the Prophet.

If they want to do something for Islam and the prophet, then ask them to build schools in third world countries. Build schools first, educate the people and then build their madrassahs. That way when educated people go to learn about religion they would know how to make literate choices.

Be careful of what you wish :azn:
That is a good move, but please make a movie on these kaffirs and then we will see how much freedom of speech is valued.:azn:

Why should we fall , as low as they have ?
That is a good move, but please make a movie on these kaffirs and then we will see how much freedom of speech is valued.:azn:

As if you have a very charitable view of Kaffirs now. Anyway please go ahead. No one will place a price on your head.
As opposed to what? I am nothing against the propagating of any religion, as long as the right channels are used.

No. Its just that I see Pakistanis complaining day in and day out how the saudi funded religious schools are the breeding grounds of terror and have destroyed the very fabric of Pakistan.
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