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Qaher F313 l News & Discussion

It should be pretty self evident.

But to elaborate, Iran should stick to the Qowser, an actual real fighter that Iran can build, and should be proud of, instead of a phantom.

if that plane flies, will you commit suicide ?
At least you (Iran) is trying and manufacturing/maintain lots of tech at home, thinks out of the box, but our army too much involved in politics and corruption is also major problem for Pakistan @drmeson :angel:

Its not like that, Iranian and Pakistani military design is different. Yours is a large conventional force armed with unconventional warheads to inflict maximum damage upon very large enemy (india). Iranian forces are designed to be asymmetric and inflict damage upon enemy in a dynamic most way possible. If you put Pakistan in place of Iran facing same challenges your military in 10-15 years will become like Iranian one in structure too. Your enemy dictates how you design your military.
It’s because you fail to follow the trail of bread crumbs.

Iran’s military is not an open book like western militaries. Up until 2 weeks ago, no open source analyst knew that Iran had a flying wing design that could fly 1200 miles and drop weapons from an internal bay. It was suspected to be in development, but no credible evidence showing it was being made.

If you do some simple research you will see Iran trying to procure advanced fighter jet technology through espionage and procurement channels, including blueprints of F-35 engine.

Obviously Iran doesn’t need an F-35 engine to put into the Kowsar or any other 1970’s era fighter jet. Thus signs point to a covert aircraft development program that is seeking to develop an advanced fighter in the next two decades.

Now where F-313 fits in all this who really knows. It could be one of several prototypes under consideration. But I will be shocked if in 20 years Iran doesn’t roll out an advanced fighter jet. There are signs (ex IRGC involvement in Air Force = big money/brainpower) that Iran is taking a serious approach to the airforce, albeit a pragmatic and slow one.

Iran has learned long ago that if it is going to buy a fighter jet (Su-30, J-20, etc) it’s going to demand at the MINIMUM full production of all spare parts and engine maintenance and will likely ask for license production of the entire aircraft.

Iran buying a foreign fighter jet outside of these circumstances is unlikely (unless it’s a small token amount). Iran-Iraq war demonstrated if you can’t maintain your airforce fleet then you really don’t have an airforce.
See, here is where you're making assumptions.

You're assuming that the western is an open book, when in reality they're far more secretive about their tech than the rest of the world. They show what they want you to see. The f-35 was shown, because they were marketing it as an export fighter, meanwhile, the f-22 wasn't even know to exist until tears after it first flew; the same situation with the f-16 and f-15.

Next, you assume that I'm pessimistic about iran's air defense research, I'm not.

I also wouldn't be surprised if Iran launches an advanced fighter in 20 to 30 years, but its clear that the Qaher is not that fighter.

As for Iran buying a foreign fighter, I won't really comment on that, as we're still not sure what is going on, in that front.

Qaher will become another achievement, and the response of those who mock it today will be the same as those who were mocking our missiles, silence.
I've never mocked Iran's missiles. In fact, I think Iran's missile, drone and to a certain extent, it's naval technology should be admired. The Qaher though? We'll see.
If it turns out to be real, I'll admit I'm wrong.

Why would I kill myself over an Internet argumeny? Are you a moron?

If it can push you to troll on Iranian threads (you off course have no idea about the details of the Iranian defense industry) then one can expect any thing from you.
Not every fighter in a countries fighter program is going to be mass produced and that's fairly normal it doesn't mean Iran has to stop R&D in fighter development & simply stick to an F-5 platform as a result!

The Kowsar is just a low cost CAS fighter and an advanced supersonic trainer that makes sense simply because a lot of the parts have been produced inside Iran for a long time
Which is fine, but let's not pretend the Qaher wasn't made to be this big deal, that Iran would manufacture hundreds of.

If it can push you to troll on Iranian threads (you off course have no idea about the details of the Iranian defense industry) then one can expect any thing from you.
Oh, you got me. Great come back, I give you 6 and a quarter thumbs up, out of 4.

Next time, don't ask other people to kill themselves, and they might answer more seriously. Lmao.
Oh, you got me. Great come back, I give you 6 and a quarter thumbs up, out of 4.

Next time, don't ask other people to kill themselves, and they might answer more seriously. Lmao.

Would your ego not get bruised in a hurtful way if the plane flies?
Would your ego not get bruised in a hurtful way if the plane flies?
My ego? Why? I have no personal stake here. if the fighter turns out to be real, I'll happily admit it, and say "good job Iran".

You seem to have this extremely stupid idea that I'm against Iran somehow, when in reality, I think the Qaher is a black mark on what is an impressive Iranian defense industry.
On what basis are you "thinking" that?
Ignoring your dumbass riff on my intelligence...

On the basis that the Qaher is a phantom plane, and hasn't shown it self to be anything more than that.

Meanwhile, Iran has a great industry that has produced Tanks, advanced drones, the Qowser fighter (and it's predecessors), and other such technologies.
Ignoring your dumbass riff on my intelligence...

Do not worry, I still think you are a troll and you will remain so.

On the basis that the Qaher is a phantom plane, and hasn't shown it self to be anything more than that.

By the way what makes a plane, a "phantom" plane?

Would you have called this mock up a phantom plane as well in 1990s?

May be Qaher is X-plane for Iran to develop 5th gen techs @drmeson :angel:

Exactly that, seeing the Azarakhsh, Saeghe I and II, Kowsar and none of them getting into production I am beginning to understand the mentality of Iranian planners. They are trying to design the ultimate thing for IRIAF even if it takes years and years instead of just compromising.

To be honest with you and it is my own personal opinion that Iran at best Iranian aviation industry is moderate level capable of fielding out a 4.0 generation fighter but nothing beyond that right now. They are more than capable of developing almost everything at home for that which is evident by recent unveiling of F-5 Kowsar which was 88 % local built. The avionics suite they showed was amazing for a 5-8 million USD 4.0 generation local built F-5 air frame. May be the next in line of that series is an equivalent of F-20 tigershark ..... If that happens and up gradation programs follow for that platform then the same industries will become more well equipped to design something for 5th generation but that is still 10-12 years away from now on.
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