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Qaher F313 l News & Discussion

Let's see if people are going to laugh at this as much as they laughed at Q-313? I'd say the quality of Q-313 mockup was much better than this one. And by the way it is not going to be operational before 2035! By that standard, I think Q-313 has had good progress.

Tempest jet takes UK engineering by storm




Why aren’t all the so called experts laughing about how small the intake is?

Though it is an interesting design, is the plane going to have its wings swept back like the F-14? Or is this just a poor mock up?
Let's see if people are going to laugh at this as much as they laughed at Q-313? I'd say the quality of Q-313 mockup was much better than this one. And by the way it is not going to be operational before 2035! By that standard, I think Q-313 has had good progress.

Tempest jet takes UK engineering by storm



was about to post the same thing. It is britain so everything they do is okei dokie?
Let's see if people are going to laugh at this as much as they laughed at Q-313? I'd say the quality of Q-313 mockup was much better than this one. And by the way it is not going to be operational before 2035! By that standard, I think Q-313 has had good progress.

Tempest jet takes UK engineering by storm




Just because Britain has more experience building Aircraft while Iran doesn't we can called Iran jet fighter as "propaganda" while seeing Britain as advancement can we??
Why aren’t all the so called experts laughing about how small the intake is?

Though it is an interesting design, is the plane going to have its wings swept back like the F-14? Or is this just a poor mock up?
Good point. Seems like it.

was about to post the same thing. It is britain so everything they do is okei dokie?
Just because Britain has more experience building Aircraft while Iran doesn't we can called Iran jet fighter as "propaganda" while seeing Britain as advancement can we??
That's the point. People always laugh at dreamers until they realize their dream and then nobody will laugh.
Care to elaborate your lmao mr think tank analyst?
It should be pretty self evident.

But to elaborate, Iran should stick to the Qowser, an actual real fighter that Iran can build, and should be proud of, instead of a phantom.
It should be pretty self evident.

But to elaborate, Iran should stick to the Qowser, an actual real fighter that Iran can build, and should be proud of, instead of a phantom.

Iran’s mock up of the F-313 was much more credible than Britain’s mock up of their next gen fighter or Japan’s mock up.

So stop regurgitating biased western media that has a habit of mocking Iranian capabilities (first missiles, then UAVs, etc) then magically flipping and explaining how dangerous they are once consensus has been established.

The F-313 is an experimental prototype fighter jet that can change quite a bit from now till 2025. It may never reach mass production or it might, no one really knows. These type of projects happen ALL OVER the world. But expecting monthly or semi-annual updates on such a project is absurd.
Iran’s mock up of the F-313 was much more credible than Britain’s mock up of their next gen fighter or Japan’s mock up.

So stop regurgitating biased western media that has a habit of mocking Iranian capabilities (first missiles, then UAVs, etc) then magically flipping and explaining how dangerous they are once consensus has been established.

The F-313 is an experimental prototype fighter jet that can change quite a bit from now till 2025. It may never reach mass production or it might, no one really knows. These type of projects happen ALL OVER the world. But expecting monthly or semi-annual updates on such a project is absurd.
Like I said, Iran had plenty of achievements that it can be proud of already. The stunt with the qaher was ridiculous.

It's fine if you believe the program is real, but I have seen no evidence for its existence.
Like I said, Iran had plenty of achievements that it can be proud of already. The stunt with the qaher was ridiculous.

It's fine if you believe the program is real, but I have seen no evidence for its existence.

It’s because you fail to follow the trail of bread crumbs.

Iran’s military is not an open book like western militaries. Up until 2 weeks ago, no open source analyst knew that Iran had a flying wing design that could fly 1200 miles and drop weapons from an internal bay. It was suspected to be in development, but no credible evidence showing it was being made.

If you do some simple research you will see Iran trying to procure advanced fighter jet technology through espionage and procurement channels, including blueprints of F-35 engine.

Obviously Iran doesn’t need an F-35 engine to put into the Kowsar or any other 1970’s era fighter jet. Thus signs point to a covert aircraft development program that is seeking to develop an advanced fighter in the next two decades.

Now where F-313 fits in all this who really knows. It could be one of several prototypes under consideration. But I will be shocked if in 20 years Iran doesn’t roll out an advanced fighter jet. There are signs (ex IRGC involvement in Air Force = big money/brainpower) that Iran is taking a serious approach to the airforce, albeit a pragmatic and slow one.

Iran has learned long ago that if it is going to buy a fighter jet (Su-30, J-20, etc) it’s going to demand at the MINIMUM full production of all spare parts and engine maintenance and will likely ask for license production of the entire aircraft.

Iran buying a foreign fighter jet outside of these circumstances is unlikely (unless it’s a small token amount). Iran-Iraq war demonstrated if you can’t maintain your airforce fleet then you really don’t have an airforce.
Like I said, Iran had plenty of achievements that it can be proud of already. The stunt with the qaher was ridiculous.

It's fine if you believe the program is real, but I have seen no evidence for its existence.
Qaher will become another achievement, and the response of those who mock it today will be the same as those who were mocking our missiles, silence.
It should be pretty self evident.

But to elaborate, Iran should stick to the Qowser, an actual real fighter that Iran can build, and should be proud of, instead of a phantom.

Not every fighter in a countries fighter program is going to be mass produced and that's fairly normal it doesn't mean Iran has to stop R&D in fighter development & simply stick to an F-5 platform as a result!

The Kowsar is just a low cost CAS fighter and an advanced supersonic trainer that makes sense simply because a lot of the parts have been produced inside Iran for a long time
Qaher will become another achievement, and the response of those who mock it today will be the same as those who were mocking our missiles, silence.

Iran just needs to continue the path of development until a domestic platform is developed that's worth investing large sums of money in! And it's utterly absurd to think that within your 1st 2-3 domestically designed fighter prototypes your going to get a platform worth investing large sums towards.

And countries that eventually do develop fighters worth mass producing are countries that don't get discouraged and don't see lack of mass production of a particular platform as a failure but rather a challenge to develop something better and don't foolishly start mass producing something not really worth producing.

Iranians in particular need to also learn to see criticism as more of a challenge! Bezar bekhandan who cares bezar on ghadr bekhandan ta roozi ye cheezi choon Simorgh jelo cheshmashoon sabz besheh!! At the end of the day Iranians and especially Iranian involved in the fighter program need to learn NOT to get discouraged especially by criticism rather they should welcome it and use it as motivation and inspiration.
Shahid Tehrani Moghadam e khoda beyamorz understood that better than anyone and that's why Iran's Missile program and IRGC aerospace R&D teams are so successful today and people like Tehrani Moghadam understood that just because you haven't achieved all you wanted in a platform yet it doesn't mean you have failed and it sure as hell doesn't mean you don't strive for something better because the only time you actually do fail is when you stop trying!

Today IRGC Aerospace guys don't allow 2 years to go by until they develop a new missile & or make a significant improvement on an existing model because that's the mentality people like Tehrani Moghadam drilled into the heads of IRGC engineers. And although It took Tehrani Moghadam 15 years just to reverse engineer Iran's 1st Scud while many even in Iran's military were criticizing and even making fun of Iran's missile program not only did that not discourage him but he NEVER for once second allowed himself to even be satisfied with just a Scud. And if we had that type of mentality in the Air Force over the past 4 decades today rather than producing platforms like the F-5 we would be producing platforms like the Su-27 and on our way to develop our own 5th Gen fighter.
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In next 2 years we will hear more about it ...

A flying wing bomber is also expected !

Not as big as B-2 ... Much cheaper than B-2
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