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Featured Putin: Insulting Prophet Muhammad is not freedom of expression

one of our most holy places is thrown into the dirt and disrespected like that.

Disrespected like what? Being used as a place of worship? That is the highest respect a Muslim can show to any building. The British had turned Pakistan's biggest, grandest mosque into stable. Now that is literally "thrown into the dirt" like you say.
Putin? Putin is one of the smartest leaders in the political scene. What are you even talking about?

He made his country a nigeria with snow. Have you ever been to russia? Its a shithole. Outside Moscow or St Petersburg its a horrorshow.

A smart leader builds up his country. He only cares for his money.
Disrespected like what? Being used as a place of worship? That is the highest respect a Muslim can show to any building. The British turned Pakistan's biggest mosque into stable. Now that is literally "thrown into the dirt" like you say.

Its used as place to humilate and insult us, nothing else. Its a christian cathedral that is vandalized and desecretated.

If they would have some respect they would have kept it as museum.
Erdogan did not turn anytihng into a mosque. He opened a building to public use that is already a mosque.
Cut the bull. Erdogan said the building returned to "its original function". Well no. Its original function was an Orthodox Christian Cathedral.

You keep complaining about mosques in Greece. We cannot begin to count the churches in Turkey that were turned into mosques,museums,art galleries,warehouses,stables or just shut down.

We are talking about Hagia Sophia. A symbol of Orthodox Christian history. It was the largest Christian Cathedral for more than 900 years.
You have Erdogan saying "It returned to its original function". No. You have him turn Hagia Sophia into a mosque again and defy Ataturk's wishes. Right when he has built a huge mosque in the city. A brand new mosque. Then you come and nag about Greece.

However, I can understand this insane... the two nations, which had lived together for centuries, drowned in a deep nationalism and civil war.
Civil War? You think rebellions against Turkish rule was civil war? We didn't see the Ottoman rule like the Roman rule. Ottomans were not assimilated or charmed by our culture. Our cultures were not amalgamated. We did get a few cultural aspects from the Ottoman empire,like a few loan-words and an oriental dress code,jezail type of muskets and scimitars,maybe a few more aspects,but in general our cultures did not amalgamate like the Romans and Greeks did when they produced the Byzantine Empire.

1821 wasn't a civil war. The Serb rebellion wasn't a civil war,the Bulgarian rebellion wasn't a civil war. They were uprisings. Wars of independence.

You first converted most of our churches into mosques or turned them into something else. And we're talking about A LOT of churches. The Byzantine Empire was full of churches and Cathedrals and monasteries. Only a fraction of those remained intact. And you talk about "I could give you more than a hundred examples" ?

You see that Apollon doesn't care about religion. Forget him. I disagree with him on this. I disagree about this leftist-liberal thing of mocking religion and calling it "art" or whatever they call it.
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Im orthodox christian and dont want such bridges.

Beside that Putin is a dictator and can get lost.

Not all of us a blind as bat, ignorant as those who are hostile.

I am a Muslim, I respect and recognize Orthodox Christians as true representatives of Christianity and I seek to forge strong and deep rooted relations and friendship with Orthodox Christians. I also understand why Orthodox Christians are angry and upset with Muslims. What the ottomans did to Orthodox Christians was abhorrent, sinful and not what true Muslims would do.

I know that a rapprochement between Muslims and Orthodox Christians seems impossible now. But rest assured that there is a growing awareness spark within the Muslim world, recognizing that it is you Orthodox Christians that we Muslims will establish an alliance with.

Our beloved Prophet Muhammad (Peace be Upon Him), had prophecized that the closest to us Muslims (in our darkest hour) in love and affection will be Christians.

I believe that we Muslims will demonstrate our will and intent to follow our beloved Prophet Muhammad (Peace be Upon Him) to build a trusting and lasting friendship with Orthodox Christians, inshAllah.
Not all of us a blind as bat, ignorant as those who are hostile.

I am a Muslim, I respect and recognize Orthodox Christians as true representatives of Christianity and I seek to forge strong and deep rooted relations and friendship with Orthodox Christians. I also understand why Orthodox Christians are angry and upset with Muslims. What the ottomans did to Orthodox Christians was abhorrent, sinful and not what true Muslims would do.

I know that a rapprochement between Muslims and Orthodox Christians seems impossible now. But rest assured that there is a growing awareness spark within the Muslim world, recognizing that it is you Orthodox Christians that we Muslims will establish an alliance with.

Our beloved Prophet Muhammad (Peace be Upon Him), had prophecized that the closest to us Muslims (in our darkest hour) in love and affection will be Christians.

I believe that we Muslims will demonstrate our will and intent to follow our beloved Prophet Muhammad (Peace be Upon Him) to build a trusting and lasting friendship with Orthodox Christians, inshAllah.

Thanks for the nice words. Still a long way to go i think.
If I insulted your mother and claimed its my freedom of speech would you be happy with that?

With speech comes responsibility. You can't say anything you feel like and claim it Is your right to do so.

Children in schools for example are punished for insulting/ swearing. So why did it become ok for grownups to start mocking religious figures. Have Muslims ever insulted Jesus?

As a Christian perhaps you will appreciate the following passages from the bible:

Ephesians 4:29 ESV / 635 helpful votes Helpful Not Helpful
Let no corrupting talk come out of your mouths, but only such as is good for building up, as fits the occasion, that it may give grace to those who hear.
James 5:12 ESV / 505 helpful votes
But above all, my brothers, do not swear, either by heaven or by earth or by any other oath, but let your “yes” be yes and your “no” be no, so that you may not fall under condemnation.
James 3:10 ESV / 501 helpful votes
From the same mouth come blessing and cursing. My brothers, these things ought not to be so.
You can insult my mother or any other mother if she was a leader or prophet of crores of people and find disturbing incidents in her life which are not in sync with the morals of the world...You can criticise her if her teachings are affecting crores of people directly or indirectly.
My mother is a normal human being whose influence is only limited to her family...So this stupid analogy that whether somone would keep quiet if there mother was insulted is ridiculous.
Thanks for the nice words. Still a long way to go i think.

Yes, as I said it, that may seem impossible today. But those of us Muslims recognize Orthodox Christians as ones who are not hostile to Islam, are sincere in their approach and stance toward your people. I believe Orthodox Christianity is the one who is sincere and true believers of Jesus the Messiah, the Son of Blessed Virgin Mary. As such, Muslims respect and honor all Prophets of Allah, in particular, Jesus. Because Muslims believe, as stated in the Holy Quran, that Jesus did not die nor was He crucified.

And one day, in the not too distant future, Muslims will conquer Constantinople and return Hagia Sofia to it's rightful people, the Orthodox Christians.

Inshallah, Ameen (God Willing, Amen).
Cut the bull. Erdogan said the building returned to "its original function". Well no. Its original function was an Orthodox Christian Cathedral.

You keep complaining about mosques in Greece. We cannot begin to count the churches in Turkey that were turned into mosques,museums,art galleries,warehouses,stables or just shut down.

We are talking about Hagia Sophia. A symbol of Orthodox Christian history. It was the largest Christian Cathedral for more than 900 years.
You have Erdogan saying "It returned to its original function". No. You have him turn Hagia Sophia into a mosque again and defy Ataturk's wishes. Right when he has built a huge mosque in the city. A brand new mosque. Then you come and nag about Greece.

Civil War? You think rebellions against Turkish rule was civil war? We didn't see the Ottoman rule like the Roman rule. Ottomans were not assimilated or charmed by our culture. Our cultures were not amalgamated. We did get a few cultural aspects from the Ottoman empire,like a few loan-words and an oriental dress code,jezail type of muskets and scimitars,maybe a few more aspects,but in general our cultures did not amalgamate like the Romans and Greeks did when they produced the Byzantine Empire.

1821 wasn't a civil war. The Serb rebellion wasn't a civil war,the Bulgarian rebellion wasn't a civil war. They were uprisings. Wars of independence.

You first converted most of our churches into mosques or turned them into something else. And we're talking about A LOT of churches. The Byzantine Empire was full of churches and Cathedrals and monasteries. Only a fraction of those remained intact. And you talk about "I could give you more than a hundred examples" ?

You see that Apollon doesn't care about religion. Forget him. I disagree with him on this. I disagree about this leftist-liberal thing of mocking religion and calling it "art" or whatever they call it.

It is not liberal left thing to mock religion. Is Aristoteles liberal left for you? Is Platon liberal left for you?

Religion did not help us in our darkest times. Have you ever been to Mystras? Our last emperor was coronated there in a small church. You should go there and see the sadness and evrything yourself. One can only imagine how sad and desperate our ancestors were at this times. What did religion help us? Nothing, this god allowed that we go through hundreds of years darkness. And it were the very same religious people who said we should comply with the ottomans. You forget that too?

Our "god" has left our people alone and allowed all this to happen. No matter how good we were and how much we praised him.
Im for freedom of speech. Its classical european tradition.

Your prophet is not a christian prophet so he plays no role here. I dont care about it but if people make fun about him, its their freedom to do so.
I can understand your point, you prefer to live in a society where a women dont know whom the father is, i think the same society also teaches some manners as well,
And freedom of speech isnt a classic European tradition are we forgetting all the genocides took places just because of religion & dictatorship

Freedom of speech can be used in 2 ways i can say your mother is a w**** and its my right to do doesn't matter if its right or wrong or its my right to stop other person who is saying that because he's a idiot

Doesn't matter what religion, race or country we have we all gotta show some decency and humanity to others, live & let others live peacefully.

Freedom of speech is a big word and should be used for the betterment of society not passing abuse.
I can understand your point, you prefer to live in a society where a women dont know whom the father is, i think the same society also teaches some manners as well,
And freedom of speech isnt a classic European tradition are we forgetting all the genocides took places just because of religion & dictatorship

Freedom of speech can be used in 2 ways i can say your mother is a w**** and its my right to do doesn't matter if its right or wrong or its my right to stop other person who is saying that because he's a idiot

Doesn't matter what religion, race or country we have we all gotta show some decency and humanity to others, live & let others live peacefully.

Freedom of speech is a big word and should be used for the betterment of society not passing abuse.

Whats your problem with my mother? You are like the 4thmperson here who tries to belittle my mother. I guess thats a thing in you guys culture.
I can understand your point, you prefer to live in a society where a women dont know whom the father is, i think the same society also teaches some manners as well,
And freedom of speech isnt a classic European tradition are we forgetting all the genocides took places just because of religion & dictatorship

Freedom of speech can be used in 2 ways i can say your mother is a w**** and its my right to do doesn't matter if its right or wrong or its my right to stop other person who is saying that because he's a idiot

Doesn't matter what religion, race or country we have we all gotta show some decency and humanity to others, live & let others live peacefully.

Freedom of speech is a big word and should be used for the betterment of society not passing abuse.
Will you guys stop with the mother talk?
That is the difference. Europe and the US celebrate hurting Muslim sentiment under the garb of freedom of speech. In reality, the hurtful statements are exactly meant to hurt. Putin said it exactly how it is and for that the man deserves full marks.
Whats your problem with my mother? You are like the 4thmperson here who tries to belittle my mother. I guess thats a thing in you guys culture.

You cvnts don't belong on this forum. Go and join Golden Dawn. Probably you are already a member of Golden Dawn LOL
I can understand your point, you prefer to live in a society where a women dont know whom the father is

Is that your concern ? Your concern should be desi societies where women and men are honor killed. So what will you say of future humanity, in fact in the next 60 to 70 years, when people will be in artificial wombs on other worlds where the human seed will be perhaps chosen through anonymous means and be raised until natural adulthood in hostels ?

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