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Putin and Modi have agreed on licensed production of a Russian attack helicopter in India

their is error in the report
no way India is going to manufacture 400 Helis a year
its most likely 40 Helis a year
also we have already inducted 110 Mi17V5 out of the 139 on order
however their is a chance that another 100 Mi17V5 could be ordered
India requires 440 LUH
this deal is meant to fullfill that order
~ 400 LUHs are required right now. With Civilian demands and Cheetah+CHeetal replacement, the number can rise. Most probably 400 total Kamovs will be produced while HAL LUH will take care of rest.
@SpArK @he-man
@Bang Galore

These above statements are very positive and also looking from the Body language
of the two leaders it looks like India has NOT only been ABLE to save its friendship with Russia
but also managed to strengthen it despite some serious " poaching " attempts by Pakistan

The use of the phrases like
" deep mutual trust ", " national interests ", " bilateral understanding"
" special and privileged partnerships " are very significant and are a pointer towards
the GOOD days ahead for India Russia friendship
see there is no saving needed as Russia never abandoned India in the first place, ties with Pakistan doesn't means no ties with India , it is not a either this or that situation in world polity , Russia's ties with India is strong, there no doubt about it, but that said Russia's ties to India viz-a-viz Pakistan ,doesn't have to be a either this or that scenario, it can be both ,as with the case of India buying western weapons doesn't mean its abandoning Russia but rather its diversifying its procurements options , just like that , Russia will sell India top of the line weapons ,but at the same time it will also vendor into the Pakistani market. so as I said with regards to Russia-India-Pakistan paradigm , its not a either this or that scenario geo-politics is all about flexibility

That is simply indian hubris, my little friend.
Most indians are smaller in stature, it is a friendly term of endearment.

that is just a racist & degrading way of generalizing , my little xenophobe friend grow up !
this is the era of science & technology , the time of seeing through the lenses of racial connotation has well past its prime
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This visit is no great one after all...

Let's buy oil , nuke reactor .. Pak fa And feel happy about it.

No need to put us in tight spot , to embarrass Russians by rejecting later on..

I am very sure we are not making any Russian chopper ..

Or this could be ploy to not let the Russians grumble about India buying US chappie next month..
These are to replace Cheetah/Chetak helis..... I think both mi series and ka series would be manufactured here i india. that's the reason its figures are 400 ( highly doubtful of the numbers)
Union issues are big time problem in India. I find that Indian union groups are pro-left which in fact will affect those companies :-/
This visit is no great one after all...

Let's buy oil , nuke reactor .. Pak fa And feel happy about it.

No need to put us in tight spot , to embarrass Russians by rejecting later on..

I am very sure we are not making any Russian chopper ..

Or this could be ploy to not let the Russians grumble about India buying US chappie next month..

The Pro Russia rhetoric was needed - Putin is in a tight spot and is being squeezed even more by the sanctions, he is on the lookout for allies in Asia atm and partners to extract him from his economic woes. Russia needs India more than India needs Russia at the moment.

So the nuclear power plants deal, the oil agreements, the few weapon deals, and the talk about long standing partnership, historical ties and BFF statements was a necessity.
Where are 400 helos going to go?

Are they planning on building them, stripping them down and then building again?
So at the end of the day, its the Ka-226 that is being built and not the Mi-17?
that is odd, all things considered the latter had more benefits for the Indian forces to licence manufacture rather than the former.
Union issues are big time problem in India. I find that Indian union groups are pro-left which in fact will affect those companies :-/

Left in India operates among the labor class and the tribals. As a base, it's existence is only limited to two states in India - West Bengal and Kerala. It's a bit popular in the tribal belts of Chattisgarh, Orissa and a couple more states.

Labor laws have undergone major reforms and the company management's are fairly protected against unfair union demands. Though, the unions can protest and strike for genuine demands and against unfair practices of the management.

Most of the unions have lost its sheen - especially after socialism driven policies ended when India's market opened up. Unions are most active in government companies and in the states of Kerala and West Bengal - and you are right, they hamper growth of industry in both these states.
While I was hoping for a better heli (atack), this one definitely caters to an area that we lack in numbers. I can see at least 400 or more inducted in India alone for border areas, resupplies, rescue services, etc.

Regardless of the Heli type, its a big score for Modi.

I am not sure if the planned joint Heli production unit is just meant to produce one model.
It will be nightmare for trainers, logistical and arial deployment units to coordinate the ops of all three types together.

It will be nightmare for trainers, logistical and arial deployment units to coordinate the ops of all three types together.


But the trolls will be happy.
Russia to 'Make in India' 400 Helicopters a Year

All India | Reuters | Updated: December 11, 2014 19:58 IST


Ka-226T is a light multi-role helicopter which can be used for search-and-rescue operations in mountainous areas

Russia and India have agreed to assemble 400 twin-engined helicopters a year in India, Russian Deputy Prime Minister Dmitry Rogozin said after summit talks between President Vladimir Putin and Prime Minister Narendra Modi.

Rogozin said the deal related to the Ka-226T, a light multi-role helicopter built by Russian Helicopters that can be used for search-and-rescue operations in mountainous areas.

Prime Minister Narendra Modi told President Vladimir Putin on Thursday that Russia will remain India's top defence supplier, even though New Delhi's options had improved since the end of the Cold War.

PM Modi spoke after a one-day summit that sought to revive a relationship that peaked in the Soviet era, while the two sides signed billions of dollars in deals covering nuclear power, oil and defence cooperation.

In the most significant ones, Russia's state-owned Rosatom will build 12 nuclear reactors in India, energy major Rosneft inked a 10-year crude supply deal with India's Essar Oil and Russia promised to build advanced helicopters in India.

"Even if India's options have increased, Russia remains our most important defence partner," PM Modi told reporters after the first formal summit between the leaders since he won elections by a landslide in May. (Russia remains our top defence partner, says PM Modi)

Mr Putin's visit comes as the Kremlin grapples with a sliding oil price and weak economy that have deepened the impact of Western sanctions over its annexation of Crimea last spring and support for an uprising in eastern Ukraine.

The tension over Ukraine intruded on the choreographed visit when it emerged that the Russian-backed leader of Crimea had travelled as part of Mr Putin's delegation for what were billed as unofficial talks to enhance trade.

"We highly appreciate the friendship, trust and mutual understanding with Indian partners," said President Putin who touched on bilateral issues chiefly in his statement to journalists. (Read full text of the joint statement)

No questions were allowed.

© Thomson Reuters 2014

Russia to 'Make in India' 400 Helicopters a Year

Kamov Ka-226T

General Information

The Ka-226T is a powerful, light multirole helicopter that, in addition to meeting high safety standards, boasts incredibly precise hovering ability, excellent manoeuvrability and is very easy to fly. Improved performance characteristics of the Ka-226T include eco-friendly features, efficiency, modern avionics and additional flight safety solutions – making this one of the best models in its class.
  • The Ka-226T is powered by 580 h.p. FADEC-equipped Arrius 2G1 engines by Turbomeca which enables the helicopter to land or take-off safely if one engine fails.
  • The coaxial main rotor system and absence of a tail rotor not only makes it safer on the ground and in the air, but also makes it possible to use the Ka-226T in spaces with scant room for manoeuver, as the fuselage does not extend beyond the area swept by the rotors.
  • The Ka-226 can operate day and night, in regular and adverse weather conditions, over land or expanses of water, and also in high winds.
  • It is operation in temperatures ranging from -50°С до +50°С with a relative humidity of 100%, and does not need to be kept in a hangar.
The Ka-226T helicopter boasts a modular design and can be delivered in a variety of modifications.
  • The passenger model can comfortably set up to seven people.
  • The transport model can carry one tonne within the fuselage or on an external sling and cargo platform can be installed to carry oversize goods.
  • The Ka-226T has two kinds of medical uses – medevac and intensive care. Medevac helicopters are equipped with stretchers to carry the injured, oxygen cylinders, and the requisite medical equipment. There are fold-away seats for medical staff. When used to provide intensive-care treatment, the Ka-226T can accommodate one patient and two medical staff.
  • As a police vehicle, the Ka-226T can transport up to six people and is excellently suited to law enforcement activities such as: ensuring law and order, patrolling areas, identifying and tracking criminals, and managing the traffic police.
  • The search-and-rescue version of the Ka-226 can operate in difficult climates and in a range of different environments, including mountainous areas. High hover precision makes it possible to get injured people on board safely.

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Another Source

India will manufacture the Russian Mi-17 and Ka-226T
NEW DELHI, Dec. 11 - RIA Novosti
India will produce Russian helicopters Mi-17 and Ka-226T accordance with contracts signed Thursday as part of a visit by Russian President Vladimir Putin in India, announced in New Delhi on Russian Deputy Prime Minister Dmitry Rogozin.

"There are two contracts. One of them concerns the Mi-17 they (the Indians) really need and the other on the Ka-226T. This is a big contract on assembly in Indian Territory "of nearly 400 helicopters per year M.Rogozine said.

India had previously launched a tender for the purchase of utility helicopters where Russian Ka-226 competed with Eurocopter. But according M.Rogozine, unique performance of Ka-226 New Delhi have to give up the bidding and opt for the production of Ka-226 helicopters on its territory.

The Ka-226T is a modern multi-purpose light helicopter coaxial scheme of arrangement of helices. This device is equipped with twin double counter rotor. This is Arrius 2G1 Turbomeca (France) specially adapted.

L'Inde fabriquera des hélicoptères russes Mi-17 et Ka-226T | Économie | RIA Novosti

Woooow what did I just read ? :D This is how big boys do business . . Mi 17(weaponry) and KA 226 light multi role helicopter. And the production line to assemble 400 of them . This not only create jobs in India but also Makes India te world's largest helicopter producer .Definitely India is looking for more helicopters in many different fields. Or else russia might not had accepted . May be due to their economic situation and Cheaper cost effective ways India can offer. 22 hours turned out to be more profitable overall . Another aachievement by Modi Ji .

Honest Respect . And wh
why about bramos mini ?

nice, now that's what you call a strategic partnership.. nuclear, military, oil and gas, pharma, medical/health, energy, crude, software, glonass.. nothing specific about the Kamov deal there though, but that will come shortly I hope.

now let's see what the Americans have on offer when Obama comes next month.

Are u not enjoying it :partay:
After Obama visit let see what russia can offer :yahoo:

What about Aussie German UK:cheers:
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