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Put pressure on India to talk to us-Pakistan

Do you know what is happening today as we debate and discuss?

India is cementing its position in Afghanistan.

The future sops from India to Pakistan to get the ball rolling and show neighbourly goodwill, will come from and on their Western flank.

Like the US, and other superpowers, India too has learnt the tenets of power projection, and moving the frontline away from its own borders.

If I want to fight someone, I will call him out away from my front doorstep ..... and take the fight to his backdoor courtyard.

Of course I will do this after arming my home to the teeth and heavily fortifying my own front door.

Which is exactly what we are doing today.

Comments, opinions .....

Cheers, Doc

This could be the strategy Indian Intelligence agencies may be following.....they have for long struggled to contain Pakistan fed terrorists ..across India ...and they must have decided ...enough...lets take the war to where it belongs....

The challenge that Pakistan faces now...is that ..most of its Army top brass wants to focus on India ......but they are under pressure from Pakistani People...and World community to use their Anti India forces against people who they want public to believe are being fed by India .......The irony is ...now that Pakistani Citizenry believes that they Terrorists in their own country are fed by Indians...they will pile on more pressure on Pakistani army to kill them....this will put more pressure on the resources...and Pakistan army will be forced to deploy more feet on the ground... thus moving forces to western border.......Now Pakistan just like India has got two borders to defend....India in the east and Afghanistan in the west....... Looks like India is doing a China with Pakistan.....but the advantage India has is that Indian army has been built from ground up ...against two adversaries....abut Pakistan army has been built to only address one...... so now Pakistan has to put more forces....on both borders....needs more resources...and thus more pressure on Pakistan economy.
Do you know what is happening today as we debate and discuss?

India is cementing its position in Afghanistan.

The future sops from India to Pakistan to get the ball rolling and show neighbourly goodwill, will come from and on their Western flank.

Like the US, and other superpowers, India too has learnt the tenets of power projection, and moving the frontline away from its own borders.

If I want to fight someone, I will call him out away from my front doorstep ..... and take the fight to his backdoor courtyard.

Of course I will do this after arming my home to the teeth and heavily fortifying my own front door.

Which is exactly what we are doing today.

Comments, opinions .....

Cheers, Doc

Infact all the peacenikkers in the Babudom have been silence.The flak GoI recieved after 26\11 has changed a lot of mindsets.Frankly speaking the army wants to implement a solution which is being countered by the MEA babu's.Earlier peace with Pakistan was the only option now its not
No country can every be in better position in Afghanistan , its a black hole for power drain.

Its a black hole for the attackers...but not for countries that are investing and helping their people.....

Attacking the helping hand will cause reverse public pressure on the so called Freedom Fighters.....so they won'rt do that...... remember they are fighting foreign invasion...at least this is what they claim to be doing... But they know Indians are not here to kill them.....and the whole Afghanistan knows that..... Now if Indian Government does not make a mistake like America...or may be Russia of sending troops......they can't label India as invading army.....so they can't drain India resources......If they go out in public declaring war on India ...people will ask them why....and they will have no answer to that.......and they will lose public support......
Its a black hole for the attacks...but not for countries that are investing and helping their people.....

We have to be careful before we reach such conclusions. Were the soviets defeated by Mujahideens alone?
Soviet was defeated by US in Afghanistan using the locals. It was an era of cold war.

The situation today is completely different. US has no opposition. All the other major powers support US' efforts in Astan. Russia, Iran, India, China, and EU support US. The problem for US has been that the leaders of the Talibs are now running the show from outside of Astan. The US has realised this yet has not taken any big action so far, though there are proposals to expand the geography of drone attacks.
A correction here. TTP was not bred by Pakistan or anything. Pakistan only worked with Afghan Taliban, which Pakistan is not fighting against nor it is fighting Pakistan. TTP was bred, financed by india.
Its a black hole for the attacks...but not for countries that are investing and helping their people.....

Attacking the helping hand will cause reverse public pressure on the so called Freedom Fighters.....so they won'rt do that...... remember they are fighting foreign invasion...at least this is what they claim to be doing... But they know Indians are not here to kill them.....and the whole Afghanistan knows that..... Now if Indian Government does not make a mistake like America...or may be Russia of sending troops......they can't label India as invading army.....so they can't drain India resources......If they go out in public declaring war on India ...people will ask them why....and they will have no answer to that.......and they will lose public support......

Indian is being seen as Northern Alliance supporter only, as long as they are in power Indian has no problem.
A correction here. TTP was not bred by Pakistan or anything. Pakistan only worked with Afghan Taliban, which Pakistan is not fighting against nor it is fighting Pakistan. TTP was bred, financed by india.

TTP was recently formed, correct me if I am wrong. But the individuals involved were trained by the ISI and PA. The individuals that today man different groups earlier fought united against the soviets. The same people today are split into different groups with different names and supposedly different aims.
A correction here. TTP was not bred by Pakistan or anything. Pakistan only worked with Afghan Taliban, which Pakistan is not fighting against nor it is fighting Pakistan. TTP was bred, financed by india.

May be you are right.....May be Indian agencies are involved......

If they are involved.....they are doing their job...and If they are not....they should be kicked out of their jobs........they don't deserve to be called Intelligence agencies if they are not keeping the adversary busy on the other front.... But this highlights shortsightedness of Pakistani Intelligence community....they should have foreseen this coming.....for how long you can poke India and think that India is not going to respond ..in a similar fashion....
TTP was recently formed, correct me if I am wrong. But the individuals involved were trained by the ISI and PA. The individuals that today man different groups earlier fought united against the soviets. The same people today are split into different groups with different names and supposedly different aims.

It was recently formed yes.

None of TTP were trained by ISI or anything to create TTP. Those who were trained were trained against Soviets in collaboration with US.

Distinction: TTP are mostly Pakistani, ISI trained Afghans mostly. TTP are mostly in it for the money, Afghan Taliban are in it for fight against occupation. This should really dispel the myth propagated by indians.
Indian is being seen as Northern Alliance supporter only, as long as they are in power Indian has no problem.

These so called Ideological Wars are fed from the social fabric....now tell me ....if India is busy =building schools, hospitals, and roads....who benefits....the community....and if the community sees that India has been there as a helping hand......will the society let these so called Ideological warriors...attack the feeding hand.....

Society only retaliates if they don't get their fair share of amenities......and if thats dome by India ...the social support will be there with India....the problem with Russia and US is that they came there and attacked...they never built anything...they just came and attacked..captured land...and took advantage of the land......and India is not doing that.....so India will have support.
May be you are right.....May be Indian agencies are involved......

If they are involved.....they are doing their job...and If they are not....they should be kicked out of their jobs........they don't deserve to be called Intelligence agencies if they are not keeping the adversary busy on the other front.... But this highlights shortsightedness of Pakistani Intelligence community....they should have foreseen this coming.....for how long you can poke India and think that India is not going to respond ..in a similar fashion....

You are discussing the same thing in two topics. Keep it to one. I will not answer same thing in both places.
But this highlights shortsightedness of Pakistani Intelligence community....they should have foreseen this coming.....

This is a very important point. ISI has failed miserably in its job(if it considers destabilizing India as its job). And in the process also gained a lot of notoriety. It seems ISI as an organisation has been short-sighted in its goals. Inflicting short term violence or peddling fake currency were preffered over long term goals. Even CIA/FBI does not seem to be the super duper spy agency it is touted to be. Just look at the Headley mess!

RAW seems to be better in this regard, if the allegations of Pakistanis are true.
You posted that same question...so you will have the same answer...

Really, I am wondering if you're intentionally trying to troll. I did not post any question in the other topic, I simply replied to your terrorism sympathizing in the other topic. You're doing the same thing in this topic, and I am suggesting you do that where you were already doing it.
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