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[PURE EVIL] the business of cat skinning in Yulin

Yulin are known as the dog capital of China. I am uncertain about cats. They view cats and dogs there the same way they view cows, pigs, chicken and goats. My opinion is that the choice of meat consumption is a personal matter based on your own beliefs. At the end of the day, you're still killing an animal for food. Just because you consider something to be cute and cuddly, doesn't mean others share that sentiment.

Cats are special. Anyone who harms them should be punished.
What makes it more special than a cow?

Cats induce calmness, sweetness, wisdom, gentleness and good vibes into the place they are in.

A person who has lived with cats is likely to be more calm and wise than others.

Cats have been the companions of philosophers of the past like Prophet Muhammad, Lenin and Gaddafi.

An ideal city is a compromise between humans and cats.

A cow can pull a plow for farmers. It can drag a cart loaded with goods.

So replace them with Vertical Farms and trucks.

It's also an intelligent animal and feels pain when it dies.

So also does an elephant.

I have said before on PDF that slaughter of cattle, goats and chicken should be stopped for humans to eat meat. I am a reluctant meat eater so was therefore enthused that lab-grown meat had finally come to consumer tables through the Eat Just chicken in that Singapore restaurant some days ago. This should be imposed on all countries.
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Yulin are known as the dog capital of China. I am uncertain about cats. They view cats and dogs there the same way they view cows, pigs, chicken and goats. My opinion is that the choice of meat consumption is a personal matter based on your own beliefs. At the end of the day, you're still killing an animal for food. Just because you consider something to be cute and cuddly, doesn't mean others share that sentiment.

They are skinning alive.... ALIVE ... ZINDA ... FULL OF SOUL ... SOUL IN SIDE THE BODY ... SKINNING ... IMAGEN UR SELF ... I MAKE CUT DEEP ENOUGH FOR UR SKIN ... AMD WHILE U SIT N DRIN UR TEA ... I RIP UR SKIN OFF THE BODY... if u wana see how painful that me ... Pull one of ur nails out.
This is how media is used to demonize one nation. We know these tricks too well. No one ever mwntioned denmark for being the biggest mink furr industry and guess what, they just killed one million mink due to fear of covid. So why is using cat furr evil but using mink fur is ok? These westerners are not only evil, they are hypocrites as well.

This is so hypocritical.
I love cats and cannot imagine myself hurting cats.

But I absolutely accept there can be others who do not think the same as me and I refuse to judge them as who the f**k am I the one to judge them?

And for that matter, who the f**k are you to judge them for that matter.

Why talk of Chinese and the skinning of cats and dogs?

What about Denmark and USA and other countries that bred minks by the millions and skinning them for the fur? I had a ferret that I loved verymuch and who lived in harmony with my CAG Tinkerbell. Minks are like ferret and I cannot imagine myself hurting another ferret and mink.
But I do know mink are bred in the millions and slaughtered just for the fur.

And the slaughter of new borned seals
And the slaughter of pigs, and sheeps and cattle , and chicken

And even if you say you do not eat chicken but eat eggs, so many male chicks are just slaughtered as they do not lay eggs

And those that lay eggs, after their peak producing days are over, they too are slaughtered

I am out of this thread.
For folks to pretend to care in a frenzy of hypocrisy which to me is as nauseating as cats being skinned.
OP posts a thread complaining china is eating pet animals and the OP still claims to be Indonesian. lol just drop the act

and I agree killing pet animals such as cats and dogs for meat or fur should be stamped out with the full force of the CCP
OP posts a thread complaining china is eating pet animals and the OP still claims to be Indonesian. lol just drop the act

and I agree killing pet animals such as cats and dogs for meat or fur should be stamped out with the full force of the CCP
The animals are killed before skinning. No one will skin an animal when it's alive becos the animal will struggle and make your task difficult. I know the fake PETA paid rural Chinese farmers money to skin mink alive and then video it to claim as proof of China farm abuse which is nothing but propaganda.

If you think use cat or mink fur is cruel. Cow, crocodile skin and all leather shall be banned. It's nonsense. Let me repeat, all the animal are skinned only after they are dead. They suffer no pain in the process.
And who cares what happens to a f***ing cat LMAO, it's just an animal. If some guys have to skin cats in order to make a living then so be it LOL.
I always laugh when some pro animal's rights people cry about animals being killed, you want that animal to live forever? Well news flash no one lives forever, in that case every animal in the world exists solely to benifit mankind, if you like to have them as pets to provide peace of mind for you then that's fine. If some other guy skins cats to make a living then that's fine too.

If the cat is being fightened then don't worry, it will be killed soon and put out of it's misery
Every commercial animal related industry is brutal.
Be it calf/piglet portions. How they are separated from mothers. Beef industry, chicken industry, some coco beans, ivory, boiling live lobsters, caged hens etc... just put a camera anywhere where an animal is butchered.
For furs it is disgusting and unnecessary.
For furs it is disgusting and unnecessary.
I said that too in later post that for fashion it is unnecessary..
but what I meant there is grand-commercial farms.. very brutal, under staff place.
They have to meet the huge market demand, for fatty fat US customers so from feeding to growing to killing, staff mistreat the animals .
Think it like of a commercial hospital who just see patient as a minting machine.
And who cares what happens to a f***ing cat LMAO, it's just an animal. If some guys have to skin cats in order to make a living then so be it LOL.
I always laugh when some pro animal's rights people cry about animals being killed, you want that animal to live forever? Well news flash no one lives forever, in that case every animal in the world exists solely to benifit mankind, if you like to have them as pets to provide peace of mind for you then that's fine. If some other guy skins cats to make a living then that's fine too.

If the cat is being fightened then don't worry, it will be killed soon and put out of it's misery

Very dangerous path and it clears the way for the normalization of slaughter and torture of humans again, as has happened in the history of mankind.

You should care, unless you look forward to normalizing impaling one another and burning other humans at the stake again.
U don't live in cold country so u can't appreciate fur.

Let me repeat. Animals are killed before they are skinned for fur. How is it cruel compare to skin a dead chicken , strip of its feather and boil it for meal?

I see a loving creature , who sits on my lap and purrs affections, a member of the family , a very hygienic pet brave as any animal, cute and cuddly, and all you see is a fur coat:-

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