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[PURE EVIL] the business of cat skinning in Yulin

When I was living in Guangzhou as part of the design and management team of Guangzhou MRT, I wandered about the street markets there in early 90s.

There was this street. One side with beautiful kitties for home. The other side of street with beautiful kitties, at least to my eye and heart. But meant to go into the cooking pots.

Which side of street you came from depended on karma.
I see a loving creature , who sits on my lap and purrs affections, a member of the family , a very hygienic pet brave as any animal, cute and cuddly, and all you see is a fur coat:-

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Chicks are cute too. We shall stop eating chicken , lambs or animals....

How many are going to stop eating animals while clamour to stop skinning of animal fur? Fur is not so much of fashion but practical use in cold countries. You ask Russian and Siberian. They tell u the best material to keep warm in cold winter is fur.
No surprises here. I wouldn’t be surprised if they eat unborn fetuses.

The essential problem with these people is they don’t believe in anything, no rules, no guidelines, nothing... The only thing they believe is “might is right”, that’s it.

The reason why we find this repulsive is because we have rules and regulations passed down to us from Abraham, Moses, Jesus, and Mohammad (PBUH) as to what is edible, what is the right guideline, and what is the right conduct etc. This is why I am actually concerned at these people becoming a superpower as they will in all likelihood force this “we don’t believe in sh!t” perspective onto others.
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Chicks are cute too. We shall stop eating chicken , lambs or animals....

How many are going to stop eating animals while clamour to stop skinning of animal fur? Fur is not so much of fashion but practical use in cold countries. You ask Russian and Siberian. They tell u the best material to keep warm in cold winter is fur.

Covid is from China just like SARS

The world's negative view on China's practices when it comes to cats and dogs is not a silo matter, it's tied to the other practices in China. Such as eating things alive, bats, mouses and all the other thing

Covid and Sars came.from china

Poor cat, only the worst kinds of humans did this.
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its a bad thing, true but so is the case with other animals... but i wonder y all the threads u open, are just pure negative and also directed to just one country... wats with this obsession? it feels like u have personal issue with that country and only show negative side... anything just anything u can find as bad and u will post it.... are u paid? or just a some crazy guy. i even doubt ur flags but even if those are right, i believe alot is bad almost everywhere, even in ur country, isnt it? ur total contribution here in PDF, i see here is just targeting one country... hell if in the thread section ur pic is dere i dont read the thread but i am sure it would be something bad directed to just one country, it so damn obvious...
its too creepy and points u out as one silly poster who is on a payroll somehow. between dont make things this obvious. ;)
View attachment 707278

Chicks are cute too. We shall stop eating chicken , lambs or animals....

How many are going to stop eating animals while clamour to stop skinning of animal fur? Fur is not so much of fashion but practical use in cold countries. You ask Russian and Siberian. They tell u the best material to keep warm in cold winter is fur.

Thank Allah I am Muslim.

Are you even Muslim? WTF is wrong with you? Tell me you are not Muslim so i can sleep in peace knowing such cruelty to animals ... Skinning em alive ... Was not justified on accounts of slaughtering an animal by a Muslim. You know slaughtering is quick painless ... Skinning a LIVING animal ... For its furr ... are you insane ... That cat ... Or animal ... Skinned remains alive in huge huge sufffering for hours ... Here ... Women like fake nails ... Lets strap u to chair and pull ur ten finger nails n toe nails ... After that i will want to make book of dead on ur skin ... And i would like to skin u alive ... Forget that just let me de skin ur thump ... For one in life time experience.

Eat cats. Dogs. Have their furr ... But cruelty to animals of this type not not not accepted. Any Muslim who does this ... Irrespective of his piety ... Seven time namazi daily hajji Yearly fasting giver everything in charity... Even such a person will go to hell ... Baghayr hisaab o kitab straight to hell ... A man who has no compassion for animals. Children. Old young male female . Muslim or kafir. And is indifferent to pain suffering of creation of Allah. He has nothng to do with Allah and his Messenger nor religion of Islam. That person is resident of hell. I dont care how big saint he she is thought to be. I am basing this on hadith no emotions.

One beduin said o muhammad u kiss children when he saw prophet kiss imam hassan/hussain ... I have ten and i have never kissed one... Prophet said you a man without compassion what have u got to do with my religion ... Meaning man without compassion for children he has nothing to do with Islam. What would he say about one who skins an animal alive?

Regarding Khawarij he said they will be sooo outwardly pious that even companions would be embrassed ashamed of themselves but he said they will go to hell. Why because these people are cruel barbarians with no compassion or love or mercy in their hearts.

I know you pakistanis are olaying buddy buddy with china and even if china takes ur sisters by force and makes **** films of them and forces u to watch em ... You still ill say ... Huge talent ... Look at the genius camera angles and perfect lighting ... So what if China makes this movie ... AMREEKA AND EUROPE are biggest makers of it... So whats wrong with it ... I know, i know u playing buddy buddy game and u ill stand by China ... Why why because u have hope ur miserable existance will have some dignity one day through China... I know that ... And i totally agree with supporting and standing with ur allies ... But not at cost of Islam and its teachings ... Not at cost of not saying a Islamic wrong is perfectly OK. They can eat pig screw their moms marry their Abbas but i as a muslim never say these things are OK. I am Muslim and my loyalty first and foremost is Islam and then Pakistan.
Thank Allah I am Muslim.

Are you even Muslim? WTF is wrong with you? Tell me you are not Muslim so i can sleep in peace knowing such cruelty to animals ... Skinning em alive ... Was not justified on accounts of slaughtering an animal by a Muslim. You know slaughtering is quick painless ... Skinning a LIVING animal ... For its furr ... are you insane ... That cat ... Or animal ... Skinned remains alive in huge huge sufffering for hours ... Here ... Women like fake nails ... Lets strap u to chair and pull ur ten finger nails n toe nails ... After that i will want to make book of dead on ur skin ... And i would like to skin u alive ... Forget that just let me de skin ur thump ... For one in life time experience.

Eat cats. Dogs. Have their furr ... But cruelty to animals of this type not not not accepted. Any Muslim who does this ... Irrespective of his piety ... Seven time namazi daily hajji Yearly fasting giver everything in charity... Even such a person will go to hell ... Baghayr hisaab o kitab straight to hell ... A man who has no compassion for animals. Children. Old young male female . Muslim or kafir. And is indifferent to pain suffering of creation of Allah. He has nothng to do with Allah and his Messenger nor religion of Islam. That person is resident of hell. I dont care how big saint he she is thought to be. I am basing this on hadith no emotions.

One beduin said o muhammad u kiss children when he saw prophet kiss imam hassan/hussain ... I have ten and i have never kissed one... Prophet said you a man without compassion what have u got to do with my religion ... Meaning man without compassion for children he has nothing to do with Islam. What would he say about one who skins an animal alive?

Regarding Khawarij he said they will be sooo outwardly pious that even companions would be embrassed ashamed of themselves but he said they will go to hell. Why because these people are cruel barbarians with no compassion or love or mercy in their hearts.

I know you pakistanis are olaying buddy buddy with china and even if china takes ur sisters by force and makes **** films of them and forces u to watch em ... You still ill say ... Huge talent ... Look at the genius camera angles and perfect lighting ... So what if China makes this movie ... AMREEKA AND EUROPE are biggest makers of it... So whats wrong with it ... I know, i know u playing buddy buddy game and u ill stand by China ... Why why because u have hope ur miserable existance will have some dignity one day through China... I know that ... And i totally agree with supporting and standing with ur allies ... But not at cost of Islam and its teachings ... Not at cost of not saying a Islamic wrong is perfectly OK. They can eat pig screw their moms marry their Abbas but i as a muslim never say these things are OK. I am Muslim and my loyalty first and foremost is Islam and then Pakistan.
My brother, first i am not sure which Pakistanis u reffered to in ur last para... u must be real moron to think tat way. its morons like u, who stoop to this level so please refrain from saying crap. By the way u are not the only Muslim alive... Alhamdulillah i am muslim too but really dont need ur certification for being one.... i wonder y u went to UK? to preach Islam? or were u born dere? u said ur loyality is with Islam first and than Pakistan... yes u right absolutely but the way u think is flawed my friend and especially this extremist angel of urs.... u could have given a decent example to make ur point but NO u came up with sick logic to make a point in the process degrading muslims.... kahan saaay laaatay ho yeh soch, it has nothing to do with islamic way of talking nor the religion allows to abuse muslims to serve u sick mind logic.

as for cruelty with animals there is no doubt about wat u said... i condemn it but than again its their country and their rules not my issue. they will be answerable for themselves.... i first need to address myself and fix my society and my ppl.... isnt this the right way? hasnt this been way for us? alot is wrong in the world my friend but u cant change it unless u have power enough to do so... so first lets fix our house than cursing others and telling them wat to do...
Thank Allah I am Muslim.

Are you even Muslim? WTF is wrong with you? Tell me you are not Muslim so i can sleep in peace knowing such cruelty to animals ... Skinning em alive ... Was not justified on accounts of slaughtering an animal by a Muslim. You know slaughtering is quick painless ... Skinning a LIVING animal ... For its furr ... are you insane ... That cat ... Or animal ... Skinned remains alive in huge huge sufffering for hours ... Here ... Women like fake nails ... Lets strap u to chair and pull ur ten finger nails n toe nails ... After that i will want to make book of dead on ur skin ... And i would like to skin u alive ... Forget that just let me de skin ur thump ... For one in life time experience.

Eat cats. Dogs. Have their furr ... But cruelty to animals of this type not not not accepted. Any Muslim who does this ... Irrespective of his piety ... Seven time namazi daily hajji Yearly fasting giver everything in charity... Even such a person will go to hell ... Baghayr hisaab o kitab straight to hell ... A man who has no compassion for animals. Children. Old young male female . Muslim or kafir. And is indifferent to pain suffering of creation of Allah. He has nothng to do with Allah and his Messenger nor religion of Islam. That person is resident of hell. I dont care how big saint he she is thought to be. I am basing this on hadith no emotions.

One beduin said o muhammad u kiss children when he saw prophet kiss imam hassan/hussain ... I have ten and i have never kissed one... Prophet said you a man without compassion what have u got to do with my religion ... Meaning man without compassion for children he has nothing to do with Islam. What would he say about one who skins an animal alive? This makes it the same as you are preparing a chicken for meal. So what makes u a saint when u r eating animals for meal?

Regarding Khawarij he said they will be sooo outwardly pious that even companions would be embrassed ashamed of themselves but he said they will go to hell. Why because these people are cruel barbarians with no compassion or love or mercy in their hearts.

I know you pakistanis are olaying buddy buddy with china and even if china takes ur sisters by force and makes **** films of them and forces u to watch em ... You still ill say ... Huge talent ... Look at the genius camera angles and perfect lighting ... So what if China makes this movie ... AMREEKA AND EUROPE are biggest makers of it... So whats wrong with it ... I know, i know u playing buddy buddy game and u ill stand by China ... Why why because u have hope ur miserable existance will have some dignity one day through China... I know that ... And i totally agree with supporting and standing with ur allies ... But not at cost of Islam and its teachings ... Not at cost of not saying a Islamic wrong is perfectly OK. They can eat pig screw their moms marry their Abbas but i as a muslim never say these things are OK. I am Muslim and my loyalty first and foremost is Islam and then Pakistan.
Read back the thread. Nobody talks about skinning them alive. Of cos, American propaganda will tell u Chinese skin animal alive. Only idiot thinks fur industry skin animal alive for fur. When the animal is alive. It struggle. That will make your task difficult. You only skin it when its dead.
The world's negative view on China's practices when it comes to cats and dogs is not a silo matter, it's tied to the other practices in China. Such as eating things alive, bats, mouses and all the other thing

Covid and Sars came.from china

Arabs has no hope with naive like u who believe their propaganda. It is already proven. Covid-19 exist as early as Sept 2019 in Italy. I guess your worship white must have eaten some wild animals alive to get covid-19 first before pass it to China in December 2019. Are you disappointed? :enjoy:

Researchers find coronavirus was circulating in Italy earlier than thought
You need to differentiate between animals for consumption and fashion, but anyway no surprise, commies are like this everywhere especially this particular Asian country , absolutely dark.
say it as it boet!... well put.
Thank Allah I am Muslim.

Are you even Muslim? WTF is wrong with you? Tell me you are not Muslim so i can sleep in peace knowing such cruelty to animals ... Skinning em alive ... Was not justified on accounts of slaughtering an animal by a Muslim. You know slaughtering is quick painless ... Skinning a LIVING animal ... For its furr ... are you insane ... That cat ... Or animal ... Skinned remains alive in huge huge sufffering for hours ... Here ... Women like fake nails ... Lets strap u to chair and pull ur ten finger nails n toe nails ... After that i will want to make book of dead on ur skin ... And i would like to skin u alive ... Forget that just let me de skin ur thump ... For one in life time experience.

Eat cats. Dogs. Have their furr ... But cruelty to animals of this type not not not accepted. Any Muslim who does this ... Irrespective of his piety ... Seven time namazi daily hajji Yearly fasting giver everything in charity... Even such a person will go to hell ... Baghayr hisaab o kitab straight to hell ... A man who has no compassion for animals. Children. Old young male female . Muslim or kafir. And is indifferent to pain suffering of creation of Allah. He has nothng to do with Allah and his Messenger nor religion of Islam. That person is resident of hell. I dont care how big saint he she is thought to be. I am basing this on hadith no emotions.

One beduin said o muhammad u kiss children when he saw prophet kiss imam hassan/hussain ... I have ten and i have never kissed one... Prophet said you a man without compassion what have u got to do with my religion ... Meaning man without compassion for children he has nothing to do with Islam. What would he say about one who skins an animal alive?

Regarding Khawarij he said they will be sooo outwardly pious that even companions would be embrassed ashamed of themselves but he said they will go to hell. Why because these people are cruel barbarians with no compassion or love or mercy in their hearts.

I know you pakistanis are olaying buddy buddy with china and even if china takes ur sisters by force and makes **** films of them and forces u to watch em ... You still ill say ... Huge talent ... Look at the genius camera angles and perfect lighting ... So what if China makes this movie ... AMREEKA AND EUROPE are biggest makers of it... So whats wrong with it ... I know, i know u playing buddy buddy game and u ill stand by China ... Why why because u have hope ur miserable existance will have some dignity one day through China... I know that ... And i totally agree with supporting and standing with ur allies ... But not at cost of Islam and its teachings ... Not at cost of not saying a Islamic wrong is perfectly OK. They can eat pig screw their moms marry their Abbas but i as a muslim never say these things are OK. I am Muslim and my loyalty first and foremost is Islam and then Pakistan.
Thank you bro..... finally someone who has called it out for what it is.
Read back the thread. Nobody talks about skinning them alive. Of cos, American propaganda will tell u Chinese skin animal alive. Only idiot thinks fur industry skin animal alive for fur. When the animal is alive. It struggle. That will make your task difficult. You only skin it when its dead.

Hey, do some research. Why dont u actually look for some footage. I have seen footage of CHINESE man in CHINA skining CATS and RACOONS alive ... ALIVE ... once more ... ALIVE.

I will see if its still online and post it here ... I couldnt sleep that night ... Pile of ... ALIVE ... Racoons but skinned moaning in pain. Do some research mate. Just because you are LAKEER ka FAQEER i am not. I have done my research you go and do that.
Hey, do some research. Why dont u actually look for some footage. I have seen footage of CHINESE man in CHINA skining CATS and RACOONS alive ... ALIVE ... once more ... ALIVE.

I will see if its still online and post it here ... I couldnt sleep that night ... Pile of ... ALIVE ... Racoons but skinned moaning in pain. Do some research mate. Just because you are LAKEER ka FAQEER i am not. I have done my research you go and do that.

You need to study more to know the evil of western propaganda.

EXCLUSIVE: Film Denouncing Fur Deemed ‘Staged’ by IFF Investigators

According to a statement by the two Chinese fur skinners who appeared in the video, two unidentified antifur investigators approached the men and offered them lunch (or money to buy lunch) if they skinned an animal alive. The skinners complied, but later regretted the horrific act.


Who is more evil? The 2 poor Chinese farmer who are paid to skin animals alive? Or 2 western investigator who in order to smear whole Chinese race as some barbarian by sacrificing 2 racoons to achieve their evil plot?

Dont be easily taken by video post on youtube or other western social media tool. There is reason why China banned them. These evil white supremacist, in order to bring down China. They can even sell their family or loves one to achieve that.
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You need to study more to know the evil of western propaganda.

EXCLUSIVE: Film Denouncing Fur Deemed ‘Staged’ by IFF Investigators

According to a statement by the two Chinese fur skinners who appeared in the video, two unidentified antifur investigators approached the men and offered them lunch (or money to buy lunch) if they skinned an animal alive. The skinners complied, but later regretted the horrific act.


Who is more evil? The 2 poor Chinese farmer who are paid to skin animals alive? Or 2 western investigator who in order to smear whole Chinese race as some barbarian by sacrificing 2 racoons to achieve their evil plot?

Dont be easily taken by video post on youtube or other western social media tool. There is reason why China banned them. These evil white supremacist, in order to bring down China. They can even sell their family or loves one to achieve that.

Look mate, stop bs-ing me and ur self. I know the trade. I have more contqcts in Chinese furr trade industry then u have grains of chawal in ur house. I use to work for high end designer shoe making making company. One pair is being sold for 2.5K. I was resource manager. My job was to go to companies providing leather for shoes. One design we marketed required supple flexible leather. I had to visit company paid trip to leather supplier to make sure product they send meets our criteria. I got the leather but wen i visited the 'factory' producing my leather ... I was told dont go in. And they refused me entry. I was told by translator they were saying we dont want em to see how we resourve our leather. I asked him why ... He said they said to keep leather supple flexible and lively we have to skin an alive animal so blood n arteries remain intact ... Before it dries it is processed to keep it supple flexiable. I quit the work when i came back. I did not wana be part of it n the company stopped buying that tyoe of leather and stopped producing that product . 1250 pairs that were produced ... Now second hand sell three times the price of brand new. Now i work for designer shoe repair company.

Stop bs-ing me. I knoe better.
Look mate, stop bs-ing me and ur self. I know the trade. I have more contqcts in Chinese furr trade industry then u have grains of chawal in ur house. I use to work for high end designer shoe making making company. One pair is being sold for 2.5K. I was resource manager. My job was to go to companies providing leather for shoes. One design we marketed required supple flexible leather. I had to visit company paid trip to leather supplier to make sure product they send meets our criteria. I got the leather but wen i visited the 'factory' producing my leather ... I was told dont go in. And they refused me entry. I was told by translator they were saying we dont want em to see how we resourve our leather. I asked him why ... He said they said to keep leather supple flexible and lively we have to skin an alive animal so blood n arteries remain intact ... Before it dries it is processed to keep it supple flexiable. I quit the work when i came back. I did not wana be part of it n the company stopped buying that tyoe of leather and stopped producing that product . 1250 pairs that were produced ... Now second hand sell three times the price of brand new. Now i work for designer shoe repair company.

Stop bs-ing me. I knoe better.
LOL. Obviously, u come here just to smear Chinese and probably a clone account. I shall stop wasting time on you. Indeed, you job here is to spread evil of Chinese no matter what facts presented otherwise.

You are not the first one and I know better of western propaganda trick and their plan.

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