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[PURE EVIL] the business of cat skinning in Yulin

My brother, first i am not sure which Pakistanis u reffered to in ur last para... u must be real moron to think tat way. its morons like u, who stoop to this level so please refrain from saying crap. By the way u are not the only Muslim alive... Alhamdulillah i am muslim too but really dont need ur certification for being one.... i wonder y u went to UK? to preach Islam? or were u born dere? u said ur loyality is with Islam first and than Pakistan... yes u right absolutely but the way u think is flawed my friend and especially this extremist angel of urs.... u could have given a decent example to make ur point but NO u came up with sick logic to make a point in the process degrading muslims.... kahan saaay laaatay ho yeh soch, it has nothing to do with islamic way of talking nor the religion allows to abuse muslims to serve u sick mind logic.
as for cruelty with animals there is no doubt about wat u said... i condemn it but than again its their country and their rules not my issue. they will be answerable for themselves.... i first need to address myself and fix my society and my ppl.... isnt this the right way? hasnt this been way for us? alot is wrong in the world my friend but u cant change it unless u have power enough to do so... so first lets fix our house than cursing others and telling them wat to do...

The ones . The type deep who are soo deep in side Chinas ahole that even Chinas farts are described by them as fresh fragrant heavenly air. That type Pakistanis. These are most secularists. Cliftonians. The tyoe of Pakistani whose sister is enjoying a guy infront of Abba ji .. And Abba ji. O my daughter is so sophisticated i am so educated and civilised that my daughter/sister is enjoyed by her two ashiqs and i think its cute ... That type Pakistani.
LOL. Obviously, u come here just to smear Chinese and probably a clone account. I shall stop wasting time on you. Indeed, you job here is to spread evil of Chinese no matter what facts presented otherwise.
You are not the first one and I know better of western propaganda trick and their plan.

Lol. Best argument of an idiot ... Ur an agent ... Ur paid in not in rupees or pounds but in flesh ... In Pakistani kurian ... U do it for lust for desi skin of Pakistani girl. Get creative ... Dont be a typical uneducated Pki recycling old ones ... Be creative ... Say you do it for nudes of Pakistani girls ... Or you been entraped by Xhinese agents ... Makkan trapped ... Malai trapped ... Doodh skin trapped ... Come with something creative.
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Lol. Best argument of an idiot ... Ur an agent ... Ur paid in not in rupees or pounds but in flesh ... In Pakistani kurian ... U do it for lust for desi skin of Pakistani girl. Get creative ... Dont be a typical uneducated Pki recycling old ones ... Be creative ... Say you do it for nudes of Pakistani girls ... Or you been entraped by Xhinese agents ... Makkan trapped ... Malai trapped ... Doodh skin trapped ... Come with something creative.
What is this gibberish? Are u from Mars? No wonder I am right about your abnormal account. :enjoy:

My argument back with facts and link. Better than tom dick harry who claim he is prince harry or William but couldn't give any evidence or study to back their words. :lol:
My brother, first i am not sure which Pakistanis u reffered to in ur last para... u must be real moron to think tat way. its morons like u, ...

In simple words, to sum up about the Pakistani i am talking about. All can be summed up in ... Beast. The embodiment of Pakistani i was refering to.
The ones . The type deep who are soo deep in side Chinas ahole that even Chinas farts are described by them as fresh fragrant heavenly air. That type Pakistanis. These are most secularists. Cliftonians. The tyoe of Pakistani whose sister is enjoying a guy infront of Abba ji .. And Abba ji. O my daughter is so sophisticated i am so educated and civilised that my daughter/sister is enjoyed by her two ashiqs and i think its cute ... That type Pakistani.
and how many u think are those? the ones u say, have their heads buried in ***-- crap... mate the ultra mod u reffered as 2 ashiq crap is the case for how many families? man something is seriously wrong with u. its not even 0.1% of the population and u have cursed and abused and wat not... y???? and here u hv been ranting about being a muslim and upholding Islam, when u so brazenly abused almost all without even knowing wat u are talking about and which segment of society u r referring 2.

UK, where u are living, dere the situation of Muslim community is far far worse.... i wonder wat u must be calling them? my friend u are too emotional and loose sight just too quickly... and want to fix all the wrong things without knowing the proper way and in the process make things worse... even causing more wrong than right.... fixing and addressing is well out of question with this mindset of urs.
ur blood boils on animal cruelty by some non believer but u let go of much worse tat we hv in our ranks... without addressing issues in our ranks u cant fix others ... this moron for a poster, is a real sorry excuse for a person he is all about personal grudge or is a damn hired toont.... cause he only posts negative news and that too targeting just one country... and than its ppl like u who take the bait.
someone please ban this guy who initiated this discussion, or atleast please limit his access lvl. should be allowed to open a thread once every quarter or so...
In simple words, to sum up about the Pakistani i am talking about. All can be summed up in ... Beast. The embodiment of Pakistani i was refering to.
are u implying this beast fellow is Pakistani?
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and how many u think are those? the ones u say, have their heads buried in ***-- crap... mate the ultra mod u reffered as 2 ashiq crap is the case for how many families? man something is seriously wrong with u. its not even 0.1% of the population and u have cursed and abused and wat not... y???? and here u hv been ranting about being a muslim and upholding Islam, when u so brazenly abused almost all without even knowing wat u are talking about and which segment of society u r referring 2.
and how many u think are those? the ones u say, have their heads buried in ***-- crap... mate the ultra mod u reffered as 2 ashiq crap is the case for how many families? man something is seriously wrong with u. its not even 0.1% of the population and u have cursed and abused and wat not... y???? and here u hv been ranting about being a muslim and upholding Islam, when u so brazenly abused almost all without even knowing wat u are talking about and which segment of society u r referring 2.

UK, where u are living, dere the situation of Muslim community is far far worse.... i wonder wat u must be calling them? my friend u are too emotional and loose sight just too quickly... and want to fix all the wrong things without knowing the proper way and in the process make things worse... even causing more wrong than right.... fixing and addressing is well out of question with this mindset of urs.
ur blood boils on animal cruelty by some non believer but u let go of much worse tat we hv in our ranks... without addressing issues in our ranks u cant fix others ... this moron for a poster, is a real sorry excuse for a person he is all about personal grudge or is a damn hired toont.... cause he only posts negative news and that too targeting just one country... and than its ppl like u who take the bait.
someone please ban this guy who initiated this discussion, or atleast please limit his access lvl. should be allowed to open a thread once every quarter or so...

are u implying this beast fellow is Pakistani?

That 0.001 seems to be a lot on this forum. I have already met them the most prominent ones i can list here ... But am gona skip that.
Arabs has no hope with naive like u who believe their propaganda. It is already proven. Covid-19 exist as early as Sept 2019 in Italy. I guess your worship white must have eaten some wild animals alive to get covid-19 first before pass it to China in December 2019. Are you disappointed? :enjoy:

Researchers find coronavirus was circulating in Italy earlier than thought

What if that's from tourists that came from China.

We Arabs don't need you to tell us about the white devil, we know that already.
What if that's from tourists that came from China.

We Arabs don't need you to tell us about the white devil, we know that already.
Lol.. how desperate u r? So why didn't the outbreak start early in China in September 2019? Maybe white man eat bush animal and spread virus is hard for u to accept?
Give the CCP guy a break, he's just trying to make a living.

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