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Punjabi Taliban welcomes peace talks


Apr 27, 2012
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Punjab Taliban welcomes peace talks


Lahore: A senior commander of the Punjabi Taliban – Ismatullah Muawiya – has welcomed the government’s recent offer to hold peace talks.
Ismatullah Muawiya, a principal ally of the Tehreek-e-Taliban Pakistan (TTP) and leader of the so-called Punjabi Taliban, said in a statement Thursday that Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif demonstrated political maturity by reiterating his offer to hold peace negotiations in a speech over the weekend.
In a his first nationally televised speech to the nation after coming to power in the May 11 general elections, Prime Minister Sharif had offered dialogue to “those elements which unfortunately have taken the course of extremism”.
Muawiya said militants in Pakistan should respond positively if the government is serious about resolving the conflict. Muawiya is believed to be the head of the Taliban’s faction of fighters from Punjab province.

Punjabi Taliban welcomes peace talks with govt | Saach.TV
Shameless move. Clearly the govt hasn't taken the advice of the COAS

Don't say "peace talks" and "military action if necessary" in the same god damn sentence

There is no negotiation with these people of TTP, LeJ etc period.
Shameless move. Clearly the govt hasn't taken the advice of the COAS

Don't say "peace talks" and "military action if necessary" in the same god damn sentence

There is no negotiation with these people of TTP, LeJ etc period.

So you want a military operation and want to wipe them from the earth?
Pak Army should bomb the place if they gather for peace talks ... Eik teer do shikar
@Abu Zolfiqar, one question mate...... three days ago in DIKhan, Army butchered a woman inside a car in broad daylight... reason? Not giving way to an Army vehicle...

Furthermore, just couple weeks back, TTP were doing the "rain dance" RIGHT IN FRONT of the cantonment area.... I MEAN exactly 22.5 meters from the MAINGATE.....

What's going on? Has the army become a force of "chakkas", who can only open fire upon innocent civilians for minor deviance from rules??

I can bet that what happened in DIKhan (the prison break + the killing of the innocent woman) will happen over and over again.....

What is your personal take on all of this mess... Army's position and capabilities I'm well aware of. No need for defense of that.
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Punjab Taliban is just a creation, its just been made up on paper to exert pressure on fat baldy, with the sparing of 3 on deathrow, looks like he has caved in.

Pakistanis, we are surrounded by imbeciles.
Hold your fire and give peace a chance. You cant wipe out internal insurgency with the gun in an environment of deprivation like Pakistans neither can you improve economically without peace in the country. Whoever you kill will cause 10 others to join in the movement. The sporadic nature of attacks means that practically it is impossible to predict and prevent an attack on each and every potential target so irrespective of how many targets you protect there will always be one they can attack. If UK can make peace with the IRA , Egypt can quell an insurgency amongst the Saeedas by negotaitions, why cant we. Our army is good but even the US army has not been able to control Afghanistan completely and after12 yrs has been forced to take a step back and admit that it needs to negotiate with the talibans when even without a fight they could possibly have achieved their aims in Afghanistan through neegotiations with the taliban Government of the time with a bit of sympathy towards their view point. What has trillions of dollars lost in a useless campaign achieved for the US except bringing the whole world closer to another economic collapse.
Brains before bronz is good advise here. Talk to segments that can be negotiated with and then the ones that are being funded by anti state elements can be hunted down as you narrow the target down. This is sensible because otherwise you are looking at more weakening of the state and a prolonged and fruitless war which you will not win.
Me personally? Yes.

You can't have peace talks with animals who are so brain washed and who are hell-bent on serving the enemy's agenda

Armies are made for destruction!

I do agree with you that we need to finish these brain washed animals, However that would not be possible! why?

Because Army is not a perfect organization (not even close) & neither are talibs. (one liner)

They will be getting their recruits & army will be getting their recruits.

So does Army, Army also brainwashes its soldiers, you have to brainwashed them in order for them to fight for you.

Army= A bunch of Ignorant fools at the top & their followers.
Talibs= A bunch of extremists at the top & their followers.

Because of Army ignorance/Cockiness/holding onto power by any means/Always think they are "right", these are the very reasons Pakistan is in this state.

I apologize if i have offend anybody.:pakistan:
Shameless move. Clearly the govt hasn't taken the advice of the COAS

Don't say "peace talks" and "military action if necessary" in the same god damn sentence

There is no negotiation with these people of TTP, LeJ etc period.

dont u know noora have made his mind to **** army off again and again
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