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Punjab govt. rejects Rs.100 mln KPK aid

If I was in flood area I would welcome a warm blanket and meal , I would not give a rat arse for politics and its simple as that its time for relief efforts and no monkey business
says the guy calling others stupid.

And look at that u turn. First you imply it wasn't given to punjab gov't, and now it's given to punjab gov't.

Pakistan has numerous problems, so why object to China helping us? Cuz corruption? Well then don't give a dime either to Punjab.


Majority of Potians I've come across are one blind humans. So let me quote your statements and show why you need to see a doctor.

Look who's calling every PTI member by the name of 'POTIAN' i just called you a stupid person for that, i didn't use any near abusive word as you're doing :)

when i said that the money was given to the punjab govt. i meant that it wasn't given just for the punjab ministers to put it into their bank accounts or for any to other government project but only for the flood activities..iam surprised you took it literally and didn't wait to think what it actually means, aid cannot be given directly to people in this situation..its like an 'Amanat' given to punjab govt. just for the flood relief people so punjab govt. is just the middleman if you get what iam saying
Look who's calling every PTI member by the name of 'POTIAN' i just called you a stupid person for that, i didn't use any near abusive word as you're doing :)

when i said that the money was given to the punjab govt. i meant that it wasn't given just for the punjab ministers to put it into their bank accounts or for any to other government project but only for the flood activities..iam surprised you took it literally and didn't wait to think what it actually means, aid cannot be given directly to people in this situation..its like an 'Amanat' given to punjab govt. just for the flood relief people so punjab govt. is just the middleman if you get what iam saying
Potian is an abusive term? Since when? What does potian mean? And where did I say all PTI members are potians?

And admit what you wrote is a complete embarrassment of yours. Stop trying to say now "I meant this,... noo noo, i meant that... wait a minute, I dont know what I was talking about, i meant something else!"
Not a single penny should be accepted from the despicable government of KPK. Pencil Khattak should buy and store some weed for himself with this 100 million. Punjab doesn't need your condescending display of charity.
Potian is an abusive term? Since when? What does potian mean? And where did I say all PTI members are potians?

And admit what you wrote is a complete embarrassment of yours. Stop trying to say now "I meant this,... noo noo, i meant that... wait a minute, I dont know what I was talking about, i meant something else!"

Yes it is a ridiculous and you're outright calling every PTI member by it

if you dont know how to read and understand english then i can't help you..
The Frustration of Patwari's is evident from their Language here and actions of Shobaz Sharif there...I guess PTI and KPK Govt is really on their nerves...:lol::lol:
I am sure that money could be used to better the Lives of those in KPK, whose lives are also in dissary.

Also the only reason kpk government is offering this money is to just further their political ambitions. It's plain as day to be honest.
I am sure that money could be used to better the Lives of those in KPK, whose lives are also in dissary.

Also the only reason kpk government is offering this money is to just further their political ambitions. It's plain as day to be honest.

Then why did sindh govt. offer aid also? do you know that Punjab govt. refused to take aid from foreign countries this time so thats why provincial govt.s are lending hands..i dont understand whats so doubtful about good intentions?
A very stupid, illogical and racist comment. Complain from India who has built dams in their kashmir and release flood water on punjab.
why blame India.. pakistan does not allow India to divert water due to nature of the treaty, the dams are to generate electricity, what will we do if it floods.. the dams are small.. not like your massive dams.
Why punjab Govt rejected Rs 100m aid from KPK govt ? Is it because its peanuts ?
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