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Punjab: Christian woman sentenced to death for blasphemy

Okay sure

Of course. That was how Jizya was implemented in India. Now tell me: When India went to war, was it the Muslim men or the non-Muslim men who were conscripted to fight?:

both hindus and muslims were presnt in moghul army

Did they make it compulsory on Hindus to pay Zakat?:

Jizya was paid along with zakat or wat ever u call which was 1/3 of the crops produced from both muslims and non muslims.

Like I said, that was how it worked in India. Instead of paying regular Jizya tax, people were to pay jizya for holding such gatherings.

Idol worship is one of the biggest sins in Islam. If I hold a Nazi party in Israel, will I be persecuted and jailed or will I be fined 5000 rupees? Likewise, India was a Muslim country back then.:

Hey hey hey India a muslim country??Hold on this subcontinent was not a foreign place to hindus but islam was a alien thing in our land and who are islam to dictate me in my land on wat and whom to pray??
As i said i donot care wat ur book prophet or god says and preaches unless it has a negative impact on me, and if ur book says that im a sinner and thus should not be treated fairly then ur book is my enemy and u should not be complaining when i give u guys the same treatment.
Heck the biggest looters the british even didnot kill hindus in the name of religion as muslims did to us.

Backstabbing was quite apparent afterwards too. Do you know why Quaid-e-Azam decided to split Muslims from Hindus?
And you use Taliban as an example :rolleyes:

I doubt that jinnah was backstabbed well if it is true then im happy that we metted out the same treatment to the ppl in their own language.
Dont worry i just used taliban as an example Pakistan still has copy rights over it..
both hindus and muslims were presnt in moghul army

There is difference between conscription and joining the army.

Jizya was paid along with zakat or wat ever u call which was 1/3 of the crops produced from both muslims and non muslims.

Source please. Jizya is not applicable to produce.

Hey hey hey India a muslim country??Hold on this subcontinent was not a foreign place to hindus but islam was a alien thing in our land and who are islam to dictate me in my land on wat and whom to pray??

Bro, we converted to Islam and that was our choice.

As i said i donot care wat ur book prophet or god says and preaches unless it has a negative impact on me, and if ur book says that im a sinner and thus should not be treated fairly then ur book is my enemy and u should not be complaining when i give u guys the same treatment.

Where do you learn about Islam???????

Heck the biggest looters the british even didnot kill hindus in the name of religion as muslims did to us.

Again, source please.

I doubt that jinnah was backstabbed well if it is true then im happy that we metted out the same treatment to the ppl in their own language.

I am truly happy too, or else Pakistan would not exist. We would be a part of India if Hindus didn't backstab.

Dont worry i just used taliban as an example Pakistan still has copy rights over it..

If you say so; You are using Pakistan as an example of a good Muslim country? Why don't you use modern Muslim countries like UAE or Turkey? Why do you want to use the worst as an example? Lack of education is common in the sub-continent, yet I do not use India as a indicator for literacy rates amongst non-Muslims. Same goes for Islamic education in Pakistan.
Are you nuts !

What have you posted ? Pls self delete this immediately
There is difference between conscription and joining the army.

:no::no:do u home work bro google the list of hindu war soilders in moghul army.

Source please. Jizya is not applicable to produce.

Yes dear jizya was applicable on hindus for relaxation on following their religion.But on top of this jakat was applicable as 1/3 of the total produce.

So hindus paid 1/3 of total crop produce + jizya where has muslims paid only 1/3 of crop produced.

Bro, we converted to Islam and that was our choice.

It was ur choice but who are u to force ur choice on me or others,as evident from the article that the christian lady was being pressured to convert to islam and ten she got in to an argument on prophet and jesus.

Why cant u muslims just follow ur's and let others follow theirs??

Where do you learn about Islam???????

As i said u earlier i am least bothered on wat islam teaches coz i dont beleive it and i have faith in wat i follow.But my knowledge of islam is by the actions of muslims which affect my daily life.So if i have negative impression on islam its u muslim's fault.

Again, source please.

I am truly happy too, or else Pakistan would not exist. We would be a part of India if Hindus didn't backstab.

Source for what??U show me where britishers killed sme one for being a hindu??

If you say so; You are using Pakistan as an example of a good Muslim country? Why don't you use modern Muslim countries like UAE or Turkey? Why do you want to use the worst as an example? Lack of education is common in the sub-continent, yet I do not use India as a indicator for literacy rates amongst non-Muslims. Same goes for Islamic education in Pakistan.

UAE mordern?? dude ur again on the wrong path..yes turkey is mordern becoz it doesnot poke it's nose in others religious affairs do u know why coz its secular..
Well if islamic eduation is not proper in pakistan then leave islam coz ur intrepration of koran is killing lakhs n lakhs of ppl in the name of allah, jehad and 72 virgins
:no::no:do u home work bro google the list of hindu war soilders in moghul army.

Please, do it for me.

Yes dear jizya was applicable on hindus for relaxation on following their religion.But on top of this jakat was applicable as 1/3 of the total produce.

So hindus paid 1/3 of total crop produce + jizya where has muslims paid only 1/3 of crop produced.

This is where your calcs are wrong. Zakaat was not obligatory for non-Muslims so you guys didn't have to pay 1/3 of your crop.

It was ur choice but who are u to force ur choice on me or others,as evident from the article that the christian lady was being pressured to convert to islam and ten she got in to an argument on prophet and jesus.

It is not you nor I that can punish those who dealt with her unjustly. We don't have the power to do so. Only God can. We need to educate our mullahs.

Why cant u muslims just follow ur's and let others follow theirs??

As i said u earlier i am least bothered on wat islam teaches coz i dont beleive it and i have faith in wat i follow.But my knowledge of islam is by the actions of muslims which affect my daily life.So if i have negative impression on islam its u muslim's fault.

Of course. It is partly our fault. But remember this- the media. It is because of the media that we are all called terrorists and such. I know that human bias is easy to fall to, but please; just consider us moderate Muslims. I know many people that had a terrible impression of Islam before they came to Dubai. Ironically, even our Imam is a convert American- it's the least type of person you'd expect to convert. Please, consider our normal people. I assure you that minorities are treated much better in a Muslim moderate country than a secular non-muslim one. I have lived in both.

Source for what??U show me where britishers killed sme one for being a hindu??

Did Muslims?

UAE mordern?? dude ur again on the wrong path..yes turkey is mordern becoz it doesnot poke it's nose in others religious affairs do u know why coz its secular..

UAE= Dubai. I think you know what Dubai is.

Well if islamic eduation is not proper in pakistan then leave islam coz ur intrepration of koran is killing lakhs n lakhs of ppl in the name of allah, jehad and 72 virgins

This is just the opposite. I have lived outside Pakistan all my life and I actually got interested in my religion as of late; I met an Indian Muslim family that had been in Australia for generations. They turned me to Islam. I have never attended a Pakistani madrassah at any time of my life. I have never completed the Qur'an in Arabic- I have only read its translation (but I'm working on it). Also note that the underlined bit is just a myth. Most people that believe the '72 virgins' myth learn about Islam from filmi sources. Your concept of Jihad is also wrong but I suggest listening to Zakir Naik.
Let's review a bit:
the blasphemy laws have got to be tossed like garbage....this story brings great shame!! And it goes against the concept of Pakistani Nation.
Wht the h e ll do u mean by why do we have blasphemy law? Its an Islamic country and its laws are based on Islam! besides.. No muslim would ever tolerate a single word about against their beloved prophet. I m surprised you even put this question forward. Whether she did or did not commit blasphemy will be decided by the courts.
Pardon my ignorance - do the common people have the right to beat such a person? Why not hand the guilty to the authorities? Taking law in to own hands is not a good thing.

AZ wants to dump the blasphemy laws, citing, "the concept of Pakistani Nation." Wali is against this, claiming Pakistan is an Islamic country.

What is Pakistan? A country for Muslims or a Muslim country? If the former, getting rid of blasphemy laws shouldn't be much of an issue. If the latter, getting rid of blasphemy laws would move religious enforcement out of the hands of the State and into the hands of individuals or mobs, which LGD believes "is not a good thing."
No more debate on the historical and religious grounds for jizya, zakat or anything remotely off-topic. Anybody violating this warning will receive an infraction.
Wht the h e ll do u mean by why do we have blasphemy law? Its an Islamic country and its laws are based on Islam! besides.. No muslim would ever tolerate a single word about against their beloved prophet. I m surprised you even put this question forward.

Whether she did or did not commit blasphemy will be decided by the courts. If she didn't she should be compensated and left alone...however if she did say those things then a death sentence is what she deserves for speaking against our prophet.

Blasphemy laws are useless; you cannot make people change their views about something, you can make them say what you want them to say or you can make them keep their mouth shut.

AND just so you know... This country was not just made for Muslims!

The constitution of Pakistan has yet to be framed by the Pakistan Constituent Assembly. I do not know what the ultimate shape of this constitution is going to be, but I am sure that it will be of a democratic type, embodying the essential principle of Islam. Today, they are as applicable in actual life as they were 1,300 years ago. Islam and its idealism have taught us democracy. It has taught equality of man, justice and fairplay to everybody. We are the inheritors of these glorious traditions and are fully alive to our responsibilities and obligations as framers of the future constitution of Pakistan. In any case Pakistan is not going to be a theocratic State to be ruled by priests with a divine mission. We have many non-Muslims --Hindus, Christians, and Parsis --but they are all Pakistanis. They will enjoy the same rights and privileges as any other citizens and will play their rightful part in the affairs of Pakistan.

Muhammad Ali Jinnah-Broadcast talk to the people of the United States of America on Pakistan recorded February, 1948

Suleyman Saab!

Pakistan is an Islamic Republic. But you see, even our Prophet -peace be upon Him -stated that leniency should be practiced against His detractors, his enemies and those that ridiculed Him. Prophet Mohammad PBUH was patient and compassionate even to His enemies.

Given that, and given the fact that a practicing Muslim strives to adhere to His principles and actions --then pray tell, why would people like you have confusion?

I personally don't believe that Islam endorses the view that non-Muslims must be punished for blasphemy. There are over a billion Muslims in the world; We are at perfect peace with our religion -except for those who seem insecure and always on defensive -that they would feel the need to teach blasphemers or alleged blasphemers a ''lesson''

given the power of our media now, I would be very surprised if this woman is executed....the chances of it happening are slim to none.

actually a lot of Pakistanis like myself are annoyed by this un-needed attention, and un-necessary fuss.....

of course this story will make great business for your western media which always love to jump on the opportunity to slander Pakistan Nation when it can; often without ascertaining all the facts in un-biased way
Pakistan is an Islamic Republic.
Was that what Jinnah wanted?

But you see, even our Prophet -peace be upon Him -stated that leniency should be practiced against His detractors...given the fact that a practicing Muslim strives to adhere to His principles and actions --then pray tell, why would people like you have confusion?
I am not confused; this thread was starting to wander. Yet if there is some defect in Muslim society that prevents such leniency from being applied, should non-Muslims have to suffer?

personally don't believe that Islam endorses the view that non-Muslims must be punished for blasphemy...those who seem insecure and always on defensive...feel the need to teach blasphemers or alleged blasphemers a ''lesson'' -
So you wouldn't go around executing blasphemers yourself, but you're O.K. with those Muslims who do?

given the power of our media now, I would be very surprised if this woman is executed....the chances of it happening are slim to none.
The alternative?

actually a lot of Pakistanis like myself are annoyed by this un-needed attention, and un-necessary fuss.....
Great things have been accomplished by people who are annoyed.

of course this story will make great business for your western media which always love to jump on the opportunity to slander Pakistan Nation when it can; often without ascertaining all the facts in un-biased way...
I hadn't noticed. And are you speaking of truthful accusations or only false ones?
Was that what Jinnah wanted?

He didn't want extremism, that is all.

I am not confused; this thread was starting to wander. Yet if there is some defect in Muslim society that prevents such leniency
from being applied, should non-Muslims have to suffer?

This goes the same everywhere. It all depends on leadership and society itself to correct these faults. It's hard to explain

So you wouldn't go around executing blasphemers yourself, but you're O.K. with those Muslims who do?

No, nobody is okay (I'm answering for him lol) but what are we supposed to do?

The alternative?

Actually he's right there.

Great things have been accomplished by people who are annoyed.

There are more things for us Pakistanis to be annoyed about right now. This is the least of our concerns.

I hadn't noticed. And are you speaking of truthful accusations or only false ones?

I grew up in a western country so I'd say these are true.
Was that what Jinnah wanted?

Suleyman Saab!

I think instead of doing the asking, you should do some reading. Plenty of literature out there; try to weed out the factual truth from the false indian propaganda

I am not confused; this thread was starting to wander. Yet if there is some defect in Muslim society that prevents such leniency from being applied, should non-Muslims have to suffer?

I'm afraid you still are confused or have some inner turmoil that may be preventing you from understanding a much 'larger picture'

Muslim society you talk about is over a billion strong (and growing)

So you wouldn't go around executing blasphemers yourself, but you're O.K. with those Muslims who do?

and now you put words in my mouth AND twist my words? :lol::rolleyes:

Subsequent to any such unfortunate incidents, my stance is 100% crystal clear time and time again. I think you've been on the forum long enough to know better, Suleyman saab.

The alternative?

I'm not in charge nor am I involved in the litigation process; I'm just an average-Joe. So i'll just wait and see what happens. My hope is that she is left alone

Great things have been accomplished by people who are annoyed.


I hadn't noticed. And are you speaking of truthful accusations or only false ones?

a mixed, shaken and stirred concoction of Choice-C (all of the above)

I can't blame them 100% though; afterall media is only just a business in the end -- new york slimes and the likes are no exception

on Pakistan, what western media reports is usually only 33% of the whole story; time to time there is what I call an ''omission of convenience''

I sympathize with americans who yearn to, or already believe they are having access to full information; we saw how duped they were in 2003 when the blunders started becoming REAL blunders
assalam alaikum,

Muslims of india demanded pakistan where they can live with muslim customs and this is wat Qaid promised or understood. In 1400 years of history of islam muslims never tolerated any abuse to their beloved prophet. Till now i see one sided story let the court decides.

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