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Christian couple sentenced to death for blasphemy in Pakistan

And who says this? A Country whose people rape females of other religion just for the sake of changing their religion to so called "Peaceful religion".

From Pakistanis target whole religion. And that religion which being followed by millions of Indians. And now you would lecture us about secularism, respect and minority rights.

hypocrisy your name is India. :)

The guy I quoted blanketed all Muslims, I merely blanketed all Indians by mentioning that they too have blood on their hands hence its not just the Muslims....
I could rephrase and use Hindus instead of Indians but targeting a religion is not my style....

Yes we are not saints either but remarks like that will derail the thread. you know what i mean.

and if by any means pointing at us solves these issues In Pakistan you are free to use it a thousand times more :)
Did they take the mullah for his word?last time something this happened i remember a mullah tore pages from koran himself then accused christians.Well this is what happens when u have middle age laws.
We All Know Who Did Massacres in the Name of Religion it is History Now. Take A Step Further Try To be a human First Before Any Other Thing
Get off your high horse will you, I am not even going to bother providing you links to back my claim, if you really are as ignorant as you apparently are then you dont deserve to be responded to....
And who says this? A Country whose people rape females of other religion just for the sake of changing their religion to so called "Peaceful religion".
That quite audacious of you to bring up rapes, search google as to how many women have been desecrated in India, just today....


Yes we are not saints either but remarks like that will derail the thread. you know what i mean.

and if by any means pointing at us solves these issues In Pakistan you are free to use it a thousand times more :)
You talk about not derailing the thread but then again go off and do it on your own.....
That quite audacious of you to bring up rapes, search google as to how many women have been desecrated in India, just today....
On basis of religion, NO! Plus they'll be punished for their wrongdoing, how many till now have been persecuted in Pakistan for raping girls on the name of religion?
From Pakistanis target whole religion.
Except Muslims.

And that religion which being followed by millions of India

And now you would lecture us about secularism, respect and minority rights.
I understand words like Secularism, Minority Rights are new to you. But hey, come on it's about time you learn what it means. Here's some help:

Secularism is the principle of the separation of government institutions and persons mandated to represent the state from religious institutions and religious dignitaries.

hypocrisy your name is India. :)
Except Muslims.


I understand words like Secularism, Minority Rights are new to you. But hey, come on it's about time you learn what it means. Here's some help:


Errr. But you make no sense. Try again.
Yes, they should be, but Indians go a step further and massacre an entire populace for the offences of a single person, dont even try and ask for evidence, a quick google search will suffice.....
I knew that it will happen. Pakistanis will always bring in India even when we are discussing an internal matter of Pak. After all, Pak can only be defined with respect to India. BTW, both Hindus and Muslims have killed each other in the subcontinent for centuries for the offences of a few, starting with Muslim invaders (who started it without any action by any Indian) This is not something specific to India or Hindus. A quick google search will suffice...
And who says this? A Country whose people rape females of other religion just for the sake of changing their religion to so called "Peaceful religion".

Yes you would know all about that wouldn't you. Have the Gujarat rape victims got their justice? Oh sorry, of course not, most were burnt alive.....

Shove your rhetoric where the sun does not shine. You should be the last person to talk about peace and faith in the same sentence.
I knew that it will happen. Pakistanis will always bring in India even when we are discussing an internal matter of Pak. After all, Pak can only be defined with respect to India. BTW, both Hindus and Muslims have killed each other in the subcontinent for centuries for the offences of a few, starting with Muslim invaders (who started it without any action by any Indian) This is not something specific to India or Hindus. A quick google search will suffice...
I am seriously at a loss for words....
A Christian couple has been sentenced to death for blasphemy in Pakistan’s eastern province of Punjab, a watchdog group said Saturday.

Shafqat Emmanuel, 38, and his wife, Shagufta Kausar, 42, were arrested in July in the Gojra area of the district of Toba Tek Singh following a complaint by an imam that they were sending blasphemous text messages.

Farrukh Saif, the head of Word Vision in Progress, an organization working for the rights of minorities in Pakistan, said the couple was sentenced to death on Friday.

“They cried when told by the judge that they would be executed by hanging,” said Saif.

A court official in Toba Tek Singh confirmed the conviction.

Saif, whose organization provided lawyers for the couple, said they would appeal against the verdict.

It is the second such sentencing in less than two weeks.

On March 27, a court in the eastern city of Lahore handed down the death sentence to Sawan Masih, also a Christian, for blasphemy.

He was arrested last year after a Muslim friend accused him of maligning the Prophet Mohammed during an argument.

Anything deemed insulting to Islam is considered blasphemy in Pakistan and is punishable with death.

The blasphemy laws were enacted in the 1980s by then military ruler General Ziaul Haq and are seen as a tool to persecute minorities.

Rights bodies have been demanding their repeal, but the government has resisted reforms for fear of the backlash from conservative Islamic society.

An estimated 1,300 people have been accused of blasphemy since 1986, according to statistics compiled by the human rights unit of the Law Ministry.

The law is disgraceful and should be scrapped with immediate effect. Thank god no one has actually been put to death because of it.

By the way folks have a look at this new Indian member. Just 15 posts in, joined on Monday and is already posting threads to ignite tension. What a piece of work these guys are.

Moderators please act.
sad ,surely Muslim world is no place for NONMuslims..

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