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PTI's Azadi March 14th August 2014 l Updates and debate.





Her eyes always glow when she thinks, talks, or listen about Naya Pakistan.. she is a fantastic person, down to earth, seeks no place or office, goes everywhere for PTI, left a promising career, just for the movement..

@Leader, seems negotiators have reached to a consensus, any idea about final agreement?

No idea, last I heard was that PMLN didnt agree to any of the demands by PTI.


3 generations, all for naya Pakistan :pakistan: @Jazzbot

you indeed are.. the next generation of leader... :pakistan:
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Well PTI's allegations of rigging have never been proven in a court of law either. And there comes a point where a consensus of all the important national institutions must be accepted, regardless of whether that consensus is acceptable to some or not.

Over 15 constituencies that were recounted by NADRA and by the court orders have all exposed massive rigging! I guess you have not followed up on a single one of them, have you? Every single recount (be it by Court order or by NADRA) has exposed rigging, but you must be one of those noora horses who have blinkers/blinders fitted (narrowed/tunnel vision)!

Election Tribunals are bound by constitution to resolve all electoral disputes within 120 days (ET's expire after 120 days, as per constitution, but are still operating unconstitutionally), be it recounting demand by a grieved party. What do you say about Election Tribunals' breach of the constitution, where cases are pending for over a year now? You talk of law like all these other jerks but choose to ignore the fact why laws have been breached by the very institutes who are meant to implement and uphold. And then likes of you talk of consensus! How pathetic!
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@Verve Patwaris don't need to go through proves against rigging..They are happy in Nooras fantasy world.
@Verve Patwaris don't need to go through proves against rigging..They are happy in Nooras fantasy world.

Yep, these patwaris don't give a damn about the constitution or rule of law. They pick and choose what favours them and ignore everything else. They are as 'baygerat' as their Noora masters! Shame we can't see their real faces on the forum!
Over 15 constituencies that were recounted by NADRA and by the court orders have all exposed massive rigging! I guess you have not followed up on a single one of them, have you? Every single recount (be it by Court order or by NADRA) has exposed rigging, but you must be one of those noora horses who have blinkers/blinders fitted (narrowed/tunnel vision)!

Election Tribunals are bound by constitution to resolve all electoral disputes within 120 days (ET's expire after 120 days, as per constitution, but are still operating unconstitutionally), be it recounting demand by a grieved party. What do you say about Election Tribunals' breach of the constitution, where cases are pending for over a year now? You talk of law like all these other jerks but choose to ignore the fact why laws have been breached by the very institutes who are meant to implement and uphold. And then likes of you talk of consensus! How pathetic!

What has NADRA to do with proving rigging? The proper authority to verify the results or overturn them is the Election Commission of Pakistan. So what has ECP said? That limited constituencies need recounts, but that the overall election is fair and valid. The results have been accepted the world over.
What has NADRA to do with proving rigging? The proper authority to verify the results or overturn them is the Election Commission of Pakistan. So what has ECP said? That limited constituencies need recounts, but that the overall election is fair and valid. The results have been accepted the world over.

You must be living in a different world ... and we don't give a toss what rest of the world thinks!

And courts can over-rule ECP, any day, as ECP is not anc never has been the utmost final authority (study Pakistani law and constitution!) .... and it was your scum government that directly asked NADRA to carry out vote verifications of 14 seats.
What are the details? This would be a good step forward, if true.
SMQ while talking to Samaa reporter, Gharida, hinted a possible breakthrough. Government and PTI committees had two round of talks today. No idea what's going on!
You must be living in a different world ... and we don't give a toss what rest of the world thinks!

And courts can over-rule ECP, any day, as ECP is not anc never has been the utmost final authority (study Pakistani law and constitution!) .... and it was your scum government that directly asked NADRA to carry out vote verifications of 14 seats.

Actually Sir, it is more YOUR government than mine, and where have the higher courts contradicted the decisions of the ECP with regards to the overall elections? A limited number of seats have required corrective actions, which have been taken, so the entire election still legally stands as valid.

SMQ while talking to Samaa reporter, Gharida, hinted a possible breakthrough. Government and PTI committees had two round of talks today. No idea what's going on!

I hope that there is indeed real and verifiable progress. The stalemate is damaging to both sides and the country, and I hope it is broken soon.
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