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PTI's Azadi March 14th August 2014 l Updates and debate.

If it outlines how to charge the current PM it might worthwhile reading if not then whats the use?

Of course it does. There are legal ways clearly described in the Constitution to change an elected PM.
What if he has bought each and every dept through which this change is to occur? then? :pop:

That is only an allegation born of your own opinion. Legally, you have to prove it first before it can be given any credence.
That is only an allegation born of your own opinion. Legally, you have to prove it first before it can be given any credence.
I am only asking for the pipeline not saying it has happened..hypothetically, if that is the case...whats the next step? :pop:
I am only asking for the pipeline not saying it has happened..hypothetically, if that is the case...whats the next step? :pop:

That means that all the national institutions have formed a consensus, and such allegations are based on a minority opinion.
That means that all the national institutions have formed a consensus, and such allegations are based on a minority opinion.
ain?! :blink: how did you conclude that even hypothetically you cant even dream of how corruption tou aap kay dream par gi :D
ain?! :blink: how did you conclude that even hypothetically you cant even dream of how corruption tou aap kay dream par gi :D

People get the government they deserve. If all the State institutions have a consensus, then legally that is what is established.
People get the government they deserve. If all the State institutions have a consensus, then legally that is what is established.
and you think everyone in Pakistan every single soul deserves such shit...hypothetically of course?

People get the government they deserve. If all the State institutions have a consensus, then legally that is what is established.
coz as per you there is not a single word in the constitution that can save the poor souls...do we not feel a need to amend these constitutions if say these hypothetical examples come alive?
and you think everyone in Pakistan every single soul deserves such shit...hypothetically of course?

coz as per you there is not a single word in the constitution that can save the poor souls...do we not feel a need to amend these constitutions if say these hypothetical examples come alive?

There is a prescribed and legal way to amend the Constitution too, for it is a living document that is supreme law for any civilized country. Clearly not everyone deserves what is happening, but the adage is true - people do get the government they deserve.
sigh...again its not fair to paint everyone with the same brush!

Nations are built on consensuses, which are never unanimous. Everybody shares in the risk and in the rewards of whatever is decided and implemented in those consensuses and their consequences, whether they agree with them or not.
That is only an allegation born of your own opinion. Legally, you have to prove it first before it can be given any credence.

Just like you and Nooras's claims of ISI/PA behind PTI and PAT. Those are your allegations born out of your own opinion! Until there is concrete proof, all your statements are utter nonsense. No such relation has been proven in the court of law!

Nations are built on consensuses, which are never unanimous. Everybody shares in the risk and in the rewards of whatever is decided and implemented in those consensuses and their consequences, whether they agree with them or not.

And if those consensuses are rigged? So far, over 15 constituencies have had recounting and in each there is proof of mass illegal/fake votes! Recent was NA128, where 31K votes were fakes and over 20k votes simply didn't exit (only on RO's entry, but ballots didn't exit) ... but according to you, this must be the definition of 'fair & free' election in NA128 and so many others.
Noor: Pak Army is behind this flood they want to derail the democracy. :sarcastic:
Just like you and Nooras's claims of ISI/PA behind PTI and PAT. Those are your allegations born out of your own opinion! Until there is concrete proof, all your statements are utter nonsense. No such relation has been proven in the court of law!

And if those consensuses are rigged? So far, over 15 constituencies have had recounting and in each there is proof of mass illegal/fake votes! Recent was NA128, where 31K votes were fakes and over 20k votes simply didn't exit (only on RO's entry, but ballots didn't exit) ... but according to you, this must be the definition of 'fair & free' election in NA128 and so many others.

Well PTI's allegations of rigging have never been proven in a court of law either. And there comes a point where a consensus of all the important national institutions must be accepted, regardless of whether that consensus is acceptable to some or not.
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