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PTI's Azadi March 14th August 2014 l Updates and debate.

You do realize Pakistan army has taken over the interior minister control room. It is Pakistan army behind the shuttinng down ARY news in most places.
Its funny to c how nz supporters trying to paint army is on their side when army is actually taking neutral steps first time in our history. Infact the way gen shareef clearly informed nz today that PA supports non violent solution to current situation he actually meant pm you can't run away from your responsibilities or hide behind us. Its yr job to keep masses satisfied and your political opponents pacified not our so go ahead n perform it in a political manner without any shots being fired.
But the problem is nz knows he's occupying the pm seat illegally n he knows ik n qadri knows it equally well too and they won't settle for anything less than his resignation something he can't do as his mentors in zia's dictatorship only taught him dictatorial values only so you can't expect any democratic thing for him.
Ik knows this and is treating him accordingly as the saying goes when in Rome do as the Romans do.
We must reform our judicial and electoral structure so rigging an election and hijacking people's mendate is not possible. Whoever comes into power through such a system will have people's trust.

We? If Imran and Qadri is not We, then I don't know who is. Both are demanding structural reforms to counter election rigging and hijacking of people's mandate in the future. But some here are calling it illegal, undemocratic, unconstitutional, power grab etc etc. Don't understand why.
@Leader @jazib, where in hell are you guys??? I've been holding PTI's fort all by myself......... start participating......... :mad:
PTI is not worth defending. Its defended by people of Pakistan.

Its funny to c how nz supporters trying to paint army is on their side when army is actually taking neutral steps first time in our history. Infact the way gen shareef clearly informed nz today that PA supports non violent solution to current situation he actually meant pm you can't run away from your responsibilities or hide behind us. Its yr job to keep masses satisfied and your political opponents pacified not our so go ahead n perform it in a political manner without any shots being fired.
But the problem is nz knows he's occupying the pm seat illegally n he knows ik n qadri knows it equally well too and they won't settle for anything less than his resignation something he can't do as his mentors in zia's dictatorship only taught him dictatorial values only so you can't expect any democratic thing for him.
Ik knows this and is treating him accordingly as the saying goes when in Rome do as the Romans do.

Army should not take political sides. That's the reason that brought partition of Pakistan in the first place. See 1970 general election results.
Its the way you look at things. For a PTI supporter and nuetral person its a sign that Imran is a true leader. He said he will cross the red zone he did. He said crowd will be peaceful it is so that shows that watever IK is saying he is doing it like a true leader leading from front and being responsible. Watever he said to the govt doesnt matter he is not leading the govt. Watever he is saying to his supporters he is following it up with actions.
Issi liya har jaga se criticism ho raha hay.....Ankhain band kardenay se duniya gum nahi ho jati....
There is no patience in our country. There is no patience in politicians and in awam. Everyone pulls one another's legs.

The issues that people are concerned about (loadshedding, inflation, jobs etc.), you think those can be solved in 1 year? Those problems will remain if IK comes or his baap. You need years and years of planning and execution before such issues can be tackled.

No one bloody thinks about the future. If today NS falls, who will govern tomorrow? Who will set up care taker? who will manage election process? No one thinks about this and the impact it will have on our country. It is amazing how reasonable your thinking become once you leave the confines of the stupidity that is PK politics.

The best is how people blindly follow religious leaders as if they have any idea how to actually govern a nation.
for democracy to establish itself, it first has to serve the ppl. The argument of ppl putting faith in democracy for the sake of democracy is pointless.
I stand with @Chak Bamu on this one: You need to have democracy to work some years before you can blame them. In Pakistan's case, as we all know, Zardari's first govt. which handed power to another civilian govt in Pakistan's entire history.

I hope a sensible person like that is not egging on the mob behavior. Yes, we KNOW the flaws of the last election but we also know that the results were more or less correct. I also hope you understand if today NS falls due to the mob tactics then tomorrow it will be the turn of Imran Khan--except he would face MUCH LARGER crowds. I hope you also know how pathetic Imran's situation is that a chunk of his legislators are already thinking of defection--so early on after the 2013 elections. In past there were Lotacracy but it was never that easy--at least since the 80's--to have so many legislators ready to defect. And THAT should show you how bankrupt Imran Khan's leadership has been!
Its funny to c how nz supporters trying to paint army is on their side when army is actually taking neutral steps first time in our history. Infact the way gen shareef clearly informed nz today that PA supports non violent solution to current situation he actually meant pm you can't run away from your responsibilities or hide behind us. Its yr job to keep masses satisfied and your political opponents pacified not our so go ahead n perform it in a political manner without any shots being fired.
But the problem is nz knows he's occupying the pm seat illegally n he knows ik n qadri knows it equally well too and they won't settle for anything less than his resignation something he can't do as his mentors in zia's dictatorship only taught him dictatorial values only so you can't expect any democratic thing for him.
Ik knows this and is treating him accordingly as the saying goes when in Rome do as the Romans do.

I appreciate your sentiment. I am not PMLN supporter. My support has to do with the stability of Pakistan's economy including the continuity of the gov't while respect the slow process of democracy. Just because i don't agree with PTI's recent revamped policy, that doesn't mean i am noora.
IK has a vision but he gets derail when he hears that music, he needs to control his emotions--i mean for goodness sake give in one serious speech, and see PM pissing in his pants, i still believe and know that if he get outside Parliament, sit in, and make one serious speech, that Mr. PM look at this public, they are here for their rights, beleieve me PM will be under emence pressure by military and foreign missions to listen....
Lsts hope for the best,

Those calling it unconstitutional, undemocratic etc are part of the same mindset which requires fellow citizens to subordinate to rules, interpertations and morality decided and implimented by THEM. Its also known as the status quo.
Wishful thinking. This is now an international issue.

Also, this is awaam of Pakistan, not expendable gullu-butts. You need to change your mindset.

International issue? This is Pakistan's internal issue.

Also about awaam. PML(N), PPP and MQM can bring such type of awam in equal numbers if not more. Being awaam doesn't mean you have a right to be an anarchist and a trouble maker.

The predicament that IK as set will back fire for him too if his greed to be a PM is fulfilled somehow. After all it takes just 20k of gullible protesters to topple governments.

Haven't seen @Leader for quite some time now... Where is he? Not even a single update from his end!

Phr raha ho ga Islamabad ki roads par IK ki pic wali tshirt pehan kar. :D

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