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PTI was Danger to Pakistan, Pakistan wouldn't survive with them : General Bajwa

If the people vote IK and PTI back in, then it means there's still some trust in the status quo in terms of the institutions and, broadly, the key players. Even if IK comes back, he won't be rolling off any heads or anything. It'll be the same, "arrest the guy, court case him" drama we've seen up to this point.

Except for Zulfi Bhutto and Zia ul Haq, no leader has gone out of their way to draw blood and disrupt the system.

To the infinite irritability of many here, you know what I say often - let's wait and see what happens. :D
tbh I think he's changed the country. We won't see the effects for some years or even decades. But as of today, no one (among the public) will stand against you if you criticize the army, judiciary, or politicians. This, in itself, is huge
1 year ago

If you'll say anything against army
People will start giving you death threats and abuses and what not

People still doing exact same thing but now it's for those who speak in favor of army
1 year ago

If you'll say anything against army
People will start giving you death threats and abuses and what not

People still doing exact same thing but now it's for those who speak in favor of army

NEITHER approach is correct.
Remains to be seen. Pakistan has been through multiple PPP and PML-N terms with all their worts etc. and the sky did not fall.

PTI similarly has to make a comeback like PPP and PML have.

You can look at the economic performance numbers in the past 20 years and you will see some of the setups have had just as good of an economic performance as the PTI setup.

So while it is horrendous that yet another democratic dispensation was sent packing prematurely, it isn't the end of the world for what is par for the course in Pakistan.
This, this right here is what the problem is. You cant see what's wrong with sending a democratically elected civilian govt packing at the whims of generals. Yet, you demand we trust you? Why? Your God is bigger than mine? Seriously man.
This, this right here is what the problem is. You cant see what's wrong with sending a democratically elected civilian govt packing at the whims of generals. Yet, you demand we trust you? Why? Your God is bigger than mine? Seriously man.
Was anything "extra-constitutional" done here in sending the PTI government packing? You will say well some influencing at the behest of the establishment took place, right?

The other side says you formed this government using the same influences in the first place.

So was PTI's getting into the office not "undemocratic" as per the other side?

I won't argue with you about the military not having a role in any of this because it is indefensible. But I am also mindful of the ground reality and how things happened in the past 5 years. Perhaps the upside is that the nation won't tolerate any more engineering. That is good for Pakistan's democracy.
That train left the station decades ago. If you search the archives here, you may still be able to find an article for PDF that I wrote, back in the day when I cared, on a way forward for Pakistan's governance.
Which bring to me a burning question I had for years and please don't reference some old post of yours that you often reference but never give the link for. :D

There's gotta be something keeping you glued to your old love Pakistan. Or is it you like to torture yourself.

Because, why else would someone want anything to do with the white hot toxic waste that is Pakistan.

It's understandable for most people here since they are either youthias like yours truly, or patwaris or shine boys, each with their agendas. But, why would someone such as yourself, with apparently no stake in the whole thing, continue to stick around. I mean you have an order of a magnitude more riding American politics than Pakistani politics.
Okay, let's say if we take this to be true, fair PTI wasn't the best in certain situations and aspects:

but are you telling me PDM was any better? Even if the establishment had the opinion of the above, are you telling me somehow known crooks like Sharifs were somehow a better option? Of course not, this was simply some personal deal they had cut - nepotism on display
Don't do this to yourselves. You have bought into a narrative that is blind to the other side's perspective.

Grant that Gen Bajwa is a thinking man. The easiest thing for him was to ride out the PTI term and retire into the sunset. Yet, there were important imperatives that were getting into the way of his peaceful retirement.

As is the case with everyone, this is not to suggest the Gen did not make mistakes, but so did Khan sahib with some that were costly to our country.
I don’t think the issue is whether Gen B made the right call - nor is the argument if PTI didn’t mess up. Frankly neither does Gen B have the constitutional authority to make that decision nor is he in all his experience qualified to make decisions on the economy- nor does the institution have a track record of good decisions on either governance or economics .. NOR is it expected of them to do so BECAUSE IT IS NOT THEIR JOB.

There is a whole chicken and egg debate into who started interfering into someone else’s job but if this cultural aspect of Pakistanis interfering in another job was removed you would solve a lot of problems
I don’t think the issue is whether Gen B made the right call - nor is the argument if PTI didn’t mess up. Frankly neither does Gen B have the constitutional authority to make that decision nor is he in all his experience qualified to make decisions on the economy- nor does the institution have a track record of good decisions on either governance or economics .. NOR is it expected of them to do so BECAUSE IT IS NOT THEIR JOB.

There is a whole chicken and egg debate into who started interfering into someone else’s job but if this cultural aspect of Pakistanis interfering in another job was removed you would solve a lot of problems
Exactly this, the fact that they are neither qualified or experienced to take decisions on things like the economy, and given their history of failed governance & decision making - what makes them think their interference is actually a good thing?

Especially when they replaced PTI with PDM - an arguably even worse replacement which makes no sense.
Which bring to me a burning question I had for years and please don't reference some old post of yours that you often reference but never give the link for. :D

There's gotta be something keeping you glued to your old love Pakistan. Or is it you like to torture yourself.

Because, why else would someone want anything to do with the white hot toxic waste that is Pakistan.

It's understandable for most people here since they are either youthias like yours truly, or patwaris or shine boys, each with their agendas. But, why would someone such as yourself, with apparently no stake in the whole thing, continue to stick around. I mean you have an order of a magnitude more riding American politics than Pakistani politics.

LOL. I am not the topic of this thread. :D

There is a whole chicken and egg debate into who started interfering into someone else’s job but if this cultural aspect of Pakistanis interfering in another job was removed you would solve a lot of problems

Posted without comment. :D

came first.jpg
The audacity and stupidity of these generals is just unbelievable.

First they say they are neutral then the day the new government is sworn in Mr Dj says stock exchange went up.
Then launching ISI bro and Dj televising their statement of being neutral and then this Bajwa Fool openly admits he kicked imran outta the office. Lies, lies and lies.
Shows the stupidity of their War school education caliber.
Establishment and army is getting the hate they deserve.

How do they expect the people to have trust in their army.
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Bajwa really asked for it.
I had a feeling from the very start. once i heard that US undersecretary is involved, i knew it was an approach from someone within Pakistan to help them out in this operation.
Otherwise if this was straight from biden admin, you wouldve seen some billions of ching ching from uncle sam. Hence pak got nothing in return and army had egg’s thrown at their face.
12 Billion reasons why Bajwa needs to rot in hell for what he did. Corrupt Thug lutera. Gordon college ka mawali.

This below table should give us a fair view of why we can't listen to "his side of the story".

We are literally running out of raw material for medicines.

May he rot in hell with all who supported his actions in the military.

You are responsible for your own demise when you will retire and move out of cantts to civilian life and suffer like rest of us. Their won't be any pension for you guys 5-10 years down the line because Bajwa made sure that the economy is tanked.

He can stand on zebra crossing in UAE but he can't obey his PMA oath. La'anat on him and his cabal.


The generals had one job and they effed it. Look at the situation in KP and Balauchistan. India tau bhool jao.

Better to downsize the militiary by 100K and increase budget of FC/Police for western border and delegate everything to them.
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