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PTI was Danger to Pakistan, Pakistan wouldn't survive with them : General Bajwa

This was the danger
I have repeated it and will repeat it: at times, the military must learn how to shut up and not speak. This should be a class taught at Pakistan Military Academy. Why keep directing fire at yourself?

Military is literally just freestyling everything, this isn't the kind of organised intelligent institution you'd see in China/US or even India.

These duffer jernails are uncles in uniform going where the flow takes them lmfao
I have repeated it and will repeat it: at times, the military must learn how to shut up and not speak. This should be a class taught at Pakistan Military Academy. Why keep directing fire at yourself?
They can't even talk diplomatically/politically.. I mean how can they manage the country? just by brute force.

It is not through 'game of throne' type conspiracies but by just subjugating all the institutions and getting them in lined.

The only thing they maintained successfully was the facade until now.
I can’t believe the shit I’m reading on this thread.

This place hosts Pakistan’s best and brightest btw… lmfao
Also our finest trolls.

Btw I tried a bit of that earlier in the thread. It’s morally uplifting. We should all have a quota for troll posts to keep our spirits up. They should add this into the pdf policy. 🤣
Imran khan was only afraid of Allah and wanted to make Pakistan a free and dignified country which puts its national interests first, which cares for its people , a strong, independent and prosperous country respected worldwide

So he promised Riasat-e-Medina. Did he achieve it? Or even "end corruption in 90 days", if that one was too difficult for him? Or "get back $200 billion of looted wealth"?

Or maybe all those were false promises, just like ALL the others made?
Vchung logix: he didnt gotted back da looted wealth therefore we mast bring back da looters…

LoL wtf… I must be living in a fucking alternate universe.
in Punjab.. still yes.. Not in KPK and somewhat not in balochistan.
Zardari will not allow any political engineering in Sindh. Army can't. All have strong ethnic cards to play but Punjab is still manageable.

I will wait and see what happens in the next elections to be able to assess those claims.
Can't even keep mouth shut in retirement. Have to applaud Nawaz Sharif. He keeps selecting one gem after other as Chief.
So he promised Riasat-e-Medina. Did he achieve it? Or even "end corruption in 90 days", if that one was too difficult for him? Or "get back $200 billion of looted wealth"?

Or maybe all those were false promises, just like ALL the others made?
Rome was not built in a day, Riyasat e Medina is a vision and Pakistan was on the right track before the regime change every economic indicator was positive, no country can be Riyasat e Medina but only can try to follow the principles which Imran Khan was trying his best to do with the limited resources he had, no one is perfect and nor is Imran Khan but good people learn from their mistakes and I hope Imran Khan will not repeat those mistakes in future and prove to be much better then what his previous tenure was, in my life it was the best tenure any PM in Pakistan had. Pakistan was respected everywhere.
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