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PTI Sahiwal Jalsa

The best way to get rid of these anarchists is give them rigging investigation how they want it excluding PM's resignation. There is nothing wrong in it or there is?

Absolutely! What is wrong in having a recount ? open and transparent audit - happens all over the world.
He SAT in the same parliament for 14 months and waited for justice to come. If he HATED this system, why did he become part of it in the first place? Only after he did not get justice of opening 4 constituencies, he started agitation on the streets. Next!

parliament is until 2018

$hitting in front of the parliament is not how you serve your supposed voters.

IK never realized that you go inside the parliament, table the bills, participate even when gov benches ride a high horse.

you took votes

Don't $hit on those.

Please Norwagian bhai

explain this Sh Rasheed and his socket puppet.
That's it? Your illogical, illiterate comments start again? Like I said, I don't want to be debating with someone with a brain narrowness limited to one image called IK. You can have at it and enjoy.

Whether PMLN has had 6 terms or 20......the fact is, this term they are elected officials of the nation. However you complain about it. For today's election, you can't blame them for 25 years ago. In fact, the people selected it so what's your or a few thousands deal on it? You should respectfully and democratically sit back and wait for the next term. IK's situation in the next elections would be worse than it was this time. Its on the map.
So just like you stand in LINE in Norway.....learn to stand in LINE in Pakistan too, so the country can grow. People like you, follow rules in the West, and support violence in your own country. What a pity. Just like IK, he's got his kids future set in the UK, but he's spreading hate inside his own country where he has no family!!! Amazing show of smartness and national loyalty.

The results of the current government are coming up. They took care of a lot of issues, the Floods, the IDP's, the operation in the tribal belt, the investments, the road map to end electric outages or reduce it by 80%, the revival of the economy, build an internal coalition against the terrorism AND deal with negative political terrorists like IK and other. I have some admiration for these guys. And they are producing results. The real NEW Pakistan is being developed and the signatures on those multibillion investment contracts were from the current gov't. Not from IK's team of negative politicians. That's a fact and it'll remain in the history.

Can an illiterate (you) can call another person illiterate ? - NO - I don't think so.

No they have not been elected by nation - they have come to power by rigging the election and they should be held accountable for this crime against the nation. Will you - Mr patriot - in your beloved country accept a President who comes to power with rigged election ?

We would sit back if there is a democracy.
Please Norwagian bhai
explain this Sh Rasheed and his socket puppet.
IK didn't get vote to sit in rigged parliament for 5 years and then apologize to his voters that he could do nothing because his party was not in majority. In next elections same corrupt people will come back as these people have mastered the art of stuffing votes. That's why its not possible to just vote them out next time. Entire election system must be changed and its exactly what IK is doing.
IK didn't get vote to sit in rigged parliament for 5 years and then apologize to his voters that he could do nothing because his party was not in majority. In next elections same corrupt people will come back as these people have mastered the art of stuffing votes. That's why its not possible to just vote them out next time. Entire election system must be changed and its exactly what IK is doing.


ya that was one of the understanding in the policy circles. Since the Planning Commission estimates for the absolute poverty were quite low (around 17% or so), everyone was of the opinion that govt is not interested in officially publishing these figures. The logic being, low poverty figures will discourage aid funding from international agencies which the govt didnt want
ya that was one of the understanding in the policy circles. Since the Planning Commission estimates for the absolute poverty were quite low (around 17% or so), everyone was of the opinion that govt is not interested in officially publishing these figures. The logic being, low poverty figures will discourage aid funding from international agencies which the govt didnt want
The world bank numbers seems to be improving over the past few years so hopefully that trend continues.
The world bank numbers seems to be improving over the past few years so hopefully that trend continues.
More money cannot make new Pakistan if corruption problem is not fixed, loser!
@Leader stop posting these fake manipulated pix from the rally. Its not possible to gather that many people without help of Patwaris and DCO's. Shame on you!
@SBD-3 @cb4 @AsianUnion @Aether @xyxmt @Proudpakistaniguy @Waffen SS @FaujHistorian @Major Sam @Tameem @Ranches @ghoul @Jf Thunder

Geo says only 100 people attended the rally so I believe them not you! Ro Imran Ro :D
What Ik has achieved through these non stop jalsa or dharnaz ? Only dumb mureed dont get fed up with same bak bak lol

Wait for 30th November, you will find yourself. No one will need to tell you.
Come on we heard same big empty claim before that wait big bang on 14 august for naya Pakistan and tsnumi khan ..and what shit happened lol

Now they even withdrew their original demand of PM resignation ..since you guys love only Ary ..here it is

Despite loud claims, PTI takes U-turn from PM’s resignation demand | ARY NEWS

ISLAMABAD: Pakistan Tehreek-i-Insaf (PTI) has delayed its demand of PM Nawaz Sharif’s resignation until the investigations of irregularities in elections are not completed, said PTI leader, Shafqat Mehmood in his exclusive talk during ARY News program ‘Power Play’, ARY News reported.

While talking to ARY News anchorperson Arshad Sharif, Shafqat Mehmood revealed that the PTI chairman Imran Khan has exhibited enough flexibility by delaying his demand of PM’s resignation until the judicial probe of irregularities in last general election is not completed.

Here it is mandatory to note that the PTI chairman, Imran Khan has earlier been reminding the people that resignation of the Prime Minister, Nawaz Sharif is a must prior to the investigations of elections rigging.

He had also said that transparent investigations of rigging are not possible, as long as Nawaz Sharif is the prime minister of the country.

Meanwhile, ARY News Islamabad bureau chief, Sabir Shakir when asked to comment on Shafqat Mehmood’s revelation, said that he had already told a few days ago that this match is fixed, while the Speaker Ayaz Sadiq was not accepting the resignations of the PTI members.

He went on to speak that all these affairs to provide PTI with a safe exit, were settled during the one-on-one meeting between Imran Khan and Jamat e Islami (JI) chief, Sirajul Haq, which took place at the residence of Mian Aslam in Islamabad.

Shakir said, “Now a debate is underway on the judicial commission, which will investigate the irregularities in elections. If the commission says it did not find irregularities or the rigging did take place, but not to an extent that it could affect the entire electoral result, then this withdrawal from PM’s resignation demand will be the only safe way for PTI to return to the Parliament”.

He said that today’s revelation by Shafqat Mehmood endorsed the backdoor settlement and this very understanding seems to go ahead between the government and PTI.
Come on we heard same big empty claim before that wait big bang on 14 august for naya Pakistan and tsnumi khan ..and what shit happened lol

Now they even withdrew their original demand of PM resignation ..since you guys love only Ary ..here it is

Despite loud claims, PTI takes U-turn from PM’s resignation demand | ARY NEWS

ISLAMABAD: Pakistan Tehreek-i-Insaf (PTI) has delayed its demand of PM Nawaz Sharif’s resignation until the investigations of irregularities in elections are not completed, said PTI leader, Shafqat Mehmood in his exclusive talk during ARY News program ‘Power Play’, ARY News reported.

While talking to ARY News anchorperson Arshad Sharif, Shafqat Mehmood revealed that the PTI chairman Imran Khan has exhibited enough flexibility by delaying his demand of PM’s resignation until the judicial probe of irregularities in last general election is not completed.

Here it is mandatory to note that the PTI chairman, Imran Khan has earlier been reminding the people that resignation of the Prime Minister, Nawaz Sharif is a must prior to the investigations of elections rigging.

He had also said that transparent investigations of rigging are not possible, as long as Nawaz Sharif is the prime minister of the country.

Meanwhile, ARY News Islamabad bureau chief, Sabir Shakir when asked to comment on Shafqat Mehmood’s revelation, said that he had already told a few days ago that this match is fixed, while the Speaker Ayaz Sadiq was not accepting the resignations of the PTI members.

He went on to speak that all these affairs to provide PTI with a safe exit, were settled during the one-on-one meeting between Imran Khan and Jamat e Islami (JI) chief, Sirajul Haq, which took place at the residence of Mian Aslam in Islamabad.

Shakir said, “Now a debate is underway on the judicial commission, which will investigate the irregularities in elections. If the commission says it did not find irregularities or the rigging did take place, but not to an extent that it could affect the entire electoral result, then this withdrawal from PM’s resignation demand will be the only safe way for PTI to return to the Parliament”.

He said that today’s revelation by Shafqat Mehmood endorsed the backdoor settlement and this very understanding seems to go ahead between the government and PTI.

Some expect too much from Uturn Khan.
Come on we heard same big empty claim before that wait big bang on 14 august for naya Pakistan and tsnumi khan ..and what shit happened lol

Now they even withdrew their original demand of PM resignation ..since you guys love only Ary ..here it is

Despite loud claims, PTI takes U-turn from PM’s resignation demand | ARY NEWS

ISLAMABAD: Pakistan Tehreek-i-Insaf (PTI) has delayed its demand of PM Nawaz Sharif’s resignation until the investigations of irregularities in elections are not completed, said PTI leader, Shafqat Mehmood in his exclusive talk during ARY News program ‘Power Play’, ARY News reported.

While talking to ARY News anchorperson Arshad Sharif, Shafqat Mehmood revealed that the PTI chairman Imran Khan has exhibited enough flexibility by delaying his demand of PM’s resignation until the judicial probe of irregularities in last general election is not completed.

Here it is mandatory to note that the PTI chairman, Imran Khan has earlier been reminding the people that resignation of the Prime Minister, Nawaz Sharif is a must prior to the investigations of elections rigging.

He had also said that transparent investigations of rigging are not possible, as long as Nawaz Sharif is the prime minister of the country.

Meanwhile, ARY News Islamabad bureau chief, Sabir Shakir when asked to comment on Shafqat Mehmood’s revelation, said that he had already told a few days ago that this match is fixed, while the Speaker Ayaz Sadiq was not accepting the resignations of the PTI members.

He went on to speak that all these affairs to provide PTI with a safe exit, were settled during the one-on-one meeting between Imran Khan and Jamat e Islami (JI) chief, Sirajul Haq, which took place at the residence of Mian Aslam in Islamabad.

Shakir said, “Now a debate is underway on the judicial commission, which will investigate the irregularities in elections. If the commission says it did not find irregularities or the rigging did take place, but not to an extent that it could affect the entire electoral result, then this withdrawal from PM’s resignation demand will be the only safe way for PTI to return to the Parliament”.

He said that today’s revelation by Shafqat Mehmood endorsed the backdoor settlement and this very understanding seems to go ahead between the government and PTI.

OK, then don't say ......PTI ko ISI support kar rahi hai
More money cannot make new Pakistan if corruption problem is not fixed, loser!
Without gloating, i think it's safe to say that 'loser' would be the last word anybody will use to describe me. But thanks, it shows the intellectual limitation of your mind.
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