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PTI Sahiwal Jalsa

11 crore out of 18 dont have money to each twice a day? Will anyone in Pakistan call him out on his bullshit? Or atleast question his claims? He continues to make up statistics and noone does anything.

the statistics he is quoting are for Multi dimentional poverty which is 50%+ in Pakistan. It includes basic health, education, sanitation and obvly food plus several others.


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the statistics he is quoting are for Multi dimentional poverty which is 50%+ in Pakistan. It includes basic health, education, sanitation and obvly food plus several others.
That isnt what the quote states. The quote says specifically that 61% of pakistan dont have adequate amount of food.

Anyways, Are you referring to the MPI that the current government has initiated for the first time to better tackle our problems? Have they even provided their first report yet?

Pakistan’s first Multi-dimensional Poverty Index initiated by the Government, UNDP, and Oxford University | UNDP in Pakistan
That isnt what the quote states. The quote says specifically that 61% of pakistan dont have adequate amount of food.

Anyways, Are you referring to the MPI that the current government has initiated for the first time to better tackle our problems? Have they even provided their first report yet?

Pakistan’s first Multi-dimensional Poverty Index initiated by the Government, UNDP, and Oxford University | UNDP in Pakistan

I read the 50%+ figure for Pakistan from one of these reports 3 4 years back. i didnt know about this govt index. Probably this index is the official launch of the same thing with now govt taking the responsibility of officially providing the number. Interestingly, we dont have official figures for even simple poverty since the end of Musharrah era. The PPP govt for some reason never felt happy with the numbers during the days when I was working at the Planning Commission. I dont know what is the status now but im sure there is still no official estimate for baseline poverty.
I read the 50%+ figure for Pakistan from one of these reports 3 4 years back. i didnt know about this govt index. Probably this index is the official launch of the same thing with now govt taking the responsibility of officially providing the number. Interestingly, we dont have official figures for even simple poverty since the end of Musharrah era. The PPP govt for some reason never felt happy with the numbers during the days when I was working at the Planning Commission. I dont know what is the status now but im sure there is still no official estimate for baseline poverty.
Check this out:

Pakistan | Data
lol... looks like the new DG ISI is also supporting PTI to gather people :D

What does the DG of ISI has to do with politics.....hope you realize that's treason. You guys are so desperate due to shameful constant failures with protests and all..... that you now openly use military's name for point scoring .
I think its time IK lets it go. The Balloon has burst......Gen. Raheel wants the Army, Navy and the PAF to have additional funds to create better parity with India...that's about $ 5-8 Billion additional. And that's only do-able with economic growth, not violent protests and the only one who can deliver it is the current business minded government. No one else in Pakistan has the business acumen that foreign investors will trust (including the Chinese actually)

The current gov't is doing the right thing. Since they came in, they've brought over 75 Billion dollar's worth of investment including the $ 42 billion energy and infrastructure investments signed two days ago. By December 2017, your electric generation issue will have resolved by 80-90%. You know how huge that is for Pakistan? What couldn't happen in 70 years, happened in less than 5 year (one term).

And then there is a huge economic expansion boom coming up. You can either be a part of it or be left out and see your countrymen grow. I can write this with 100% certainty that your military wants the current administration to stay and expand the economy. There is 0% interest to topple it anymore.
Plus your entire parliament is with the gov't (something never happened before). So here you have PTI....but if you force the gov't out and everyone brings their vote power to the street......what would a military do? Kill 10, 20 or 30 million of its own people???? not going to happen. Time to close the shop on your little negative immature politics and participate in the growth of the country. It's beyond my imagination the level of leg pulling and selfishness you guys have for your country!! You guys don't need India to destroy you, these negative selfish politics will do the work if not stopped.
What does the DG of ISI has to do with politics.....hope you realize that's treason. You guys are so desperate due to shameful constant failures with protests and all..... that you now openly use military's name for point scoring .
I think its time IK lets it go. The Balloon has burst......Gen. Raheel wants the Army, Navy and the PAF to have additional funds to create better parity with India...that's about $ 5-8 Billion additional. And that's only do-able with economic growth, not violent protests and the only one who can deliver it is the current business minded government. No one else in Pakistan has the business acumen that foreign investors will trust (including the Chinese actually)

The current gov't is doing the right thing. Since they came in, they've brought over 75 Billion dollar's worth of investment including the $ 42 billion energy and infrastructure investments signed two days ago. By December 2017, your electric generation issue will have resolved by 80-90%. You know how huge that is for Pakistan? What couldn't happen in 70 years, happened in less than 5 year (one term).

And then there is a huge economic expansion boom coming up. You can either be a part of it or be left out and see your countrymen grow. I can write this with 100% certainty that your military wants the current administration to stay and expand the economy. There is 0% interest to topple it anymore.
Plus your entire parliament is with the gov't (something never happened before). So here you have PTI....but if you force the gov't out and everyone brings their vote power to the street......what would a military do? Kill 10, 20 or 30 million of its own people???? not going to happen. Time to close the shop on your little negative immature politics and participate in the growth of the country. It's beyond my imagination the level of leg pulling and selfishness you guys have for your country!! You guys don't need India to destroy you, these negative selfish politics will do the work if not stopped.

Treason ? It was always the talk by PMLn, for last many years (Gen. Pasha - the then ISI chief - is supporting PTI) - waikee, waikee.
@Leader @Norwegian My friend is from Sahiwal. He told me once again PTI should had chosen biger place for Jalsa. There were many more ppl outside jalsa ground than inside. When jalsa ended ppl who tried to come out were meet by ppl who tried to enter jalsa ground. Once again not good managment since many more ppl came than PTI had planned.
@Leader stop posting these fake manipulated pix from the rally. Its not possible to gather that many people without help of Patwaris and DCO's. Shame on you!
@SBD-3 @cb4 @AsianUnion @Aether @xyxmt @Proudpakistaniguy @Waffen SS @FaujHistorian @Major Sam @Tameem @Ranches @ghoul @Jf Thunder

Geo says only 100 people attended the rally so I believe them not you! Ro Imran Ro :D

I believe it is time for all of us to move on from Jalsas and dharnas.

We have a lot of work to do.

And to help ourselves accomplish tough goals, the first thing we need is to be calm, and focused.

No one can shout their way to success.

Not even Sh Rasheed (or his puppet IK).
What does the DG of ISI has to do with politics.....hope you realize that's treason. You guys are so desperate due to shameful constant failures with protests and all..... that you now openly use military's name for point scoring .
I think its time IK lets it go. The Balloon has burst......Gen. Raheel wants the Army, Navy and the PAF to have additional funds to create better parity with India...that's about $ 5-8 Billion additional. And that's only do-able with economic growth, not violent protests and the only one who can deliver it is the current business minded government. No one else in Pakistan has the business acumen that foreign investors will trust (including the Chinese actually)

The current gov't is doing the right thing. Since they came in, they've brought over 75 Billion dollar's worth of investment including the $ 42 billion energy and infrastructure investments signed two days ago. By December 2017, your electric generation issue will have resolved by 80-90%. You know how huge that is for Pakistan? What couldn't happen in 70 years, happened in less than 5 year (one term).

And then there is a huge economic expansion boom coming up. You can either be a part of it or be left out and see your countrymen grow. I can write this with 100% certainty that your military wants the current administration to stay and expand the economy. There is 0% interest to topple it anymore.
Plus your entire parliament is with the gov't (something never happened before). So here you have PTI....but if you force the gov't out and everyone brings their vote power to the street......what would a military do? Kill 10, 20 or 30 million of its own people???? not going to happen. Time to close the shop on your little negative immature politics and participate in the growth of the country. It's beyond my imagination the level of leg pulling and selfishness you guys have for your country!! You guys don't need India to destroy you, these negative selfish politics will do the work if not stopped.

Thanks bro

This is very rational and sane argument.

Hope all of us listen to you the voices of sanity.
Treason ? It was always the talk by PMLn, for last many years (Gen. Pasha - the then ISI chief - is supporting PTI) - waikee, waikee.

You ignored the entire point about your country's economic growth, poor individual's growing their income base, more trade, business, jobs coming and getting created in Pakistan without having the money.....will you invest in a high risk company about to go bankrupt? The answer is no, but the current gov't managed to bring about tremendous investment which will lead to tremendous growth and changing the face of Pakistan. BUT.....your IK doesn't want that, he wants to do violence, political terrorism and negative politics. If you think he'll have a place in a mature modern society, you are sadly mistaken. His true fate, you'll see in the next elections. Anyone harming its country's system with either negative anti-progress actions or posing a direct threat to a country's economic growth should be treated with treason. You are trying to hold 200+ million people's future hostage because one selfish person wants to be a Prime Minister without having the skill set or the ability.
I believe it is time for all of us to move on from Jalsas and dharnas.
We have a lot of work to do.
And to help ourselves accomplish tough goals, the first thing we need is to be calm, and focused.
No one can shout their way to success.
Not even Sh Rasheed (or his puppet IK).

This is history in making. The flow of investment is so much over the next few years that if the Pakistanis people participate in positive politics and have nationalism and work hard for Pakistan (not for individuals like IK or others), the entire face of Pakistan will be different by 2020 !!!! Something that Pakistan could NEVER do on its own due to lack of money for the most basic things.
You guys as a nation need to become like how the Indians are..... quiet and supporting Modi for his agenda (whether they like him or not). This is not for individuals like IK or others. YOU THE PEOPLE have to look at your future, your kids future and the country's future. Violent, destructive and negative protests don't produce results, they take the country down. If you as a nation don't work together and hard to grow Pakistan, history and your next generations will never forgive you.
At this time, you now have all the ingredients to for a vertical climb on the world's economical map. If you fail due to leg pulling and ticked off the Chinese and they ran away.....you can't blame anyone including God. The opportunity was there and you ruined it with negativity.
@Leader @Norwegian My friend is from Sahiwal. He told me once again PTI should had chosen biger place for Jalsa. There were many more ppl outside jalsa ground than inside. When jalsa ended ppl who tried to come out were meet by ppl who tried to enter jalsa ground. Once again not good managment since many more ppl came than PTI had planned.
Its not PTI's fault that Geo predicted only 100 people would come @FaujHistorian @orangzaib
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