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PTI resigns from assemblies.

It is an economic vision, not a feasibility report. PTI will use several experts to determine a viable economic revival policy for Pakistan, if it comes to power.

Reforms are in effect in KPK: Analysis: In Khyber-Pakhtunkhwa budget, PTI lays out a strong start – The Express Tribune

Right now, PTI operates under a fixed budget and focused on economic needs of KPK. However, not all of its demands are met by Federal government. Still, PTI have demonstrated best economic management in Pakistan in current times so far: Imran congratulates KP govt for best financial management

A vision that has no feasibility is just blindness by another name.

KPK's financial management is best under PTI, much better then that of ANP. Pay attention to ground realities.

But why are they resigning before people can even begin to see the difference that you are claiming?
Yara, tumhain' to koi bhee acha nahin' lagta........ perhaps, not even yourself........... why bother convincing the rest of us about our political views! :D

But why are they resigning before people can even begin to see the difference that you are claiming?
I am claiming?

Hopeless. Carry on.

All of PTI's claims in KPK about improvements are not yet realized. And yet they are choosing to resign instead of working hard to make them come true, which they could over the rest of their elected term.
Yara, tumhain' to koi bhee acha nahin' lagta........ perhaps, not even yourself........... why bother convincing the rest of us about our political views! :D

Wrrora, Khan even declared Afridi to be a 'Non-Pashtun' if he doesn't join tomorrow's dharna ! :o:

I thought the only thing that can make a Pashtun....a Non-Pashtun was 'bathing' ! :unsure:

Let me check with @EyanKhan - Ain't that so Little Brother.....its that pungent odor coming from Pashtuns that is the hall-mark of Pashtuns right ? :whistle:

Kiyun @Icarus sahiii keh rahaa hooon ? :angel:

Sometimes I think that racism is part & parcel of who I am ! :D
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Maybe this is what they want? KPK has lot issues where PTI maybe falling short. All this stunt maybe to named as political shaheed?

As I said in my first post this thread: KPK Govt is the biggest political tool Imran Khan has and so they DON'T want to lose that; however, PTI's strength in the KPK assembly is not very strong and PTI loses big way if JI joins PMLN in KPK.

PTI can only be Political Shaheeds if/when the Center dissolved KPK assembly--you know, people still talk about ZAB sacking Wali Khan govt in the 70's. And that's why PTI doesn't want to lose their KPK govt and is needling the Federal govt in a dangerous Center-Province conflict: Not only PTI would look like some 'authority' instead of a 'mob' (which they are becoming) but there is the potential to gain the Siasi Shaheed status. Two in one! But, too bad, PTI doesn't have the numbers either on the streets or in KPK assembly.
No - As PTI doesn't hold even opposition leader position in national assembly.

Bro PPP has also hinted to go for Mid Term Election - Qamar zaman Qaira said so and before this Election commission of pakistan said they will go for Poll on the seats which PTI will abandon.
Imran Khan about Afridi :cuckoo:

Wasim Akram is already a PTI supporter, let's see if Afridi is a real Pathan.

@Hyperion what do you think being a pushtoon.
Bro PPP has also hinted to go for Mid Term Election - Qamar zaman Qaira said so and before this Election commission of pakistan said they will go for Poll on the seats which PTI will abandon.

PPP has the smartest political strategists in Pakistan, is the most experienced political party with the exception of Jamaat e Islami. Like all parties they too want power. But I don't think they are ready yet. They didn't even fully participate in 2013 elections--saving their resources for another day. Yes, they will take part in By-Polls but don't want Midterm elections.

What PPP is most probably hoping for is to that, somehow, PTI vs PMLN confrontation allows PPP enough space back to win enough in Punjab to form the next govt. They lost Punjab since 1979--thanks to Zia--but they still have millions of voters in Punjab as the 2008 elections showed.
How is this going to end , fall of govt. ? re election ? Imran becoming PM ? Qadri becoming an evil dictator ? :D
Correct. IF the rumours of JI joining PMLN in KPK is correct then IK is politically finished unless PMLN screws up the governance in the country in big way.
PML-N would not and should not interfere in KPK government unless PTI resigns. And you will see that PTI will not resign from KPK assembly, there were rumors that majority of PTI candidates would re-contest the elections as independent candidates. There is just too much to lose for PTI in KPK than gaining.

Bro PPP has also hinted to go for Mid Term Election - Qamar zaman Qaira said so and before this Election commission of pakistan said they will go for Poll on the seats which PTI will abandon.
Those are called bi-elections, not mid-term elections. And majority of PTI's abandoned seats in KPK will fall to ANP in urban and JI/JUI in rural areas while those to PML-N in Punjab. I am excluding the possibility that PTI members would re-contest the elections as independent candidates.
PML-N would not and should not interfere in KPK government unless PTI resigns. And you will see that PTI will not resign from KPK assembly, there were rumors that majority of PTI candidates would re-contest the elections as independent candidates. There is just too much to lose for PTI in KPK than gaining.

Those are called bi-elections, not mid-term elections.
i raised 2 points man Mid term Election if PPP and MQM not go with Govt and Bi-Election (1 month ago EC said if PTI resign from Assemblies) they will go for Bye - Election.

BTW within 2 days KPK govt will in hands of noora, 14 seats PMLN, 6 Seats JI, 12 seats of Mullah Diesel against 30 odd seats of PTI. tit for tat for IK by Govt

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