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Congratulations In Advance For Winning The 2018 General Elections....#MirMak

By. Mir Mohammad Alikhan

Few months earlier i had written an article that political financial cases are almost impossible to proof even in the best of the western courts where there are forensic financial experts, trail of paperwork, best of the prosecutors and the banks and transfer agents cooperating. No political leader in the past 50 years has ever been convicted of financial crimes in the world. They have been convicted of war crimes, genocide, racketeering but never financial crimes. Why ? There are several reasons. The one that tops the lists is that friends do not convict friends. Politicians no matter where they are remain friends, from east all the way to the west. Secondly the banks that hold the funds of politicians from around the world are usually situated in the western countries and as long as the western leaders have some usage of the eastern politicians, they will not allow any conviction to take place. Case in hand Mr. Altaf Hussain and the cash caught from home, hard core cash. Had it been any other regular person he would be in jail for 30 years.

Further, the evidence which Panama Leaks documents provide are absolutely inadmissible in court of law. Why ? Because they were obtained through hacking, which makes those documents illegal. And nothing obtained through illegal means can ever be admitted in the court of law. Furthermore, what makes financial cases impossible to trace is the fact that a leader can set up an offshore account at a bank in country A. The country A account is owned through a trust in country B. The country B trust is managed by a law firm in country C. The court goes after country A account and does not find any ownership links to the leader in question because it is owned by a trust in country B. So the country A court sends a notice for information regarding the account to country B but the country B judge will immediately say that no crime was convicted in country B hence no information can be revealed. Secondly the lawyers, and the powerful ones, file a motion to seal the information under "Client Lawyer Privilege" laws regarding the names of the trustees and other information of the trust in country B.

So this musical chairs game continues till the cows come home. No leader's money, ever in the history has been brought back to the origin of the leader's country ever. Ferdinand Marcos of Philippines looted $10 billion. Mobutu Sese Seko of Zaire looted $5 billion. Sani Abacha of Nigeria $3 billion. Slobodan Milosevic of Serbia $3 billion. Suharto of Indonesia $35 nillion between 1967 to 1998. Jean-Claude Duvalier of Haiti over $ 1 billion and i can go on writing all the way to the beginning of the century.

This is the irony of the financial system. It protects the powerful and punishes the weak. Like it or not this is the reality and it is not about to change anytime soon. Specially in a country like Pakistan where financial forensic is almost zero and it has no clout to ask other countries to cooperate. So sit tight and regret that the street power, the only power in the world, the power of the people burst like a bubble of some detergent and evaporated into thin air today.
English the official language of this forum except Members Club where local languages are allowed up to certain extent. So next time please write a post only in English

Thank you

So now we're not allowed to write a post in punjabi or urdu at a Pakistani forum? :o:

@Oscar @waz @Horus
I do not agree that PTI CANNOT pull crowd - this is not the case - given a level playing field (or even a little averse too) they can pull one of the largest crowds in Pakistani political arena - but the question is; the "Deferral" was the right tactic rather than dropping the protest from high pitch point.

We can give them benefit of doubt to SCP - as there is no doubt in PMLN's camp that this courts "mood" is not what they usually are accustomed to. How long ? It remains like this is to be seen - as there are reports that two blue eyed boys of PMLN are working on "arrangements" to lure at least two of the judges of this bench aka Justice Afzal Lone style - remember - anyone?
Congratulations In Advance For Winning The 2018 General Elections....#MirMak

By. Mir Mohammad Alikhan

Few months earlier i had written an article that political financial cases are almost impossible to proof even in the best of the western courts where there are forensic financial experts, trail of paperwork, best of the prosecutors and the banks and transfer agents cooperating. No political leader in the past 50 years has ever been convicted of financial crimes in the world. They have been convicted of war crimes, genocide, racketeering but never financial crimes. Why ? There are several reasons. The one that tops the lists is that friends do not convict friends. Politicians no matter where they are remain friends, from east all the way to the west. Secondly the banks that hold the funds of politicians from around the world are usually situated in the western countries and as long as the western leaders have some usage of the eastern politicians, they will not allow any conviction to take place. Case in hand Mr. Altaf Hussain and the cash caught from home, hard core cash. Had it been any other regular person he would be in jail for 30 years.

Further, the evidence which Panama Leaks documents provide are absolutely inadmissible in court of law. Why ? Because they were obtained through hacking, which makes those documents illegal. And nothing obtained through illegal means can ever be admitted in the court of law. Furthermore, what makes financial cases impossible to trace is the fact that a leader can set up an offshore account at a bank in country A. The country A account is owned through a trust in country B. The country B trust is managed by a law firm in country C. The court goes after country A account and does not find any ownership links to the leader in question because it is owned by a trust in country B. So the country A court sends a notice for information regarding the account to country B but the country B judge will immediately say that no crime was convicted in country B hence no information can be revealed. Secondly the lawyers, and the powerful ones, file a motion to seal the information under "Client Lawyer Privilege" laws regarding the names of the trustees and other information of the trust in country B.

So this musical chairs game continues till the cows come home. No leader's money, ever in the history has been brought back to the origin of the leader's country ever. Ferdinand Marcos of Philippines looted $10 billion. Mobutu Sese Seko of Zaire looted $5 billion. Sani Abacha of Nigeria $3 billion. Slobodan Milosevic of Serbia $3 billion. Suharto of Indonesia $35 nillion between 1967 to 1998. Jean-Claude Duvalier of Haiti over $ 1 billion and i can go on writing all the way to the beginning of the century.

This is the irony of the financial system. It protects the powerful and punishes the weak. Like it or not this is the reality and it is not about to change anytime soon. Specially in a country like Pakistan where financial forensic is almost zero and it has no clout to ask other countries to cooperate. So sit tight and regret that the street power, the only power in the world, the power of the people burst like a bubble of some detergent and evaporated into thin air today.
This is true - it will depend on what trajectory the case has - if it is for money laundering (what and how money was sent abroad - was it from known sources, if yes, was it declared etc.,) then there are several cases where many have been handed down punishments.

If the case is solely of Off-shore without going into root cause - then I totally agree - no hope!
The roads was required to be cleared by today, as 50 CPEC containers had started early morning from Khunjerab and will be going to Gwadar via Abbottabad. ... Burhan .. Kohat... DIK... Zhob by tomorrow. ....
This route was told to be cleared by today....

Clear this Mess was the advise.........No more mess on roads acceptable.!!!
CPEC Road / route can not be blocked any more ....

Well done 3rd Umpire.

@Horus @The Eagle @Spy Master @Farah Sohail @Verve @Peaceful Civilian
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Pakistan lost 2% of its GDP in 2013 due to the failed dharna by Pakistan Tehrik-e-Insaf and this time around billions of Rupees have been wiped off Pakistani stock market.

What exactly is billionaire Imran Khan good at other than hurting Pakistani economy?
You mean the economy that is built by taking the highest record loans in the history of Pakistan and by keeping national assets mortgage.
Stop spreading BS lies of this so called economy.
looks like you are on crack, where does it say that the government will be investigating itself?

The SC will be investigating not PMLN govt.
My dear bro
Courts are not investigative agencies. No court on this planet earth ever does that.
The roads was required to be cleared by today, as 50 CPEC containers had started early morning from Khunjerab and will be going to Gwadar via Abbottabad. ... Burhan .. Kohat... DIK... Zhob by tomorrow. ....
This route was told to be cleared by today....

Clear this Mess was the advise.........No more mess on roads acceptable.!!!
CPEC Road / route can not be blocked any more ....

Well done 3rd Umpire.

@Horus @The Eagle @Spy Master @Farah Sohail @Verve @Peaceful Civilian

Thia should be part of constitution that no one (not even government) can block main arteries of the country in any situation other than war.
This is a great victory for PTI and Imran Khan. He has forced pm potato to do something he was avoiding; facing a vicious supreme court. pm potato wanted to go out as a siyasi shaheed but now he can get disqualified.
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PMLN was trying to suck in the Army (to become martyrs), and it all turned on them (& PPP) when Imran managed to suck in Supreme Court.

Master stroke by IK.

It is.
Article 15 of the constitution.

Who is taking a case to the court then?
The roads was required to be cleared by today, as 50 CPEC containers had started early morning from Khunjerab and will be going to Gwadar via Abbottabad. ... Burhan .. Kohat... DIK... Zhob by tomorrow. ....
This route was told to be cleared by today....

Clear this Mess was the advise.........No more mess on roads acceptable.!!!
CPEC Road / route can not be blocked any more ....

Well done 3rd Umpire.

@Horus @The Eagle @Spy Master @Farah Sohail @Verve @Peaceful Civilian

Sir, i dont know...but it seems..everyone has stakes in this status quo..and third umpire, 4th umpire, they all intervene in a manner, and at a point tht favors the status quo....... Third umpire could intervene earlier too, which could put pressure on the govt..in multiple ways.(not martial law) ...also..why they didnt stop govt from blocking roads, earlier, in the first place?

I say this, with a heavy heart...but i dont care, what happens next...
Sir, i dont know...but it seems..everyone has stakes in this status quo..and third umpire, 4th umpire, they all intervene in a manner, and at a point tht favors the status quo....... Third umpire could intervene earlier too, which could put pressure on the govt..in multiple ways.(not martial law) ...also..why they didnt stop govt from blocking roads, earlier, in the first place?

I say this, with a heavy heart...but i dont care, what happens next...

You will eventually get the picture...
Just stay optimistic, always.

Pessimism never serves anyone well.

Allah does not like people who loose hope in HIM.
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