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PTI Lockdown cancelled, changed to 'Thanksgivng Day'

Delaying tactics, old pantra. Good that court declined the question of maintainability raised by attorney general, rest of the proceeding was beyond me.

Mark my words... Nawaz sharif will keep on delaying till the time..2018 elections will come near...or nawaz sharif will be acquitted for lack of evidence... No solid decision will come from SC... All those pinning hopes on judiciary should take a hint from today's proceedings
Maybe announcement of new COAS? I think it must be tht...

I think that awaited news was the formation of committee on news gate.

PML N's condition right now is like: Aa bail mujhay maar... please maar.... maar kyun nahi raha.... please maar mujhay... Koi ulti harkat karkay mujhay shaheed kar kay amar karday!
I think that awaited news was the formation of committee on news gate.

PML N's condition right now is like: Aa bail mujhay maar... please maar.... maar kyun nahi raha.... please maar mujhay... Koi ulti harkat karkay mujhay shaheed kar kay amar karday!

What a pathetic committee tht really is..which has Mukmuka /NRO written all over it.. Loll the head is a PML N nominee, for caretaker CM in Punjab in 2013..and all other members from Punjab, with one member being friend of Rana Mashood... But then...what? Army has decided, not to act...and only victims/fools are Pakistani awaam.... Aaaahhh... No matter how much, I try to control myself and, not to react.... These things compel me, to say all the same things over and over again.... Feel like a fool myself...but, as i said, mukmuka is our destiny
What a pathetic committee tht really is..which has Mukmuka /NRO written all over it.. Loll the head is a PML N nominee, for caretaker CM in Punjab in 2013..and all other members from Punjab, with one member being friend of Rana Mashood... But then...what? Army has decided, not to act...and only victims/fools are Pakistani awaam.... Aaaahhh... No matter how much, I try to control myself and, not to react.... These things compel me, to say all the same things over and over again.... Feel like a fool myself...but, as i said, mukmuka is our destiny

There is a consensus among all CCs on Dawn scandal that this must be investigated by civilian government who should tell Army who was the main culprit behind this fake story (although they know). However, they are not on the same page when it comes to the action against that main culprit. Some are suggesting strong action, others want to avoid political chaos specially in the times when we have tensions on our eastern border.

But army wanted an unbiased report to be attested and confidentially submitted by interior ministry. They wanted to decide on the action later, after all this political war between PTI and PMLN is settled and Army Chief is retired peacefully.

This commission is an attempt by government to tell army "go to hell, do whatever you can" and then expecting a miracle of army take over so that NSs children's political careers are considerably extended.

Every new day brings something unexpected for us Pakistanis.

Edit (Added):
I can recall many Urdu mahawray on current situation:

1 - Aasteen kay saanp (Army thinks about PMLN)
2 - Daaman bacha kay chalna (Army's current strategy)
3 - Doosray kay kandhay par rakh kar bandooq chalana (Army's policy to get the report from interior ministry)
4 - Saanp bhi mar jaey aur laathi bhi na tootay (Army's future strategy)
There is a consensus among all CCs on Dawn scandal that this must be investigated by civilian government who should tell Army who was the main culprit behind this fake story (although they know). However, they are not on the same page when it comes to the action against that main culprit. Some are suggesting strong action, others want to avoid political chaos specially in the times when we have tensions on our eastern border.


@bold.. Amongst those..who want to avoid political chaos... ThankGod...we will have one less..in days to come..as Gen Raheel Sharif is retiring.... So it means ..one less, of the POV, who suggest..to avoid any strong action... Never in my wildest dreams, i had imagined...tht I will wait for Gen Raheel Sharif's retirment..but then strange things happen... I always thought earlier tht his retirement day will be a sad day..but now i eagerly wait for his retirement....

Those who think by avoiding strong action..against culprit, because we have tensions on eastern border...well..do they not realise, tht culprit was exactly helping our eastern enemies....so how exactly avoiding strong action against culprit, will help Pak, in tensions with India?infact it will be the opposite... Culrpit..(PM Nawaz and his daughetr) will repeat such acts in future..after they are let scott free in this treason case...

3 - Doosray kay kandhay par rakh kar bandooq chalana (Army's policy to get the report from interior ministry)
4 - Saanp bhi mar jaey aur laathi bhi na tootay (Army's future strategy)

Doosray ke kandhar par rakh kar bandooq chalana... Welll never going to happen.. Interior ministry is the one..which announced this joke of a committee today... So tht is not workable anymore..... Its out

Saanp bhi mar jaye aur laathi bhi na tootay.... Well...if this is the future strategy...how will it be possible? How they intend to do it...ke saanp bhi mar jaye aur laathi bhi na tootay? They are not willing to take any action against
Nawaz and his daughter..then how will Nawaz be punished..in a way ke woh mar bhi jaye aur laathi bhi na tootay? I see no way... Need more clarity on it? How can it be done?
Never in my wildest dreams, i had imagined...tht I will wait for Gen Raheel Sharif's retirment..but then strange things happen... I always thought earlier tht his retirement day will eb a sad day..but now i eagerly wait for his retirement....

Oh no.. Don't say this. He will be remembered as one of the finest professionals. Zarb e Azb, MQM, Baluchistan, CPEC security, TTP etc... are some of his many achievements. He was not failed in initiating action against NS, in fact he wanted an action but unfortunately, NS has unprecedented support in Punjab and has PPP on his side in Sindh. Both are very much capable of showing street power.

so how exactly avoiding strong action against culprit, will help Pak, in tensions with India?infact it will be the opposite.

If you think that strong action is arm twisting and not the martial law, then I can tell you, Army has already tried this. Last time when Chief met Nisar and Shahbaz, he was very harsh with them They never knew that angry RS before this meeting. Nisar was so afraid that he wanted to do as per the wishes of army and it was expected that NS, after hearing about this meeting from his younger brother, would resign. Later assurances from some western friends and strong engagement at the eastern border (by an eastern friend of NS) enabled him to take back his decision and he also convinced Nisar that army should take over rather than government resigning in pressure as it will give them political edge on opponents.

Welll never going to happen.. Interior ministry is the one..which announced this joke of a committee today... So tht is not workable anymore..... Its out

You are right. Army expected that after last meeting, Nisar will oblige. However, it was also expected that government might take a foolish step (foolish for army, not for PMLN as for them, it is the best time to become political martyrs). So if army doesn't take any strong action (for me only one strong option is left and that is over throwing the government to bring a national government who would arrange new elections), expect some more foolish actions from government's side to provoke army.

They are not willing to take any action against
Nawaz and his daughter..then how will Nawaz be punished..in a way ke woh mar bhi jaye aur laathi bhi na tootay? I see no way... Need more clarity on it?

They are waiting for Panama leaks inquiry to complete. They are not interfering in the matter, however, if courts do not do justice after so much assurances from army, then they have a plan B. I am not sure but expect fractions within PMLN after this inquiry is completed and the results do not come as expected.
Oh no.. Don't say this. He will be remembered as one of the finest professionals. Zarb e Azb, MQM, Baluchistan, CPEC security, TTP etc... are some of his many achievements. He was not failed in initiating action against NS, in fact he wanted an action but unfortunately, NS has unprecedented support in Punjab and has PPP on his side in Sindh. Both are very much capable of showing street power.

Yes....i am happy for action in karachi particularly, against MQM.... Being a karachiite..no one hates MQM and Altaf Hussain more than me..so i am happy for tht.... But just like PML N and PPP, have street power and support in Punjab and Sindh, MQM had much more terror value and fear factor in karachi...before action by rangers on 90, no one could even imagine such a thing... So when Gen Raheel Sharif took a bold step there, without any fear, he should have done the same in Punjab too..

If you think that strong action is arm twisting and not the martial law, then I can tell you, Army has already tried this. Last time when Chief met Nisar and Shahbaz, he was very harsh with them They never knew that angry RS before this meeting. Nisar was so afraid that he wanted to do as per the wishes of army and it was expected that NS, after hearing about this meeting from his younger brother, would resign. Later assurances from some western friends and strong engagement at the eastern border (by an eastern friend of NS) enabled him to take back his decision and he also convinced Nisar that army should take over rather than government resigning in pressure as it will give them political edge on opponents.

@bold.. If Nawaz Sharif resigned..after tht meeting..then even tht would have made him political martyr, right? Which army wants to avoid?

By strong action..i dont mean Martial law...but taking action against few ppl under Army act...which is part of our constituition... Dont arrest Maryam Nawaz...but arrest few ppl like Fawad Hasan Fawad, and Rao tehseen... Arrest of even these ppl, under army act, would have been enough to scare Nawaz..as he would be thinking tht what if these ppl give evidence to army regd maryam and his own involvment?... If army wouldnt have arrested Maryam nawaz..and instead few bureaucrats..it would have been enough action to scare Nawaz, without making him political martyr... Nawaz sharif would have been insecure..but still not political martyr.. Play with Nawaz's fear.....and his mind..while not arresting Maryam Nawaz... It would have been a sweet revenge...and then at the same time, wait for action against Nawaz from SC, on panama leaks

Such action under army act...would also have shown public..tht army is serious abt this case...and not just matti pao/mukmuka

You are right. Army expected that after last meeting, Nisar will oblige. However, it was also expected that government might take a foolish step (foolish for army, not for PMLN as for them, it is the best time to become political martyrs). So if army doesn't take any strong action (for me only one strong option is left and that is over throwing the government to bring a national government who would arrange new elections), expect some more foolish actions from government's side to provoke army.

I had lot of respect for Ch Nisar before this case.. He was one of those rare ppl in PML N, whom I respected..but this case shows tht he is no different than others in PML N... Just a loyalist to Nawaz..

They are waiting for Panama leaks inquiry to complete. They are not interfering in the matter, however, if courts do not do justice after so much assurances from army, then they have a plan B. I am not sure but expect fractions within PMLN after this inquiry is completed and the results do not come as expected.

I sooo hope...tht arny does have a plan B...otherwise, we are doomed... Govt wil keep provoking army, army doesnt take any step to avoid making them political martyr...it means... Politicians will then have a free run, to do whatever they like.... So, i sincerely hope tht army does have plan B, instead of just sitting like lame duck

Also, lets see...who our new COAS will be? As per rumors on news channels.....Nawaz Sharif wants either of Gen Ramday or Gen Qamar Javed Bajwa..as the next COAS.. He will never want either from Gen Zubair hayat ir Gen Ashfaq Nadeem to be COAS.. Nawaz Sharif will want a very lenient man.... I soo hope, a miracle happens...and he is not able to appoint a COAS of his choice, somehow..
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