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PM Imran announces Rs162 billion package for Karachi


KARACHI: Prime Minister Imran Khan on Saturday announced Rs162 billion package for Karachi, stressing the need for a chalking out a master- plan for nation's commercial hub.

The prime minister said as many as 18 projects would be undertaken under Karachi package including 10 for transport.

"A master-plan is required to solve the problems facing Karachi," the premier said at a press briefing.

Prime minister Khan also underscored the need for vertical development in order to stop expansion of the city which he said become an obstacle in providing basic amenities.

He said the government would also construction of high-rise buildings in the city to restrain the expansion.

"Karachi seems like a concrete slab," he said and urged the Sindh government to preserve green areas in the city.

"There is a need to stop Karachi from further expansion," he said, adding that his government would hammer out a master-plan.

Talking about water shortage, he said no campaign was launched in the Karachi to save water. He said big water reservoir could be built by saving water.

He said Karachi's development was vital for the development of the entire country .

The prime minister said the Sindh government was responsible for looking after the city.

The prime minister also inaugurated Bagh Ibn-e-Qasim and lauded Karachi Mayor Waseem Akhtar for launching the project.

The Prime Minister, who is on a two-day visit to the metropolis, will also hold important meeting regarding development projects in the city.

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"All our national life stooges of the past and present colonial masters have led us. Their contribution has been merely to mortgage our children's future and short change our dignity by making compromises under the guise of the much-abused supreme national interest."

Our Ideology

As a nation we cannot progress as long as our economy depends on handouts from international lenders and donors. The policies of international lenders have strangulated the capacity of the ordinary citizen to live a life of dignity. We must strive for self-reliance. The goal of self-reliance does not in any way imply that we isolate ourselves from the global economy. It only shows our conviction that by restoring the trust of the people in public institutions we can harness their potential and mobilize them for a better tomorrow.

We offer a new and credible leadership that is committed to restoring Pakistan's political and economic sovereignty by building a new bond of trust between the government and the people. Only through the active participation of the people can we collectively mobilize our human and material resources to forge ahead on the road to a confident and self-reliant nation.

We are committed to political stability through credible democracy, transparency in government and accountability of leadership. We believe in federalism and functional autonomy to the provinces.

We strive a moderate society that banishes hatred and religious bigotry. We are focused on addressing the root causes of religious extremism, which are injustice, poverty, unemployment, and illiteracy while Islam and the Two-Nation Theory remain the bedrock of Pakistan's foundations, religious dogma must not be used to whip up passions to create fear in society. On the contrary, a truly Islamic society advocates tolerance, moderation and freedom to practice the religion of one's choice without fear. Sectarianism is a curse that must be eliminated from society.

Our family values bind society. We must preserve and strengthen them, as they are our strengths for the future. Despite the grinding poverty and injustice, it is the structure of the family that keeps the social fabric intact. Mere passing laws do not change ground realities that force parents to send their children to work. We cannot ignore the present dismal of the children in terms of their right to healthcare, nutrition, and education. Our mothers need to be healthy and educated to properly nurture our young.

An Islamic Society must care for its senior citizens who are most vulnerable. They need special attention and care as not only are they vulnerable, but also most valuable and yet most neglected part of society.

Pakistan is a great experiment in nurturing and sustaining political unity among diverse people based on common ideology. Despite the common strands of national unity, we have rich and diverse cultures, including those of the religious minorities. Cultural and ethnic diversity doesn't bring discord but makes our society rich and tolerant. We must nurture and allow every opportunity for this diversity of culture and traditions to flourish.

Our Mission

To establish a just society based on humane values while continuously upholding the self-esteem of the nation. The PTI will restore the sovereign and inalienable right of the people to choose political and economic options in accordance with our social, cultural, and religious values. We are broad-based movement for change whose mission is to create a free society based on justice. We know that national renewal is only possible if people are truly free.

Our leadership approaches the people with sincerity and a sense of history and we pledge to commitment to:

Freedom from Political, Economic and Mental Slavery - A self reliant modern Islamic Republic
Freedom from Injustice - Inexpensive and quick dispensation of justice
Freedom from Poverty - 50 percent increase in per capita income in 5 years
Freedom from Unemployment - Two million new jobs every year
Freedom from Homelessness - 2.0 lac new housing units every year and complete ownership right to millions living in Katchi Abadis
Freedom from Illiteracy - Full literacy in 5 years
Freedom to Generate Wealth
Freedom from Fear - Complete Freedom of thought and expression
Freedom for Women - Free education up to Matric for girls from poor households.
Equal right for minorities - no religious discrimination

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Funniest thing i have ever read on this website. You have conquered 'Humor'
Shortly after, Tareen via Twitter took a swipe at Qureshi, saying: "There is only one man in my life whom I consider my leader and to whom I am answerable. His name is Imran Khan."

Jahangir Khan Tareen


There's only one man in my life whom I consider my leader & to whom I'm answerable. His name is Imran Khan. I've stood by his side through thick and thin and will continue to do so till my last breath, IA. What others may say for their own strange reasons does not concern me .

6:13 AM - Apr 1, 2019
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"I have stood by his side through thick and thin and will continue to do so till my last breath, IA. What others may say for their own strange reasons does not concern me," he added, without naming Qureshi.

PTI leader and cabinet member Faisal Vawda lent support to Tareen, saying that he sits in official meetings on the insistence of cabinet members, including himself.

"He has selflessly done a lot for the party, we respect him as a senior colleague and learn from his expertise. Nobody in the party can dictate us, the prime minister is our leader and we take instructions from him only," he added.

Faisal Vawda@FaisalVawdaPTI

JKT sits in official meetings on the insistence of cabinet members including myself.He has selflessly done a lot for the party,we respect him as a senior colleague & learn from his expertise.Nobody in the party can DICTATE us, PM is our leader & we take instructions from him only.


7:07 AM - Apr 1, 2019
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PM Khan listed 9th famous leader on Twitter
April 4, 2019

Prime Minister Imran Khan becomes the 9th famed leader on microblogging website Twitter.

According to the numbers and stats all over the world in politics, history, science, technology, the spectator index on Twitter has issued the list of world’s most renowned leaders in which PM Imran Khan with 9.4 million followers and has easily come number 9th on the list.

Many users did take to Twitter to comment on the list and state that Barrack Obama should be number 1 as he has 105 million followers but keeping in mind that he is not a current leader or is not serving in capacity of any government is why he has been kept off that list.
It’s do or die for PTI. Pakistan need major drastic changes to fix the things. President and PM, both will have to use their power to bring require constitutional changes to send all corruption and money laundering cases to special military court, make NAB more powerful and restructuring FBR or introduce brand new tax collections system 1000 times better than FBR.
Imran Khan ka Inqalbi Billion Tree Tsunami Ana Wali Naslo Ko Sehat Mand Mahool Fariham Karya Gaa

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